Stingray's dead and we can't stop crying
Dylan's gone and we still can't stop crying
Frazer being trampled by horses and paralyzed just as he was about to get back together with Rosie
Izzy not being back in the show permanently
Neil Morrissey playing a vicar. It would have been fine if we hadn't had all the other cameos flying around London, but as it was it was rather confusing
The BBC's new ECP system - why bother playing the credits at all if we aren't able to read them? It took years for a credit style to be produced that actually meant that they didn't have to be squashed for the ECP, and when it is brought in, they change the ECP style
Janae even considering taking Boyd back after everything that's happened
Creepy inflatable clowns leaving messages on doorsteps
Abby still lingering around like a bad smell