> A Bunch Of Fives by
Good neighbours become good friends, but even the best of neighbours have their off days, get off on the wrong foot with someone, or just doing something they shouldn’t. Here, we take a look at some of Neighbours best fist flying moments...

Mitchell vs. Robinson
Walking down Ramsay Street one day, young Scott Robinson spotted someone trying to get into the front window at number 24. Doing the neighbourly thing, he ran up the along the driveway and up the stairs to stop them and was stunned to get a smack in the mouth for his efforts. He was surprised to realise that the ‘burglar’ and his attacker was not only a girl, but was also Charlene Mitchell, daughter of his neighbour, Madge. Scott & Charlene were childhood friends, having played together when she used to visit her cousin, Danny Ramsay. After he recovered from the punch, Charlene apologised and the pair shook hands. Little did the pair know, but just over a year later they would be walking down the aisle. They now have two children, Daniel & Madison and last year celebrated 20 years of marriage, so clearly it pays to make an impression, but preferably not in your future husband’s face.
Young vs. Ramsay
When Shane Ramsay & Jane Harris returned having got lost in the bush and been out all night, Jane’s boyfriend, Mike Young and her grandmother, Nell Mangel naturally assumed the worst of them. Shane criticized Mike for not trusting Jane and not being grateful for having a girlfriend such as her, telling him that if he had the change he’d treat her a lot better than Mike does. As Shane finally berated Mike being for being so childish, Mike finally lost his cool, punching a surprised Shane in the face, knocking him to the ground, much to the dismay of Jane & Mrs Mangel. Having picked himself up off the driveway of number 32, Shane apologised to Mike for the comments he’d made, impressing Jane, however Mike refused to accept. As Shane left, Jane was furious with her boyfriend and grandmother for not trusting her and believing that she’d cheat on Mike. In true Ramsay Street tradition, they made up, but Mike continued to struggle with the bond between Shane & Jane, however, it seemed that Jane was the one with the need to be worried as Mike cheated on her whilst on a school trip to Canberra, causing the relationship to finally come to an end.
Robinson vs. Robinson
Having recently discharged himself from a convalescent home following being shot by his wife, Terry, unsurprisingly Paul Robinson wasn’t quite himself and when his father, Jim had to go away on business to America, Paul, as the eldest son took his responsibilities as ‘man of the house’ a little too far. As Paul began laying down the law and endlessly questioning Scott about where he’d been and what he’d been doing, it all became a little too much for his younger brother. As Paul demanded that Scott do extra chores and come to his office after school to complete his homework, Scott headed off to the garage of number 26 to cool off, defacing a picture of his brother with a moustache and the words ‘Adolf Robinson.’ Having come down to provide Scott with her usual sage advice, his grandmother, Helen was not amused by the picture and told him to take it down, unfortunately Paul chose that moment to arrive home and took the opportunity to point out who was boss. As Scott made a comment about Terry, a fight broke out leading to Scott punching Paul, knocking him to the floor. Helen of course demanded that they apologise to each other, but both as stubborn as each other they refused and as Scott stormed off, she told Paul that she thought he’d have had more sense and learnt from his run-ins with his dad.
Coppin vs. Scully
When Jack Scully finally owned up to best friend, Taj Coppin about his relationship with his girlfriend, Nina Tucker, Taj didn’t take the news lying down. Furious with his supposed ‘friend’, Taj punched Jack, knocking him to the ground. As the boys rolled around on the floor, Jack’s mother, Lyn & neighbour, Susan Kennedy drove up and as they suddenly found themselves in the headlights of the car, the fight came to an end. Lyn was of course horrified at her son’s behaviour especially when his girlfriend, Lori Lee was left with little choice but to move out following the break-up of their relationship. Jack & Nina did eventually break up themselves when he proved himself to be a love cheat once again, but eventually reunited after nearly two years apart when Jack joined her in Los Angeles, making the punch in the face and perhaps even the heartbreak for Lori & Taj worthwhile.
Timmins vs. Timmins
As a dog-loving teenager berated a man for mistreating a dog in the temporary Coffee Shop at the Community Hall, he immediately found two fans in Sky Mangel & Serena Bishop. Later that day he turned up on the doorstep of 28 Ramsay Street looking for his brother, Scott ‘Stingray’ Timmins. As Dylan introduced himself, picking up Susan’s dog, Audrey, Serena explained to her about Dylan’s love for dogs. As Stingray walked in, he greeted his brother with a punch around the mouth, much to everyone’s surprise. Even more surprisingly, Dylan took it on the chin, explaining that he had bullied Scott when they were younger. Before long, the brothers were best of friends, however came to blows again when Scott slept with Dylan’s girlfriend, Sky leaving the paternity of her baby in doubt. However, they yet again made up when Stingray selflessly donated bone marrow for Dylan’s daughter, Kerry, when she was diagnosed with leukaemia. Sadly, Scott developed an aneurysm following the operation causing him to pass away peacefully during a celebration for their mother, Janelle’s birthday.
Rebecchi vs. Timmins
Sister-in-laws, Angie Rebecchi & Janelle Timmins had been at loggerheads for years; however when they finally decided to settle their feud in the boxing ring, Janelle found herself knocked-out cold. Of course Angie had cheated by commenting that Janelle had padded her bra before waiting for her to defend herself using her greatest weapon – her mouth – before scoring the powerful blow. Of course, this didn’t end the feud, it just made matters worse when Angie revealed that it was Kim who had come on to her all those years ago and not the other way around, however as this nearly drove Angie out of Ramsay Street, Janelle’s wise young daughter, Bree convinced her mother to patch things up. Just as Angie was about to leave, Janelle stopped her taxi and revealed the real reason she hated Angie so much – it was because she had taken her big brother away from her when she married Kev. Angie was furious that Janelle had let this go on for so long, explaining that Janelle had never needed to see her as the enemy for taking Kev away and instead, could have embraced her as a sister and decided to stay.
Hoyland vs. Robinson
When Paul Robinson married Lyn Scully and ended their marriage on the same day, she was devastated. Not only had he previously set her up for a massive fall, leaving her liable for a patent infringement and forced to see her house in order to settle the debt, but having made her the happiest woman on the planet and the fourth Mrs Paul Robinson, he told her that although he loved her, he’d end up breaking her heart if they stayed married. Instead he broke her heart anyway and ended the marriage as having just flirted with the woman who served their champagne he realised he was wrong for her. Devastated and left unable to face her friends and neighbours who had just witnessed her big day, she decided to go on the honeymoon in the Maldives as planned with son, Oscar before returning via New York and a stay with daughters, Felicity & Michelle. Lyn & Oscar, of course didn’t return and settled in Shelley Bay where having had her marriage annulled, Lyn now owns a successful hair salon, which had always been her dream. Lyn’s eldest daughter, Stephanie Hoyland, however wasn’t willing to sit back and watch anyone hurt her mother and as the car pulled into Ramsay Street, having seen her mother off, Steph spotted Paul out in the street. Getting out of the car, Steph ran over to Paul and powerfully punched him in the mouth.

Sometimes, however, the punches lack the impact they so desperately require, in more ways than one...
Lou Carpenter & Harold Bishop had been fighting since the beginning of time over Madge Ramsay, so when they finally came to blows outside the Waterhole, you’d have expected these two heavyweights to put a little into it, instead after his usual incessant teasing, Lou found himself thrown across Lassiter’s by a punch that was about as teetotal as Harold himself, clearly no-one had got around to spiking it.
Having come face to face with his father, Richard Aaronow for the first time in years, having finally learned the circumstances of his conception, Declan Napier’s first reaction was to great his father with a smack in the mouth, sadly it was more salad sandwich than knuckle sandwich.
As Oliver Barnes grew increasingly jealous of newcomer, Riley Parker’s friendship with hotelier, Elle Robinson, a local fun run brought out the competitive side in both of them in a bid to impress, sadly as they rolled around on the ground punching each other, the only impression they made was in the grass.