Magic Moments > 1986 > Des and Daphne's Wedding Episode 295
Written by Ysabelle Dean, Directed by Clive Fleury
Just as Des and Daphne are about to be pronounced man and wife, Clive and Shane show up and tell them that there was never anything with Des' arm, and it had just been a joke...
At the Coffee Shop, Daphne lectures Clive, Shane and Paul about their prank, and Clive gives her his guarantee that the wedding will go like clockwork, but Daphne reminds him that he said the very same thing about the bucks night. Paul and Zoe return to the office, and Shane heads off too. Before going, Zoe tells Daphne she's glad she didn't get married in a registry office. Just as Clive is saying nothing can wrong now short of a disaster, Daphne's granddad Harry Henderson shows up and a delighted Daphne hugs him. Harry leaves Des to pay his cab fare, claiming he had left his wallet in one of his suitcases. Daphne breaks the news to Harry that Clive is giving her away, but Clive insists that Harry should give her away now that he's in town. But Harry tells them not to change the arrangements at this late stage, and gives his blessing for Clive to give Daphne away.
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At the Daniels Corporation offices, Paul and Zoe are joking about the wedding mishaps. Paul cracks a joke about Zoe not getting to be bridesmaid if the wedding had been at the registry office, prompting Zoe to lash out at Paul and accuse him of thinking that was all she cared about. Zoe tells Paul that she knows he thinks she's silly and impulsive, but Paul cuts her short, and softly tells her, that although he did once, he no longer does. Zoe is surprised and starts to talk about what happened with Jim, but Paul starts to tell her that what happened between her and his father made him realise his feelings for her. But he is cut short by a knock on the door and the arrival of Tony Chapman with a bouquet of flowers for Zoe. He invites her for dinner, but she says she can't go because of a final dress fitting. Zoe introduces Tony to Paul, explaining to Paul that Tony has been in England for a few years and she and Tony used to be friends. Tony laughs off Zoe's description of them, and tells Paul he asked Zoe to marry him once, which unsettles Paul. Zoe insists she was too young to accept his proposal, and Paul - his whole demeanour changed - suggests that maybe Tony has come to town at the right time since wedding bells are all the rage at the moment. Paul excuses himself for an appointment and when Zoe tells him he doesn't have one, he tells her curtly its personal. After he is gone, Tony remarks that he's not too friendly. Zoe says she can't figure him out.
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Harry is telling Clive that in order to sell anything all you need is a snappy sales technique, and Des suggests Harry try out his advice on the next customer - Mrs. Mangel. Mrs. Mangel immediately wonders what Des and Daphne are doing at the Coffee Shop when they are supposed to be getting married. Clive bets Harry $5 that he can't make a sale on Mrs. Mangel, and Harry agrees. Mrs. Mangel says she doesn't know how Des can run his bank when he can't even make up his mind about marrying, and Des and Daphne tell her the wedding is still on. Mrs. Mangel comments that it's none of her business anyway, since she wasn't even invited to the wedding, before asking Daphne for a glass of water - iced, not from the tap. Harry charms Mrs. Mangel by telling her he had heard all about her, and after she asks who he is, Daphne introduces her to her grandfather. Harry tells Mrs. Mangel that he is sure her not getting an invite to the wedding was an oversight, and asks if she is a friend of Des and Daphne's. As Des tried to prevent Harry from going any further, Mrs. Mangel admits she likes to take an interest in the young people, and Harry tells her she must come to the wedding. Despite spending two or three seconds worrying about Len, Mrs. Mangel excitedly accepts the invitation, and Harry tells her she can come with him. She then leaves to find something to wear, but warns Harry before leaving that there must be no scandal about this because she is a married woman. Harry assures Mrs. Mangel there will be no scandal at all, although it will be hard for him not to think about it. Charmed by Harry, Mrs. Mangel leaves with a smile on her face. Daphne demands to know what Harry is playing at and Clive points out that he was only supposed to be selling her a potato peeler. Harry tells them that by the time the wedding is over, she will be ordering the peelers by the dozen.
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That evening, Madge and Helen are putting the final touches to Daphne's wedding cake at No. 22. Daphne and Clive arrive home, and Daphne tells the cake is wonderful and thanks her. Helen says she is glad Des and Daphne have decided to marry in the church after all. Zoe comes in with her bridesmaid dress, and Madge takes it off her to fix some curls. Clive distributes schedules to everyone, instructing them to be over at No. 22 at 0900 hours the following morning, Helen, Madge and Zoe all go to leave. Zoe refused to take a schedule from Clive, insisting she'll be there. But Clive tells her he doesn't want any mishaps and Zoe grabs a sheet from Clive.
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The next morning, Clive presents Daphne with a chain to wear and tells her the place won't be the same without her around. Zoe comes in, her face covered in face cream, and tells Clive and Daphne that it is chaos over at Des' house. Daphne considers going over, but Zoe tells her its bad luck to see the groom before the church. Daphne says its worse luck not to see him at the church but Zoe assures her Paul and Shane have everything under control. Clive also assures them his schedule is foolproof, and claims it is even designed for fools - working perfectly well at No. 22. Daphne tells Zoe that Harry has invited Mrs. Mangel to the wedding. Daphne starts to get a headache. Clive massages her temples and assures her that nothing will go wrong - giving her his 'Clive Gibbons 100% Money Back Guarantee'.
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At the Clarke house, Shane and Paul get some brandy ready for Des, and Jim and Tom arrive. Jim greets Harry, and introduces him to Tom. Mrs. Mangel then walks in, looking for 'Mr. Henderson'. Harry apologises for not picking her up. Mrs. Mangel tells him he can call her 'Nellie' since they are spending the day together, much to the amusement of the others. Harry says he needs some fresh air, and Mrs. Mangel chases after him. Des emerges from his room, and the blokes give him the brandy. Des hesitates at first, but Tom says it will do him good and speculates that Daphne is probably doing the same.
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Back at No. 22, Madge makes one final adjustment to Daphne's wedding dress, and Daphne asks Lucy her opinion. Lucy tells her she looks beautiful, like Cinderella when she went to the ball. Zoe jokes that that must make her look like the Ugly Sister. Daphne thanks everyone for being with her, and says she wishes Mike was back. Madge asks if Mike said on the phone what time he would get back at, and Daphne says he hopes to be back in time for the reception. Madge says Charlene isn't going to the reception even if she is back on time. Clive announces its time for them to leave, and after the house has been cleared, Clive gives Daphne some last minute words of comfort, telling her to hold her head up high.
. . . 
A horse drawn carriage waits for the bride out on Ramsay Street as Helen, Lucy, Madge and Zoe join Tom, Danny, Mrs. Mangel and Harry out on the footpath. Lucy goes to pat the horse, but Helen calls her back, as she is afraid of her mucking up her dress. Mrs. Mangel warns Helen to keep Lucy away from the horses, claiming one of them tried to bite her. Danny jokes that it was her hat he was after, earning him a shrill 'Danny!' from Madge. Jean's cab pulls up, and Tom runs to greet her. He says he didn't think she would make it, and Jean tells him she almost didn't, because it felt so strange saying goodbye at a wedding. Tom tells her they should make the most of the day. As they join the other waiting guests, Daphne and Clive come down the driveway, and Harry proudly tells Daphne she looks beautiful. Mrs. Mangel comments that Daphne is quite a pretty girl once she gets into some decent clothes. Clive directs everyone to their cars, and escorts Daphne, Zoe and Lucy into the carriage. Moments later, the carriage begins its journey to the church.
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At the church, Des is with Shane, Paul and Jim feeling anxious. They all assure Des that everything will go fine. Paul's good humour is soured when he sees Tony Chapman arriving. Paul tells Jim he's an old flame of Zoe's, and when Tony reaches them, he introduces him to everyone. Tony adds to Des' anxiety by asking him if he's shaking in his boots. Jim ushers Tony into the church, leaving Des and Shane outside with Paul. Des asks Shane if he is okay about the impending marriage, and Shane assures Des he is happy for them, and is glad that he and Des are still friends. They then move inside.
The carriage gets closer to the church, and more guests begin to arrive and take up their seats.
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The bridal march begins, and Lucy and Zoe lead the way up the aisle, followed by Daphne and Clive. Des is thrilled to see Daphne at the altar, and the minister begins the service. When he asks if there is anyone who objects to the marriage, Clive looks solemnly on, and gets caught up in the moment by saying 'I do' when asked who gives Daphne to be married to Des. Shane gives the rings up, and Des and Daphne are pronounced man and wife. Daphne tells Des he can kiss her now. Des says he knows and that it is about time, before they kiss.
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Notes: The church used for Des and Daphne's wedding was later used for Madge and Harold's wedding in 1988.
Comment: This was the first big Neighbours wedding, and was the culmination of a lengthy on-off romance between Des and Daphne that had been ongoing since the very first episode of the show.
Summary by Moe. Captures by Karl