In the street, the next morning, Des is standing outside number 28 when Shane runs up to him to see if everything’s alright. Des explains that he’s got a feeling that something’s going to go wrong and he’s just out for a walk to clear his head. Shane says that it’s only natural to be nervous, given all the problems he had with past weddings, but nothing will go wrong. Des asks Shane why he didn’t propose to Daphne when he went out with her, and Shane admits that losing Daphne is one of his biggest regrets. He then goes off for his jog, reminding Des not to be late for the church.
. . . 
At number 26, Des comes back in and Helen offers him breakfast. Lucy tells Des that he has to be nice to Daphne, or she’ll leave like Terry did to Paul. Paul thanks Lucy for reminding him about that and storms out. Jim says that it’s ridiculous that Paul won’t even talk about what happened, and Des goes outside to have a word with him.
Paul lies back on the trampoline in the back garden, trying to stop himself from crying. Des joins him and apologises for asking him to be best man, as it was insensitive. Paul smiles and says that it’s fine, somebody needs to be there to hold Des’ hand, as he’s such an old woman sometimes.
. . . 
At number 28, Daphne is arranging to be collected by Shane and Zoe says that she hopes nothing goes wrong at the Coffee Shop next week. Daphne tells her to be careful of people running out and not paying their bills. Zoe then stops Daphne from looking out the window at Des, as it’s bad luck. Daphne isn’t impressed with all of the superstition, and asks Zoe if she’s got something old, something new and something borrowed, before Zoe shows her the something blue – a garter.
At number 24, Max gets back from a plumbing job and Shane tells him to hurry up and get ready. Danny then appears, looking for his razor blades, as Max asks Shane to iron a shirt for him. They all end up shouting at each other before Shane says that it’s nice when a wedding puts everyone in a good mood.
. . . 
At number 26, Helen answers the door to Eileen, who’s come to speak to Des. She tells Helen that she’s probably more nervous than him right now. Helen leaves them to chat, and Eileen says that, despite all of the disasters of the past, this time is different as Daphne is such a nice girl. She tells Des not to slouch and to take his hands out of his pockets. She starts to cry, so Helen quickly interrupts and tells Des that they all need to hurry up. Eileen says that she’ll go over and visit Daphne, although Des isn’t too keen on the idea.
At number 28, Daphne and Zoe are looking at all of the dresses that the lady from the boutique gave her to try out, but she’s still not sure which one to wear. Eileen comes in and asks why on earth they’re not dressed and ready yet. She explains that she can’t make up her mind, at which point Shane arrives, so the three women ask him to decide. He likes them all, and tells Daphne that it’s really her choice, so she and Zoe run off to get ready.
. . . 
At number 24, Clive arrives, begging Danny to do an emergency gorillagram job, offering him $80 so that he can take Marcie to Surfer’s Paradise. Danny isn’t at all sure, but just then Max appears, wanting to know why Clive’s there. Danny quickly explains that Clive’s come to borrow a cup of sugar and Max goes back to his room. Clive then ups his offer to $100 and Danny happily agrees, not realising that Shane’s been listening from the laundry the whole time.
Outside, Clive and Danny are leaving for the gig, and they tell Shane that they’ll be there in time for most of the wedding. As they drive off, Max comes out, asking where Danny is. Shane says that he’s gone on ahead, and they go off to collect the bride.
. . . 
. . . 
At number 28, Zoe sadly looks at the bouquet as she waits for Daphne. Max and Shane then come in and Daphne appears in her wedding dress. They all think that she looks wonderful and get ready to leave for the church.
Outside the church, Jim and Helen try to reassure Eileen, who’s concerned that Des hasn’t arrived yet. She thinks that he might have got cold feet, but is certain that Daphne is the right woman for him.
. . . 
. . . 
As Shane, Max, Daphne and Zoe are driving to the church, Shane spots a man in a gorilla costume running along the pavement. He assumes that it’s Danny, and something has gone wrong, so he stops and tells him to get in. The man gets in and they’re all laughing at him, when he tells them to shut up and pulls out a gun.
Everyone thinks that it’s a gun, but the man insists that he’s serious and will shoot them if they don’t shut up. He tells Shane to turn the car around and start driving.
. . . 
. . . 
At the church, Eileen is brushing down Des’ suit, when Paul runs out and says that the show’s about to start. Eileen isn’t very impressed by his terminology and she tells Des that she loves him, before they make their way inside.
On a deserted back road, the kidnapper tells everyone to get out of the car and drives off in it. The four of them start walking back towards Erinsborough and Daphne comments that at least it’s not raining.
. . . 
. . . 
Outside the church, storms clouds are building as Jim steps out into the car park, wondering where the bridal party has got to.
Daphne, Zoe, Shane and Max are walking along and Zoe realises that it probably was bad luck for Daphne to see Des on the day of the wedding. Just then, a small car drives towards them and they flag it down and jump, explaining that it’s an emergency and they need to get to the city. The driver is stunned.
. . . 
. . . 
Outside the church, everyone is gathered as the bridal party arrives. Daphne tells Paul to cheer up as she’s there now, but Paul breaks the news that Des has already gone.