> Jessica Muschamp
A couple of months ago, we chatted to Jessica
Muschamp about her time playing Neighbours' Sharon Davies. Here, she's back to tell us about her return to the show earlier this month and her hopes
that it might not be the last we've seen of Sharon...

When we last chatted, you were keeping the secret that you'd already filmed another
Neighbours return as Sharon. Were you surprised to be asked back?
Well, surprised doesn't even cover it. It doesn't even come close. I was absolutely over the moon. Basically, when it was announced the show was coming
back, which is almost exactly a year ago, it was the best news. I actually thought it was a hoax at first until I saw Stefan, Jackie, Fletch and Ryan
doing that piece that they released about the show coming back. So then I allowed myself to be very excited, and basically as soon as that was
verified, I emailed Jason Herbison, Andrew Thompson and Shane Isheev, thanking them all again for having me on what was meant to be the finale episode.
But mostly to congratulate them for being so brilliant and getting the show brought back and for all that that meant for the cast, the crew and the fans.
It was an unprecedented and extraordinary save of a beloved show. Added to that, at the end of my email, I kind of put in a little ‘Hey, also remember,
Sharon would love to come back’ kind of thing.
And then I periodically emailed them and phoned and left messages. I don't think it was too often, but my teenage daughter, who's very funny, said,
‘Mum, I think you're about one phone call away from a restraining order from Jason. I think maybe you need to tone it back a bit.’ So I remember on a
Wednesday, I left a voicemail - they had emailed me back in that time and said we’ll keep you in mind, thank you for the praise, we can’t quite believe
it’s coming back ourselves. Words to that effect. Anyway, so Wednesday I left a message for Jason, and then I kind of vowed that I would leave it for a
while. And then Friday afternoon, I was checking my emails and I get an email from lovely casting director, Thea McLeod, a request to pencil me in for a
couple of episodes later on in the year. And by penciling, I mean it's not confirmed yet, but they were working on the storylines and just figuring it
out. And I just about fell off my chair and I was squealing and shrieking like a little two-year-old. And my kids all came running, they could tell
from the tone of my voice that I was incredibly happy and excited.
Of course I told them what the news was, but we had to be pretty careful and not tell anyone else. So even when it was confirmed and contracts were
signed, I was sworn to secrecy. So it was really just my mum and my children that knew. And yeah, surprised is an understatement. It was one of the
best days ever, to be perfectly honest, just because I never thought I would see the day that Sharon would actually get to be back on Ramsay Street
or in Erinsborough.

Apart from your brief cameo last year, you hadn't played Sharon for 33 years. Was it easy to find her voice again?
Yes, the writers made it very easy. In fact, when I first came back on set and I saw Stefan
Dennis, who I hadn't seen in a while, he came over and he
said, ‘Jess, I've just been reading your scenes and they've really caught her voice. The writers have really, really got Sharon's voice’. Considering
a lot of the writers probably weren't even born when I was last there, they must have done their research on Sharon and her exploits that she got up to
back in the day. Yeah, they captured her voice brilliantly.
Also in the cameo for Mel and Toadie’s wedding last year, they had written some fantastic comments that Sharon made to Melanie in her video message.
They got cut for time, but those pieces of dialogue had snapped me right back into being Sharon back in July 2022. So it didn't feel that difficult to
step into her shoes in May 2023, when we were filming those episodes. Yeah, Sharon's a part of me, you know, a very influential part of me from when
I was very young. I'm not like her. I don't have her confidence and her brashness, but I love that she has that. She's just somewhere inside being dormant.
So, no, it wasn't difficult to get her voice at all. And yeah, props to the writers for their amazing dialogue and scenes that they gave me.
How different is the Neighbours filming process these days compared to
three decades ago? Is there anything that's still the same?
Yes, the early starts are still the same, or even earlier actually, than I remember. I think my earliest call was about 6.15. So that's an early
start, and long days for those who have lots of scenes. I fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, didn't have heaps to do, so my
days tended to be fairly quick.
Yeah, there's a lot that's different. The whole studio is Fremantle's and is devoted to Neighbours, including the backlot - it feels like what a US
studio is like, where they have the exterior sets all in one place on a massive piece of land. And Fremantle have done an incredible job of replicating
some of the backyards of the houses from Pin Oak Court so that we can use those for filming whenever we need to. Back in the 80s and 90s when I was
originally doing it, if we ever needed access to the pool or the veranda or anything exterior, we had to get permission from the owners of the house
to use their back gardens. Often it would be months in the organising and we couldn't do it for very long and it was constricted by all sorts
of things. So now they've got the freedom to just film whenever they want to.
Same with filming at “Erinsborough High”; back then we had to hire a school and use it outside of school hours and it was in a separate location that
we would go to. And we had to fit into the parameters of what the school would let us do. Nowadays, the school is at the Fremantle studios, so they have
various different classrooms and offices and the lockers and the exteriors, they're all there. So they can just be used whenever they're needed and we
don't have to travel anywhere, which is right on set. So that's really handy.
Lassiters has been re-imagined and is more modern than all those years ago - and the pool where I pushed Lucy famously back in the eighties is very
different now. Yeah, the use of the of the exterior of the studio lot is very different. The other main difference, which felt really fantastic and
mind-blowing to me was that they have two entire crews working everyday. In the eighties/nineties, we always had two crews, but we would film the
exterior scenes three times per week and then the next week for the same episode we would film in the studio for 2-3 days.
During COVID, Neighbours was the first TV show in the world to work out a way go back into production during lockdowns. They worked out a very
efficient way of having two sets, two crews, no crossover between them so if one group fell ill, they still had the other to keep shooting. It was
brilliant, and I believe a lot of other shows around the world emulated their system. And those shows didn’t have Melbourne’s continuous lockdowns
to contend with! And I guess Neighbours kept the same structure going now, not to keep people separate anymore but to have as streamlined and efficient
and fast filming process as possible.
So that's different and feels really fancy actually having, you know, a whole studio dedicated to Neighbours and a whole piece of land being
the backlot and being the location area. Back when I was there originally, we shared the studio. It was owned by Channel Ten and we shared it with
the news and the current affairs programmes and the Saturday Morning kids programmes, and I think Comedy Company were there and various other shows that
also used that studio space. So the Neighbours area was much smaller. Nowadays it's all Neighbours all the time, (just like it should be!)

How was the return pitched to you? Did they tell you much
about the story before you received your scripts?
No, not at all. It was a big surprise, and I really liked that. Although I was very curious, of course, as we all were when we were waiting on the
scripts, I knew that it would have something to do with Melanie, because I think they suggested that to me, and because I know Lucinda. She told me
that although she's going back full time, she wasn't going back straight away, that there was a delay for her character to come back. And so they
said it was something to do with Melanie coming back.
So I actually assumed I would have scenes with her, but I didn't because she wasn't back yet. But I had scenes with Jane, lovely Annie Jones, which
was amazing. And I got to see Stefan, although I didn't have scenes with him. So I hope I get to go back and do some scenes with ‘Poison Paul’
at some point! So, yeah, I was absolutely beside myself, so excited, but I had no idea what I would be
doing. It was good to get to work with the new Nell, the very lovely young actress Ayisha and briefly with Costa the nice young guy who plays Eden.
And in a scene with delightful Shiv, who plays Haz. There was such a buzz about the place. It was so nice being back when everyone was feeling so
positive and it was fresh and exciting.
What did you think of Sharon's return story?
As I said, I didn't know what to expect, apart from thinking that I would have scenes with Melanie, just because she, Jane and Paul were the only
links to Sharon from the old days. I liked the storyline - I liked that Sharon was showing her caring side. I probably would have liked to have known
a bit more about where she's been all these years and what she's been doing. Obviously, she left in back in 1990, following Bronwyn and Henry to New
Zealand, so it would be nice to know if she still lives over there or if she's based back in Australia.
But actually they did have a character breakdown in the script when we got it, to kind of catch people up on who Sharon is, and that talked about
some of her back story. But it also said that she'd had an inheritance because her father died and they sold the farm in Narrabri. With her inheritance,
she bought a little house not far from Ramsay Street. So I actually really like that, because it makes me think that she'll be able to pop back in and
visit again from time to time. That would be really nice.
Look, I'm an actor and we always want more. Whatever the script is, we always want to be the lead role! So yeah, I would have loved to have had some
more scenes and done some more stuff with some various other actors that I haven't worked with before, but I was pretty happy with what they wrote for
me. As I said earlier, they really, really hit Sharon's voice very, very well. There were a couple of scenes that were cut down for time from the last
episode I was in. There was the scene in the Coffee Shop with Haz, where I make a kind of offhand comment to him about burning the place down once in
the past - his face was just a classic. It was pretty funny, but I'm hoping that maybe we can get to do that again another time. And with the scene
that I was in with Jane outside the tram cafe. Jane is talking about how Paul has upset her, and Sharon's like ‘let's get revenge on Paul. I would be
up for being part of that’. It was just a funny line to connect Shaz back to the days where she really just did not like Paul at all. So yeah, hopefully
next time I'll get a chance to bring that to fruition and maybe even have scenes with Paul.
The main thing that I really want to know is how Sharon knows Eden, because that didn't get explained to me and I still don't know. I'm actually not
sure if it does get mentioned or not, or if we have yet to find that out down the track some time.

Now that the episodes have gone to air, what has the response been to Sharon's return from the viewers?
It's been overwhelmingly positive, just really lovely, really beautiful comments on the socials and on my own socials, on the
Neighbours pages. Mostly
really, just heartfelt, lovely things that people said. It actually warmed my heart so much to know that my character was such an important part of a
lot of people's growing up and a lot of people's adolescence. A lot of people remember Sharon from back in the day and that's been really gratifying
to realise that she's not forgotten. So that's been really lovely.
Of course, a few people say that they have “watched it for 30 years, and have no idea who she is.” And then I would just watch the comments. I
didn't contribute to them. I just watched what was going on and saw some other people who took it upon themselves to kind of school those people. And
that was really entertaining to watch them send clips of Sharon or interviews with me from back in the day so that they could see exactly who I was.
I mean, it doesn't take much. Just a quick Google search and you can find anybody in the world, not just actors, but pretty much anybody you can find
if you search online! And even more so if you’re a Neighbours fan and you search here on The Perfect Blend!
But it was mostly just really overwhelmingly, probably 95%, just positive. Lovely comments and I'm incredibly grateful for that. And I recorded a
little video - it was not very glamorous ha ha!, but I just thought I'd put something out there to say thank you to the fans and the viewers for that
enthusiastic response to Shaz's return and and fingers crossed that she gets to come back again before too long, maybe for a longer stint or a permanent
stint! Let’s just put that out into the universe.

What were the positive and negative, if any,
aspects to seeing yourself as Sharon again after all these years?
Well as I said earlier, I’m an actor and we always want more - more lines, more screen time and of course we want to look perfect! I think in my head
I was hoping that I would look like I did when I was a 19-year-old ingenue all those years ago. And of course the irony of it, back then
Sharon was told she was fat, so she went on a diet and starved herself and ended up fainting, then collapsing into the pool! And yet I look back on
myself in those days, especially in 1989-1990 period, and I think I wasn’t fat, I was quite a normal size. I wasn’t a ‘skinny mini’ by any means but
I wasn’t overweight back then. But sadly it’s become a self-fulfilling prophecy! Since then, the years have taken their toll, having three kids has
taken its toll, career and money worries and marriage breakdown, family court, hormones and the stresses of life have taken their toll and I’m a lot
bigger now than I would like to be. However, I have actually lost about 10 kilos since those scenes were filmed so that’s something.
And in fact, I had a couple of nasty health scares earlier this year, and without getting into too much detail, the doctors put me onto some very strong
steroids as treatment. They had to counter the effect of a reaction I had to some chemicals in a clothes washing liquid, which caused my skin to peel off,
it’s very nasty. And the prednisolone that they put me on was a very high dose and it made my face incredibly round. Also made it very difficult to lose
weight and so I look quite round and bloated in the scenes which is disappointing. I had two really nasty skin conditions when I was filming, one was
the reaction to the washing liquid chemical Benzalkodium Chloride and the other was, they think, an auto-immune reaction, just a nervous system overload
reaction which caused me to get a rash that look like the worst case of chickenpox that you’ve ever seen! And so I had a choice - be in
terrible pain, itching & peeling off my skin and unable to work, or take the tablets and look a bit fat. So of course I chose to work! I’m slowly
recovering from the skin conditions and as the doctors wean me off the medication, my face size has started to go back to normal. And as I said,
I’ve managed to lose some weight too so that’s a positive. So let’s hope next time Sharon appears, she’s looking a little bit less like a walrus
and has more cheek bones!
But I’m also really aware of body positivity, and grateful for the fact that Jason and the other current producers are much more inclusive of all
kinds of diversity to reflect the real world in the 21st Century and that includes different body types. As my mum always says ‘it takes all sorts
to make a world’ and, you know, we’re not all thin, and that’s okay! People have health issues and need medication and that’s real life too.
As for positives, I've said already how lovely the viewers have been and how welcoming and excited they were to have Sharon back. What was really nice
for me personally was to watch the show with my three children who have not really seen it. They weren't really into watching it in the last few years,
and it's difficult to get access to the old episodes. The older episodes don't seem to be around on the internet much, and if they are, they're not great
quality. So they’ve seen little snippets of it, but they've never really seen me on screen for any length of time, certainly not as Sharon. And they
absolutely loved it. They were so encouraging and supportive and I was blown away by how into it they got and how into it they still are. So, yeah,
it's been a really positive experience for me as a mum with my beautiful children supporting me all the way and making me feel like an actor again.
Seeing me back doing what I love. So that has been a huge positive. Of course, as well as the audience response, which has been incredible and
very heartwarming.

Would you like to return again? Can you
see a place for Sharon in the current cast?
Yes, please! That's an overwhelming yes from me. I would absolutely love to come back as a regular or semi-regular. I mean, of course, I would like
to be one of the main cast, one of the the permanent folks there. I feel like Sharon can actually add a lot to Ramsay Street. I think she could have
some great feuds with people, with her sense of mischief and her absolute classic ability to put her foot in her mouth and make mistakes and not learn
from them! I think she'd give Wendy Rodwell a run for her money in the ‘Foot In Mouth Olympics’, I think we could probably both be gold medalists in
that. ‘Bad Choice’ champions for sure!
I've come up with an idea and developed quite an in-depth storyline that I won't talk about here in case it gets to happen. I'm going to pitch it to
Shane and Jason and, fingers crossed, they love it. And they might get me back. And yeah, it's quite a complex storyline, it involves a lot of current
Ramsay Street residents as well as a couple of blasts from the past. But no one Sharon is related to. A few people wrote comments in the socials, you
know ‘Where is Bronnie?’, that kind of thing. But there are issues, obviously, with Sharon's immediate relations in terms of Bronwyn and Henry returning
to Ramsay Street. Rachel Friend, who played Bronwyn, decided many, many years ago that she no longer wanted to act, and that wasn't how she saw her
future at all. So she became a journalist, and now she works as a media consultant and, you know, fair play to her. I wish Rachel all the very best in
her career and her life, but I don't imagine she would be keen to come back any time soon as Bronwyn. Obviously Neighbours is not averse to a recast.
They could do that. But I think fans might find that difficult to accept. So, yeah, my proposed storyline doesn't really factor in Sharon’s family,
but it factors in a lot of other people that viewers will remember.
But obviously it's not up to me, it's up to the powers that be. And I hope that they were happy enough with my performance and that they are happy with
the audience response and that they choose to get Shaz back. So keep your fingers and toes crossed for me!
Please, please keep up the good wishes and good fight for me/Sharon. And don't forget #BringBackShaz!
Let’s hope 2024 is an amazingly fabulous year for everyone. Thank you Perfect Blend for your support and to your readers and followers for being
such great and loyal fans of Neighbours.
by Steve. Added on 22nd November 2023