You must read some real crap about you…
Oh yeah… (continues to look at interview) Haha Julia Stiles and Cameron Diaz are my favourite actress?! Haha
So that’s not true?
Nooo. I’d say that I’d certainly admire Katherine Heigl from Grey’s Anatomy. Knocked Up was a great film too. I have so much respect for her – she’s a brilliant actor. And I love Scarlett Johansson…she’s beautiful. I love seeing women out there with proper curves, real women. I think it’s important to set a good example. I hate that there are so many stick figures out there and kids look at that and go “oh, that’s what I have to be”. It’s not attractive and can be really frightening. If I do make it in L.A, so to speak, I’d certainly want to be setting an example so that’s why I’d never be like that.
Would you ever do modelling?
I have never done modelling. I’ve obviously done magazine shoots for Neighbours before, but I don’t know if I’d do actual catwalk stuff. I’m not really interested, but we’ll see.
by Paul Gray. Conducted on 19th December 2007, added on 19th January 2008

James Elliott caught up with Eliza Taylor-Cotter (better known as Janae Timmins from Neighbours) at the Pavilion Theatre in Weymouth, where she has been playing Snow White in this year’s pantomime.
How did you first get into acting Eliza?
I was 10 years old and doing drama classes after school for about 2 weeks when my teacher suggested I go for an audition. It was for one of the lead roles in a kid’s series called Pirate Islands. I got the role, got an agent and the rest is history!
What would you have done if you hadn’t been an actress?
I actually wanted to be a Marine Biologist! Obscure I know, but I was infatuated with sea life and conservation of the reefs and mammals such as dolphins etc.
What would you definitely not want to do?
I suppose cleaning toilets isn’t really appealing to me!
What advice would you give young people who want to pursue a career in acting?
I think it’s a really tough industry and you can’t go into it if you don’t have thick skin. People can be cruel, and rejection is a part of the whole auditioning process which you spend a lot of time doing. But it’s incredibly rewarding, and if it’s what you want then you just have to believe you can get it.
How different is Janae Timmins from Eliza Taylor-Cotter?
They are incredibly different people! Janae loves confrontation and I run away from it, Janae likes to show off skin at any given opportunity and I prefer to cover it up and I gave her a really broad Australian accent when I started on the show whereas I don’t sound anything like that in real life… Wow I sound a bit boring compared to Janae actually!
Is this your first panto? Is it a refreshing change from Neighbours?
It was my first panto yes. I’d never seen one before let alone been in one. But I took to it really quickly, the cast were absolutely fantastic and I miss them to bits. It was such a refreshing change to Neighbours, just what I needed in fact. Can’t wait to do it again next year!
Where’s home in Australia?
Do you come from an acting family? Are your sisters and brother also actors?
No and no. My step dad was a stand up comedian in Australia but apart from that my mum’s an author and graphic designer and my dad used to own cafes around Melbourne.
How do you think Australia compares to here in the UK?
They’re just very different places. I love them both though; obviously the weather’s rather different though!
Any romantic attachments?
Not at this point in time no.
What are your interests/passions?
I play guitar and song write, but don’t worry I’m not releasing an album any time soon! My songs are just for me, it’s a very personal thing. But I do adore it.
Your star sign is Scorpio, which indicates that you’re intuitive, passionate and determined. Would you say that’s about right?
I most certainly am. Determined or just blatantly stubborn though… Hmm… it’s a toss up.
by James Elliott. Added on 19th January 2008