Magic Moments > 1987 > Jamie's Birth / Melanie's Arrival Episode 544
Written by C.V. Schofield, Directed by Paul Moloney
Des and Daphne are lying down by a lake after sharing a picnic together. Daphne looks troubled and calls Des telling him that she's gone into labour and the baby's coming. Des is dumbfounded as she has another two weeks left but Daphne begs him not to just sit there but do something...
Calmly Des begins a checklist to see if she really is in labour but flies into panic when she reveals that her contractions are only five minutes apart. Jumping up he demands that Daphne not talk or do anything until Beverly arrives. Daphne begs him not to leave and warns him that if Jim and Beverly don't come back in time, he'll have to deliver the baby. Des tells himself it must be a false alarm but Daphne brushes it off and tells him to get towels from her bag. He goes to the picnic hamper but eventually finds them in her bag and tells her not to panic. She ensures that she's calm and Des theorises that the fishing can't be that good. Jim and Beverly will be back any minute. He asks what she wants to do and Daphne decides to sit with a pillow behind her back. Des cracks a joke about natural childbirth and when Daphne winces in pain, he coaches her breathing technique reassuring her that they have all the time in the world.
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Elsehwere Jim jokes to a fishing Beverly that one of hers got away causing her to advise him to quit whilst he's ahead. Jim takes her rod refusing to go back empty handed but Beverly worriedly thinks they should be getting back to Des and Daphne. As he makes a catch, Beverly snidely remarks that he's probably just hit a snag.
Daphne is panting as her contractions increase in regularity but Des warns her she can't push until she really feels like it. When she says she's thirsty, Des gives her a small drink of water and they continue to joke, Des mentioning that if he knew Junior was coming he'd have brought the cigars. Panicked that Beverly still hasn't returned, Daphne asks if they're going to be alright and Des says they don't need a doctor. He's seen the movie and read the book. He can do it. There's no better time for the baby to come than out in the fresh air - plenty of women have done it before. Daphne's contractions suddenly start again and he tries to get her to look on the bright side as Beverly still isn't there to deliver the baby.
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Jim and Beverly are returning to the car with the fish that Jim has just caught. It's not as big as he was hoping for but well worth the wait. She compliments him on his fishing skills and he comments that he almost didn't come today. Joking that he won't let Beverly get off so easily next time, she asks if there's going to be a next time. He notes that he has to even things up fish wise. Beverly perches on the back of the car as Jim apologises for the way he's treated her but she counters that she behaved just as badly and they should both just call it quits. Jim agrees.
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Des gives Daphne more water as she becomes increasingly pale and makes her laugh with a boxing coach impression. Suddenly a car drives past and Des flags down Jim and Beverly. Hurriedly, Bev asks Jim to get her bag which is in the back of the car and rushes down the slope to Daphne joking that she can't leave her alone for five minutes. Des says things are going okay and snaps at Jim for taking so long. As the men comfort Daphne, Beverly begins to deliver the baby commenting that there's not long to go. She asks Jim for a hand.
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Some time later, Des asks Daphne if she can manage on her own for a second and goes to the edge of the lake. Beverly tells Daphne to give just one more push and Jim encourages her with Des babbling to himself at the edge of the lake before Daphne pushes out the baby. Des asks if that's it and Beverly comments that it certainly is. Congratulations, she has a beautiful strong, healthy boy. Jim asks how it feels to be a father but when he looks up he sees that Des has fainted by the lakeside.
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At Erinsborough Hospital, Beverly is pushing Daphne down the corridor on a gurney and she asks where the baby is. Beverly tells her he's on his way up to the nursery and assures her that he'll be fine; there were no complications. However she's not sure she can say the same thing for his Dad. They stumble across Des who is also on a gurney after bumping his head when he fainted. Beverly plays it down as a precaution in case of concussion and Daphne asks if he's okay. Des feels like an idiot passing out but Beverly assures him he's not the first father to do it and he won't be the last. Daphne tells him he was wonderful and she would have been useless without him. They make a great team and next time will be perfect, Des tells her. Daphne smiles and hopes that next time will be in the hospital causing Beverly to agree. A nurse comes to take an excited Des up for his casualty checkup and he begins to boast about his son. The nurse congratulates him and Des shouts down the corridor to Daphne that she gave him the best present he's ever had.
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At Number 24, Charlene is cooking when Henry enters the kitchen to wolf whistles from her and Scott. He warns them to cut it out but Charlene ponders whether the pants go with his shirt. Henry asks what's wrong but Charlene backtracks and snaps at Scott for picking at tonight's dinner. Henry asks if all of this is for Melanie and Scott comments that he hopes she's a big eater. Charlene's never met one of his girlfriends who wasn't. Henry hopes she likes Italian but is interrupted when Madge comes bouncing into the kitchen. She just got off the phone to Jim who told her that Daphne's had a baby and it's a boy. The group cheers as Madge tells them that Des nearly had to deliver the baby himself. Henry's glad it was Des and not him. Scott thinks it would be great and he has every intention of being there when his kid is born. Charlene hugs him and says redundantly that she will be too.
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Des is kissing Daphne in her hospital room and she asks him how his head is. He says he's fine but she should be thinking about sleep. Daphne's too excited and Des tells her just like everyone else although he couldn't get a hold of Mike who should be at home studying. Daphne laughs when Des mentions he managed to get hold of his mother and asks how long they've got. At that moment there is a knock at the door and Des is expecting her to make an entrance. However it's Beverly holding the baby in her arms. She talked the nurses into letting her bring him up. Des and Daphne are awestruck as Daphne takes
the baby in her arms and gushes that he's beautiful. Des thinks the baby's inherited his nose but Daphne is just thankful he didn't get his ears as well. She comments that he's heavy and Beverly announces him to be three and a half kilos. He's going to be big like Des. Des is dubious when Daphne asks if he wants to hold the baby but Beverly says all he needs to do is support the head. Daphne hands him over as they hear Eileen yelling down the corridor and Des tells Beverly it's his mother. She runs in horrified that Daphne had to give birth in the middle of nowhere all alone but Des reminds her that he was there and Daphne thinks he was wonderful. It should never have happened as far as Eileen is concerned but Beverly assures her that mother and baby are both fine - Daphne didn't realise that her back pains were the onset of labour but there was no harm done and she was glad she was there. Beverly excuses herself and Eileen mentions how poor Clive was so looking forward to delivering her first grandson. Excitedly Eileen announces that she's glad it was a boy because he can carry on the family name - Winston Kingsley Clarke. Des and Daphne look horrified as Eileen swoops down to pet the baby.
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In the corridor, Jim arrives and asks Beverly how the new family is settling in. She tells him with Grandma's help and he laughs, realizing that she's met Eileen. Jim asks what her plan is now and if she has to hang around the hospital all day but she says no and asks why. He thought she would have worked up a bit of an appetite and might like to eat with him and Lucy tonight who will be alone otherwise. Beverly tells him he's crafty. This way he'll be eating the fish that she caught as well as his own. She forces him to offer to clean them before asking if he wants to see Des and Daphne but he thinks they've got enough on their plate.
Des gives Eileen a firm no and Daphne worries about the baby being bullied at school when he's older. Des states that it was bad enough being Desmond Kingsley Clarke. He copped heaps. Eileen blames his father for not letting her call him Winston but Des thanks him for it. As it was her maiden name, Eileen was just hoping it could carry on down the line but Des tells her firmly that this is their son. Appearing to accept this, Eileen asks what they've decided upon but they haven't come up with anything as they wanted to make sure of the sex. Smugly, Eileen repeats that Winston Kingsley has a nice ring to it and the baby looks like one. Des and Daphne offer grudgingly to think about it. Fussing, Eileen notices that Des is letting the baby's head fall but before she can interfere a nurse enters and asks her to step outside because it's time for the baby's feed. The nurse tells her it's fathers only for the first few feeds but Eileen assures them that she'll be back and Daphne shouldn't worry because she'll take care of Des and Mike. With a final goodbye to 'Winston', Eileen leaves.
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As they set the dinner table, Charlene wonders what Des and Daphne will call the baby causing Scott to joke that they'll probably name him after the whole Erinsborough football team knowing Des. Charlene hates the idea but is distracted when Madge comes in complaining about her damn bracelet. She wants to know where Henry is but Charlene tries to calm her by commenting on how dressed up she is. Madge comments pointedly that at least she made more of an effort than some people and swipes a napkinis about, it's only one of Henry's girlfriends. Madge retorts that she wants to make a good impression but Scott doesn't think they should bother as he'll probably have a different one next week. Charlene asks why he thinks that and Scott reminds the pair that Henry runs a mile from anything serious. Madge thinks this one is different and she doesn't want to be caught on the hop. She asks Scott if he's even going to do his hair and he ruffles it slightly, causing her to look disgusted. Henry comes through the front door and the group gets up to see him. He introduces them to Melanie who is bizarrely dressed with wild hair. She is bemused that they all live in the same house together but Henry says it's alright as they've got pretty thick walls. Suddenly Melanie bursts into an awful animalistic laugh, leaving Madge visibly stunned. Henry leads Melanie away still laughing as Charlene and Madge look at one another in horror.
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Jim is on the phone to Mike at Number 26 and tells him the reason he couldn't get hold of Des and Daphne is because they were at the hospital. Daphne had a baby boy who is fine and Mike shouldn't worry. Ending the call, he goes into the kitchen and tells Beverly that Mike was halfway to Canberra. Lucy asks if he's excited about the baby and Jim asks what she thinks. Lucy wishes she could have seen him being born but Beverly assures her she'll get her chance one day. In the meantime, Jim suggests they do something with the fish but Beverly wants to excuse herself and freshen up. She's surprised when Lucy asks enthusiastically if she's staying for dinner and leaves the room. Obviously wanting details, Lucy states that they must have had a good time today and Jim replies that it had its moments. She asks if he's glad Dr Marshall went and he concedes but wants to know why she's asking all these questions. Breezily offering no reason as an answer, Lucy exits the kitchen leaving Jim looking sceptical.
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Dinner is being served at Number 24 as Melanie talks endlessly about Henry's sense of humour suggesting that it came from Madge who is appalled by the idea. Scott steps over and pushes Henry to do his chook impression causing Melanie to burst out in her foghorn laugh and rattle Madge. Before Henry does his impression of a porcupine, Madge sweeps in and says she's heard Melanie's doing some kind of course. Melanie confirms that she's been doing a secretarial course for four years and when Madge assumes she must be ready to graduate, she says she's been set back. She hasn't got a hang of preliminary shorthand yet. It all just looks like squiggles to her. Henry jokes that he doesn't need shorthand, he knows what kind of secretary he'd rather have sitting on his knee. Scott and Charlene bring dinner to the table but while Madge thinks it smells wonderful, Melanie announces that she can't eat Italian because she's on a grapefruit and salad diet. When Madge suggests that surely a little bit won't do any harm, Melanie sticks to her guns as it's her first day and she can't break it already. Scott jokes that Henry can keep an eye on her figure for her and a burst of her laughter begins. Amidst the noise, Madge asks Charlene to go and find a grapefruit. Scott follows her and Charlene snaps that things are bad enough, he doesn't have to make them worse. He thinks it doesn't matter because she won't last long, not even Henry can put up with that. Charlene begins to cut a grapefruit viciously as Scott goes back to the table.
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Finishing dinner Jim declares it to be the best meal he's had in ages and Lucy pipes in smugly that it's lucky she organised everything. Jim asks her what she did and she takes credit for sending him and Beverly on a picnic. She knew they'd like each other if they gave it a chance. Jim reminds her they've had words before about her sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong and when she tries to defend herself, he accuses her of meddling. Beverly attempts to diffuse the situation by interrupting but Jim continues that children should be seen and not heard which isn't such a bad idea. Lucy retorts that they wouldn't be here now if she hadn't given them a push. Changing the subject, Beverly offers to give her a hand with the dishes but she rejects the idea and suggests that she go into the other room with Jim and talk about fishing. In the living room, Beverly comments that she sees a strong family resemblance between Lucy and Hilary. Jim groans at the idea.
As the family finishes dinner at Number 24, Madge makes the suggestion that Henry take Melanie out back and show her the pool. She
wants to help clear up but Madge replies that they can manage and Henry decides to lead Melanie up the garden path causing her to laugh on the way out. Scott chuckles as Madge declares that she needs a rest. She doesn't know what Henry sees in her. There's no harm in it but there's not much else either. Charlene says that she laughs at his jokes and repeats herself when Scott tells her she can say that again. Madge is less than amused warning her that one comedian in the family is
quite enough. Scott tries to deny the possibility when Charlene hopes that Henry's not going to get serious about Melanie. She knows him better than Scott does. He's always wanted a captive audience and now he's got one. Scott is adamant that it will only last a couple of weeks and they agree to make a bet on it. Madge shushes them as Henry returns with Melanie and asks Charlene to dig out her wedding photos. Charlene hands them over commenting dryly that there should be a few
laughs in there and perches herself next to Scott. Melanie enthuses that Charlene looks gorgeous and thinks it's lovely that they got married so young, asking Henry for his opinion. He thought they were rushing it at the time causing Scott to grin knowingly. However he continues that that was before and a bloke can change his mind. Getting married might not be such a bad idea after all. Charlene and Scott are horrified by the thought but not as much as Madge who pours coffee over the kitchen counter in wide eyed shock.
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Summary by Jay. Captures by Karl