At number 26, Katie takes a painting from the fridge and gives it to Bev, as something to remember her by. Beverly assures her that they won’t forget her in a hurry. Just as Todd is about to leave for school, Helen returns home, having caught an earlier flight. Helen sits down with the family as they have breakfast and she explains that she bumped into an old friend at the airport and they shared a taxi, so she’s invited him over for lunch. The others try to find out more information, but Helen says that they’ll just have to wait and see.
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At number 28, Des and Jamie are colouring in when Mike appears from his room, saying that the swimming team is coming along well, especially Matt Robinson. Just then, Jane arrives and explains to Des that she’s booked on a flight for 6 o’clock that evening, so Des offers to give her a lift. She tells him that she’s booked a cab, but he insists on going with her. Mike and Jane manage to talk him out of it, and he asks if they can have a picnic instead. She says that she has to go to work and then finish her packing, but she’ll call in and see him later. He hugs her, asking her not to go, but Jane insists that she has to be with her nan. Des asks Jane what will happen if Nell doesn’t get any better, but Jane insists that she will.
At the Coffee Shop, Bronwyn is trying to cheer up Henry, who’s depressed after being sacked. She gives him a free donut and says that they can arrange a special dinner at home tonight. He says that he’d love to, but he’s volunteered to DJ at the year 10 formal. She tells him not to do it if they’re not paying him, but he says that he can’t let all of the kids down.
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At number 32, Kerry is selling red noses for SIDS to Toby and Mary. Joe comes in with some sandwiches and agrees to buy a nose from Kerry, but refuses to wear it, so she makes him wear a ‘chicken’ badge. Mary suggests that Joe tries to sell some red noses down at the pub, so Joe gives her a sandwich to shut her up.
At number 26, Beverly is trying to work while Katie is packing, and she and Todd fight over what belongs to who. As Helen prepares lunch, the doorbell rings and Bev answers it, to be confronted by a man in a gorilla mask. Bev screams, but Jim immediately realises that it’s Clive, who removes the mask.
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Henry arrives home and, as he gets out of the car, Kerry approaches him to help her sell the red noses. He says that he’s just got home and isn’t really in the mood as he’s just been sacked. Kerry tells him that he just needs to find a job that he really believes in, and he finally relents and agrees to help her.
Back at number 26, Clive explains that he’s been travelling for the past six months, before complimenting Helen on her roast. Katie leaves to see Toby, while Clive says that he was lucky to find a partner at his practice where he could just disappear for months on end. Clive then asks Helen if Susan ever comes to visit. Helen says that she doesn’t, but Madge has been to see her in Coffs Harbour once or twice. Helen explains that she told Clive about Bev’s accident and he’s offered to fill in for a few hours a few days a week. Bev is thrilled, and Clive threatens to wear his gorilla outfit for consultations.
At number 32, Toby is shocked to hear that Katie is leaving and won’t be coming back. She tells him that she’ll be going to school in Adelaide, but she might come back for the holidays. Toby gets upset and asks why she has to go, but she tells him that her mum is all alone and needs somebody with her. She suggests that they write or phone each other, but Toby tells her he doesn’t want to, and runs off as Joe tells him it’s time to go to school. Joe asks Katie what’s wrong with Toby and she says that she doesn’t know, but she thought he was her friend.
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At number 26, Kerry is around selling red noses, and becomes offended when Clive starts making jokes about them. Her mood changes when she realises that he’s a doctor. As Kerry leaves, Katie comes running in in tears and Bev goes to see what’s wrong with her. Clive decides that he should go and do some work and he asks Helen about Kerry. He’s surprised to hear that she’s Harold’s daughter and disappointed to realise she’s engaged to Mrs Mangel’s son.
At number 32, Joe is still confused about Toby’s behaviour, but Kerry tells him that Katie’s returning to Adelaide soon, so he’s probably upset. Joe decides to have a chat to Toby about it after school, and Mary is impressed with the way Joe treats his son like a best friend. She breaks down in tears as she remembers her own son, Daryl and how they never see each other now he’s married.
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Later on, Bronwyn and Henry are at number 32, showing Kerry all of the money they made from selling the red noses. Bronwyn is pleased that the afternoon has managed to cheer up Henry after he got sacked. Joe comes in and says that Mary’s busy baking in the kitchen, then Jane appears with all of her cases and says she’s just popping over to see Des. Kerry notices how much stuff Jane is taking and Kerry wonders if the astrologer’s prediction about one of the weddings not taking place could be about to come true.
At number 26, Katie has finished her packing and Jim is loading her stuff into the car. Todd gives Katie a record that they were fighting over earlier and a note to give to their mum. She asks if he’s going to forget her and he hugs her and promises that he won’t. Helen notices that Katie is still upset about Toby not saying goodbye, and she suggests that Katie should lend something precious to Toby, to show him that she’ll be back for it one day. Katie is very impressed with this idea.
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Out in the street, Des, Jamie and Mike accompany Jane out to her taxi, where Joe and Kerry are waiting. Katie comes out and says goodbye to Jane, before going inside to see Toby. Henry and Bronwyn also come out onto the street to say their goodbyes. Jane tells Bronwyn that she’ll have to choose her own bridesmaids dress now, and she promises Kerry that she’ll be back in time for the weddings. Jane says her goodbyes to Joe and Mike, and tells Jamie to look after Des until she gets back. She then gets into the taxi and leaves, and everyone goes back inside, leaving Des to stand alone, waving goodbye.
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Inside number 32, Katie takes Rupert the rabbit out of a box and gives him to Toby to look after while she’s away. She tells him that he’s her best friend, so she can trust him with her pet. He says that he wishes she didn’t have to go away. Just then, Jim sounds his horn, so Katie and Toby do their special handshake and she says that she’d really like a kiss before she leaves. He reminds her that they already kissed in the school play, but she tells him that it doesn’t count before sadly walking away. He stops her and kisses her and she’s delighted. She runs out the front door and a tearful Toby watches from the window as she leaves.