Kate only being on screen for two weeks
Libby Kennedy - she has chemistry with every character in the cast
Didge and Dec's protest over the school's ban on PDAs
Charlie and his little suitcase
Pairing up Toadie and Nicola - it's done wonders for her character
Paul's painful confession to Kirsten
Ned's finally gone! (We loved him really)
The years of history and complicated relationships of the Steph/Toadie/Libby friendship
Donna - a wonderful new character who's already bringing lots of comedy to the show
Lucas - a nice guy with a nasty edge makes a refreshing change from all the psychos of recent years
Toadie and Dan's double act at number 30
All of the costumes at Declan's 18th birthday - particularly Rebecca the Stepford Wife and Karl as Yoko Ono