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Interactive > Crazy Caption 2004

Crazy Caption is a weekly feature on our sister site, the Neighbours Message Board. Each week, we'll be picking a winning caption to our posted image. Why not head over to the board and join in the fun! These are the entries from 2004.

12 December 2004: "Wow, these new backdrop paintings are amazing"
Submitted by the wonderful Billy L. Well done.

Honourable mentions also go to Enunciate from the board with: "Woody? Is that you?" and peatot with: "The hills are alive with the sound of music!" .

05 December 2004: "I don't get it, Toadie said that drinking lots of beer makes women seem more attractive. I've been feeding her beers for hours but she doesn't look any better to me"
Submitted by email, by Scott. Well done.

28 November 2004: "Max, get over here! You're going to wave and smile whether you want to or not"
Submitted by forum member Enunciate.

21 November 2004: Phil made a mental note not to take fashion advice from Susan again.
Submitted by the charming Kate.

14 November 2004: By the time you read this, Jamie, you will be pulling up the lino in No.30 looking for more shares we left you. Your loving mother, Daphine xx
Submitted by our very own Rhys.

07 November 2004: "Does that mean I can't have a payrise?"
Submitted by forum member Enunciate. Congratulations.

31 October 2004: "Sit tight Lib, I'll just reattach your nose"
Submitted by forum member Andy. Well done.

Honourable mentions also go to Sean from the board with: "What is Lyn going to say when I tell her I shrunk her hat?" and Billy with: "I found this washed up on the shore. I wonder if it belonged to Dee?" .

24 October 2004: "You co-ordinate very well with the lamp, Mrs Rebecchi"
Submitted by the lovely Lucy. Hoorah.

17 October 2004: "Oh Lyn, this film is too scary to watch alone. Poor Bambi"
Submitted by Sean. Well done.

10 October 2004: "Come on Karl, where do you put the batteries?!"
Submitted by Claire. Congratulations.

03 October 2004: "You could have told me before I went to the audition that the Incredible Hulk is GREEN!"
Submitted by forum member Ashley83. Well done.

Honourable mentions also go to Andy from the board with: Ben couldn't help but laugh at Anne's clay model of Lance, which was missing two eyes. and Enunciate with: "Shall I dye my hair green?" .

26 September 2004: What do you MEAN there's no more hairspray?!
Submitted by our very own Billy.

19 September 2004: Ian and Janet couldn't hide their dismay as the producer informed them of their upcoming love affair...
Submitted by forum member Ashley83. Congratulations.

11 September 2004: Stuart, instead of doing this, why don't we just buy a new sofa?
Submitted by forum member Maverick. Well done.

04 September 2004: I knew earrings made of meat were a mistake.
Submitted by forum member Sir Karl. Well done.

Honourable mentions go to Teenage Monkey from the board with: Mr Bishop put his hand where? Ooh and Madge did that? Oh I do love a good bit of gossip!

14 August 2004: The Neighbours crew got ready to welcome their guest of honour, only to realise it was Holly Valance in the car
Submitted by forum member Mike. Well done.

Honourable mentions also go to Andy from the board with: Holly's hand was trying to tell her something, as it maniacally grasped at the Neighbours set. and Rhi with: Holly thought the plastic hand went well with her Barbie image....

08 August 2004: You're right, his bum does look big in that cassock.
Submitted by forum member Sean.

Honourable mentions also go to Claire with: Not realising that her Tom obsession is getting out of hand, Susan starts befriending random wedding guests just so she can visit the church more often.

01 August 2004: Oh I was supposed to turn left at the traffic lights...
Submitted by forum member Mike.

Honourable mentions also go to Enunciate with: I think I've found Dee!

25 July 2004: So I was born a year before mum and dad met? What happened?
Submitted by forum member Enunciate.

Honourable mentions also go to PB's very own Kate with: Gosh, Gran, you're right! When I squint, Dad does look like Mr. Potato Head. .

18 July 2004: Right. Joe, We are going to play hide and seek again and this time, do it properly!
Submitted by forum member russnet. Well done.

Honourable mentions also go to Andy from the board with: This bathroom really needs a good clean, I think I've even found some of Philip Martin's toenail clippings down here! and our very own Barry with: Are you sure you can get the ping pong ball into the sink from there?.

11 July 2004: Sindi's new career as a Dee-agram wasn't quite as lucrative as she'd hoped.
Submitted by email, from Jane

Special mention to Sir Karl from the board with: This task was appointed to you, Frodo of Ramsay Street.. Well done, folks
