Outside number 24, Scott jumps out of Bertha and says that he’s going to grab the first shower. Charlene isn’t happy about it, and Henry tells them not to waste time now, unloading the gardening gear. Henry apologises for being unable to work, and Mike comes over to them and shows them a Valentine’s gift he’s bought for Jane. Charlene gives Scott a kiss to thank him for her present. They all wonder if Madge will be alright, since it was supposed to be her wedding day to Harold. As Scott goes inside, Henry comes up with an idea and tells Charlene to get into the car.
. . . 
At number 32, Harold thanks Mrs Mangel for allowing him to take some flowers from the back garden to give to Madge, as the bouquets in the shops were so expensive. She tells him that it’s fine, considering it’s Valentine’s Day, but reminds him not to make a habit of it. Mike then calls in and gives Jane her gift. As Harold leaves, Mrs Mangel asks Mike how Eileen is coping and he says that she’s not doing too well. She decides to go and see her, but goes to get ready for the wedding first. Jane loves her gift from Mike – a framed photo of them – and she gives Mike his gift, a tape that he’s been looking for for a while. They wonder how Madge is getting on, as a bunch of flowers from Harold is hardly going to make up for a cancelled wedding.
At number 24, Madge is very pleased with the flowers, even when she finds out that they were picked from Mrs Mangel’s garden. He says that it couldn’t be helped and he’s not used to being broke. Charlene and Henry then come in with a box of chocolates that they “found” on the doorstep. Harold says that they’re not from him and Henry thinks that Madge must have a secret admirer. Harold begins to suspect everyone from Rob Lewis to the milkman, so Henry decides that they’ll have to own up before he bursts a blood vessel. Charlene explains that the chocolates are just a gift from her, Scott and Henry, and Madge is delighted to have received flowers and chocolates all in the same day.
. . . 
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At number 26, Helen gets off the phone just as Lucy comes rushing in with some flowers. She’s annoyed that the florist was late and Jim comes out in his suit to check that he looks ok. Just then, they hear Hilary’s voice arriving at the door before she does, and Jim lets her in, followed by Annette’s two children, Todd and Katie. Hilary rudely asks Lucy why she cut off all of her lovely hair, then is annoyed with Jim for “selling out to the trendies” by having the wedding ceremony at the house. She explains that Annette isn’t coming, and she’ll fill Helen and Jim in later, when the children aren’t around. She then sees Todd and Katie through to the bedroom to get changed, and Jim tells Helen that he suspects trouble is brewing.
Later, at number 26, Paul and Gail arrive and are introduced to Christine Matthews, the celebrant. Hilary then comes out of the bedroom, having explained the situation with Annette to Helen, and is also introduced to Christine. Hilary informs her that she much prefers the real thing, then starts asking Paul and Gail when they’re going to start having children. She also asks if Rob will be there this time, but Gail explains that he’s away at the moment, and Hilary points out that some people just can’t cope with family gatherings. Meanwhile, Helen quickly tells Jim that Annette couldn’t make it due to some serious domestic problems. Madge, Harold and Henry then arrive and Hilary is disgusted to see Henry slouched over. She tries to straighten him out, before being told that he’s hurt his back – she blames the dancing. She then reminds Madge and Harold about their cancelled wedding – Helen wrote and told her – and says that she can’t get over the way Madge just manages to throw her outfits together.
. . . 
At number 32, Mrs Mangel is worried about her dress, as it was intended for Eileen’s wedding, and what if Eileen shows up at Jim and Beverly’s? Jane doesn’t think it’s very likely, as Eileen won’t even leave her bedroom at the moment, and Mrs Mangel then blames men for all the problems in the world. She isn’t impressed with Jim and Beverly getting married on that day either what with the cancelled weddings, but Jane tells her that everything will be fine. Mrs Mangel agrees and says that she won’t be a wet blanket – she’s rather looking forward to the wedding, actually.
In the backyard of number 26, Lucy starts questioning Todd and Katie about their home life and why their mum couldn’t come to the wedding. Todd gets defensive and says that his mum was just busy and he accuses Lucy of being nosy. He tells her that she’s upsetting Katie, so Lucy apologises and tries to ask about Katie’s toy dog, but she refuses to talk. Lucy calls them stuck-up jerks. Helen then comes outside and sends Todd and Katie in, as the ceremony is about to begin. Lucy tells Helen that she’s trying to get along with their new houseguests.
. . . 
. . . 
Inside, everyone is sitting down in preparation for the ceremony, as Mike prepares his camera and Henry hands around drinks. Paul tries to be friendly to Todd, but gets it thrown back in his face. Hilary then answers the door to Mrs Mangel and Jane, and she and Mrs Mangel are horrified to realise that they’re wearing the same dress. Jane tells her nan to calm down as nobody will notice, and Hilary tells Helen that she’s not going to change. Madge finds the whole thing terrible amusing. It’s suddenly announced that the bride has arrived and everyone takes their places.
Outside, Scott opens the car door for Beverly and Mike starts taking photos of the two of them. Hilary suddenly rushes out and tells Mike to stop. She then tells Beverly that she looks a mess and starts rearranging her for the photos. Bev asks Hilary about Annette, and Hilary tells her that it’s all fine and there’s nothing that can’t be sorted out later on. Mike then starts to take the photos, and Hilary warns him that if she and Mrs Mangel appear in any photos together, he’ll lose his camera.
. . . 
. . . 
Inside, Beverly walks in and everyone sits down as the ceremony begins.
The celebrant pronounces Jim and Beverly to be husband and wife. As they take their vows, the other couples in the room – Scott and Charlene, Paul and Gail, Madge and Harold, glance at each other, whilst Todd steals the car keys from Hilary’s purse. Jim then announces that Paul and Gail would like to take the opportunity to renew their vows. As they stand up, Todd and Katie quietly sneak out of the front door. Paul says his new vows:
I promise to respect you and to love you, to treasure your independence and your uniqueness as a human being, to be there when you need me and to keep the faith. To be your husband.
Gail then follows:
I promise to share with you the good times and the bad, to respect the times you need to be alone and to share the joys of being together. To care for you and to be cared for, to comfort you and to look to you for comfort, to love you and to be loved. To be your wife.
. . . 
. . . 
Meanwhile, Todd and Katie run down the front steps and gets their bags from the car, before running off down Ramsay Street.
Inside, Christine congratulates Paul and Gail and asks if there’s anyone else. Harold laughs, until he looks over at Madge’s face and he stops.
. . . 
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Later, Henry opens a bottle of champagne and the party gets started. Jane suggests to Scott and Charlene that they should have renewed their vows too, but Charlene says that she meant it the first time. Hilary is quizzing Paul and Gail about renewing their vows, and Paul explains that they wanted the whole family to be there this time. Hilary suspiciously walks away from them, saying that once should be enough. Mike tells everyone that he’s going to get some photos of the bride and groom.
Beverly corners Hilary, who explains that Bob wouldn’t let Annette come to the wedding. She says that their marriage is falling apart and it’s having a terrible effect on Todd and Katie. Bev suddenly realises that she’s hardly spoken to the kids and asks Lucy where they are. They suddenly realise that they’re missing. Helen goes over to Paul and Gail and tells them how proud she is of them for renewing their vows.
. . . 
In the back garden, Lucy and Beverly are looking for Todd and Katie, but they’re nowhere to be found. Lucy tells Bev about the argument she had with them earlier, but Bev assures her that it’s not her fault. Hilary comes outside and says that they’re definitely not inside, so they all go to look at the front of the house.
In the kitchen, Madge is preparing a salad and Helen finds her crying. Helen assures her that when her time comes to get married, they’ll all be there cheering. In the lounge room, Jim is looking for Bev and the others speculate that she’s been kidnapped, when Mrs Mangel pipes up that Bev is actually outside, by the garage. Jim goes out to see her.
. . . 
. . . 
Hilary finds the car keys inside the boot and realises that Todd must have stolen them. Jim joins Bev and tells her that everyone inside is wondering where she’s got to. Bev then tells Jim that they have a problem – Todd and Katie have run away.