
> Christmas With The Neighbours
that time of year once again, and we thought we’d ask a few
of the Neighbours stars what they normally get up to at Christmas,
and whether they have anything special planned for 2005…
Cawthorne (Reuben Hausman):
Well I guess Christmas for me is really a time to get together
with family and friends - kick back, relax and enjoy each
others company. Christmas Day tends to be a family affair,
with my dad this year insisting he make all the culinary preparations
(a great cook - so looking forward to a feast and a half!)
As the afternoon winds down and the evening approaches, I'll
probably spend the next couple of hours with my feet up before
catching up with some friends for a few evening drinks.

Dunwill (Geri Hallett):
Christmas is a pretty small family affair, which we start
celebrating on Christmas Eve. This continues through Christmas
Day and Boxing Day, by which time I'd be quite happy not to
see another fish or turkey for another twelve months! We exchange
presents on Christmas Eve, the European way, and then have
an Australian BBQ style lunch in the Summer heat the next
day. So my Christmas always feels like the best of both worlds.
There's nothing unusual or special planned this year - I'm
just planning to enjoy every minute with my wonderful family
and feel very lucky for the life I'm fortunate enough to live,
but hey, that's pretty special, if you ask me! Ahhhhhhhhh
sigh :-)

Files (Tom Ramsay):
Normally I spend Xmas in Tasmania where my partner and I
had a Convict Cottage (circa 1848) for some twenty two years.
But since we sold that three years ago we have had our Xmases
close to my sister and my nieces. Last year I was doing a
very big new Australian musical called "Eureka"
so I had to be in Melbourne - but when that finished I went
to Canada to Toronto to see my daughter Gemma (yes, that's
right my real daughter is called Gemma - named after the British
actress Gemma Jones) and my brand new grandson Callum - or
Cal, as we call him. That was a wonderful experience for me
- as I love both dearly... and bloody cold. I was reminded
why I chose to return home to Oz to live. I'd rather be too
hot than too cold, any time.
year my partner Janina and I will be 'house sitting' for a
friend in Hobart, Tasmania. Yes, we missed Tassie desperately
and all our friends there and will do the whole Chrissie thing
down there, complete with tiny tree in the dining room. Our
friend's daughter lives in Melbourne so there will be a bit
of a swap going on. Her house in Hobart is right where the
yachts from the Sydney to Hobart race come in and we LOVE
to watch the end of that - in person.

Fletcher (Karl Kennedy): Every second year, of
course, I do panto. This year, I’ll be at home so my Christmas
holidays will be spending time with the children, and we’ll
have two weeks holiday in Queensland – beautiful, sunny Queensland
– and go to the theme parks and have lots of fun.

Maunder (theme tune vocalist): Christmas varies
from year to year for me. I have family spread out across
Australia, so our meeting place changes most years. Christmas
a great reason to make an effort to get together and re-connect.
Last year I had my first Berlin Christmas (my band moved there
in July 2004) and we had some family fly from Melbourne to
be ith us. A very special time. Snow, Christmas markets, mulled
wine, and sub zero temperatures. I loved it! It was a total
contrast to the hot Australian Christmas' I've grown up with.
year I'll actually be flying home to Australia for 6 weeks’
holiday. Christmas will be spent in Warnambool, a coastal
town halfway between Melbourne and Adelaide. My husband's
family live there, and my parents will fly from Perth to join
us. I'm actually very lucky that I have fabulous in-laws,
and we all adore each other, so it really will be a wonderful
festive season. In fact what could be better than eating fresh
local lobster, barbequed seafood, sipping a crisp sauvignon
blanc, swimming in the pool, spending time with the people
you love.

Mah (Mr Udagawa): Usually, at Christmas, we have
a big Christmas bash at the local National Trust Home called
the "Grove" when we bring in seafood from the neighbouring
islands of Flinders and King (lobsters, king-prawns, etc etc.)
and make gluttons of ourselves. This year, I have decided
to change my plans and relax with my paintbrush instead.

McClatchy (Genevieve Doyle): This will be my first
Christmas home in Melbourne for about 5 years, so I am really
looking forward to it. We have a large extended family, so
about 20 of us have a traditional Christmas dinner, this year
it's at my aunt’s place so I have the added bonus of not having
all the mess at my house! My plans for the New Year are to
conquer the world, I am hoping to do that mid-year then live
off the profits, I always try and make my New Year’s resolutions
something I can stick to! (Ha Ha) Have a fantastic Christmas
and a Happy New Year!

Shane McNamara (Gino Esposito):
I would love to treat this question as a creative writing exercise. Tales of wild adventures in far away places. The truth is I visit a place called the Gold Coast on Australia's east coast each year to visit my mother. It's kind of an annual "fix it or ditch it", "patch it or pitch it" kind of visit. I am of course talking of my mother's internal organs, and the odd external limb. This is intermingled with the usual overindulgent Xmas lunch. To all of you I hope '05 has been kind and that '06 is even better.

Russo and Brett Swain (Liljana Bishop and Kim Timmins):
Brett and I share going back to Adelaide one year to see my
family and the next staying in Melbourne to be with his. Do
I have anything special planned for this year? Nothing has
been planned.... help! I'm sure someone has been messing with
the calender cause normally I am reasonably organised but
this year.... like I said ... help!