> The PB Debate: Should Miranda forgive Susan?
It’s every mother’s worst nightmare - your once fit and healthy child is involved in an accident which threatens to turn their whole world upside down. The hobbies and activities they had once thrived on are no longer within their capabilities, and even everyday tasks such as moving around the house require the use of a stick. The situation would be incredibly difficult to accept. But imagine if it was someone who you’d once considered a friend who had forced your child into this position. Would you be able to forgive them? Or would you vow never to speak to them again? As Miranda Parker faces this dilemma in UK episodes of Neighbours, we take a look at both sides of the argument, and leave it to you to make the final decision.

Yes by Kate
Although Miranda has only known Susan for a short time, it should be as clear to her as it is to the viewer that Susan’s moral conscience is too far advanced of someone who would run down their friend’s child and leave them to die by the roadside. Surely that kind of deed would require a more callous personality than that of everyone’s favourite Erinsborough teacher? In fairness, the only reasonable explanation for Susan leaving the scene of the crime, is that she was blissfully unaware that a crime had even been committed. Having herself suffered the pain of watching a daughter attempt to overcome injuries caused by a motoring accident, she is fully aware of the pain caused by such tragedies and would therefore hate to see new friend Miranda face anything similar. Had she realised what had happened, she would have gotten out of the car and done everything she could to help.
Another issue which deserves a mention in the context of this argument is Susan’s illness. Admittedly, it hasn’t helped her cause that it has all but disappeared since the accident, but we mustn’t forget that Susan’s mysterious narcolepsy-like illness is the real reason behind the incident. Had she not have fallen asleep at the wheel, this whole sequence of events would have been avoided.
Since the accident, Susan has shown nothing but remorse for her actions. The pain it has caused her is clearly visible in her face. Every time she lays eyes on Bridget (which is frighteningly often given the recent Salvation Army/swimming pool plot devices), it’s plain to see that she regrets what happened, yet struggles to find a way to put things right.
But, for Miranda, Susan’s remorse is not enough. What will it take for her to feel that justice has been served? For Susan’s family to be torn apart just as hers has been? For Susan to be sent to prison, and for Bridget’s friends to be left without their Stepmum, after already facing the death of both parents? Isn’t that a little extreme?
Even Bridget can find it in her heart to forgive Susan and accept that the accident was exactly that – an accident.

No by Steve
Fully aware that she was not in tip top health, Susan should never have gotten behind the wheel of a car in the first place. The fact that she was struggling to keep her eyes open for longer than five minutes should have been enough to deter her. Furthermore, she should never have attempted to drive a car which was unfamiliar to her, a task which is often difficult enough without the added complications of being too unwell to stay awake. She is an intelligent woman and would almost certainly have understood the risks associated with her actions.
It is a very serious health complaint which allows you to knock down a teenage girl and not even be aware of it. Certainly it’s a complaint which, if you were to suffer from it, you would avoid driving a car for at least a few days, wouldn’t you?
Let’s not forget that Susan drifted out of consciousness for a short time and, during this time, she managed to hit something. Yes, she thought it was the kerb, but shouldn’t she have gotten out of the car and checked? Or perhaps taken a few moments to wake up and compose herself before driving off, an action which could have put even more lives at risk? Couldn’t she have rung Karl and asked to be picked up? These were not the actions of a responsible member of the community. Karl himself has admitted being angry about the way she behaved.
Susan plans to plead guilty. Where guilty is defined as “responsible for wrongdoing”, there is no doubt that this can be applied to Susan and, therefore, there are no grounds for allowing her to avoid prosecution, regardless of Bridget’s forgiveness.
Bridget, a once very active and sporty teenager, is facing the possibility of never being able to partake in her favourite activites again. The person who caused her this pain should undoubtedly be punished and Miranda has every right to be upset and angry, for as long as her daughter is unable to live her life the way she once did.