Magic Moments > 1989 > Joe and Kerry's Wedding Episode 1058
Written by Chris McCourt, Directed by Steve Mann
Joe explains to a furious Madge that Henry was left 50ks away as Harold runs in babbling about the wedding. Madge worries about him dying of exposure and ruining the wedding but that is the least of her worries when she finds out the water is off in the whole street and Harold has emptied the bath of her reserve. Storming off to the kitchen, she suggests they call the weddings off as the whole day has turned into a disaster...
Harold follows and tries to calm the situation but Madge refuses to be swayed. Henry suddenly arrives through the backdoor much to Joe's amusement and smells terrible. He wants to take a shower but Madge has to tell him the water is off and figures Paul might lend them a couple of rooms at Lassiter's to shower. Joe diffuses the situation by leading Harold away as he's come up with an idea for a bath. Henry returns in only a towel and decides to go and wash in the pool.
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Joe and a sceptical Harold are loading an old bath tub in to the back of Joe's ute which he intends to fill with water. Bouncer and Toby follow as Toby offers his skateboard as a means of transporting the bath once its full. Joe praises him for the idea but Harold is uneasy. They notice a car pulling up in Ramsay Street and Harold is suspicious.
In number 28, Des comes off the phone with Madge and tells the girls that Henry has finally turned up. Bronwyn is relieved and even more so when Des offers to drop her and Sharon off at Lassiter's where Paul has a room waiting for them to get ready. There is a knock at the door and Des answers it to Gordon Davies -- the girls' father. He wants to talk to Bronwyn despite Sharon's protestations that there isn't time. Bronwyn sends her and Janice out, ready to talk.
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Helen gets ready in the kitchen of the Robinson house as Jim fiddles with the camcorder he's using to tape the wedding ceremony. Madge walks in through the back entrance and asks for a cup of tea. If she'd known that weddings would be so much trouble she never would have had kids. She tells them of Henry taking a bubble bath in the pool and how it's probably ruined the pH balance. Meanwhile, she wonders what Harold and Joe could be up to.
Gordon tells Bronwyn that he's worried about her ruining her life but she doesn't want to listen to it. She loves Henry too much. Gordon reminds her of a past engagement that she was glad of breaking off but Bronwyn thinks it's different. All Gordon wants is for her to postpone the wedding until next year so she can get to know Henry better. Taking over the double wedding in place of Des and Jane is no excuse for rushing ahead with it. He thinks Henry is too immature and would like Bronwyn to bring him up to Narabrai to stay with him and Bronwyn's brother but she doubts it will make any difference. If Bronwyn loves him she'll do it to give him some peace of mind.
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Harold guides Joe's ute up the driveway of number 24 before shooing Toby and Bouncer out of the way to unload the bathtub. He and Joe tentatively try to lift it but neither of them can and Harold angrily blusters that there's too much water in it. Toby tells them to use the ramp which Joe sets up. Again they begin to move the tub which slides onto the driveway spilling most of its loads. As they argue, the tub begins to move down the driveway and Toby shouts at them. The pair run after it but are unable to stop it from flying off the driveway and unloading in Ramsay Street leaving Toby highly amused.
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Henry checks his appearance in the mirror inside the house as Bronwyn arrives and says that there's something she wants to talk to him about -- and he needs to be really understanding.
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In the butterfly garden the guests begin to gather and Joe tells the marriage celebrant that there's only one bride -- Kerry. Henry is now his best man as his wedding to Bronwyn has been called off. With everything ready, Harold leads Kerry down the aisle of standing guests and Henry glances at Bronwyn, obviously heartbroken. As the ceremony progresses, Harold points out a butterfly to Madge leading the marriage celebrant to think he objects to the marriage but he quickly sets the record straight.
Joe recites his vows: "I am truly honoured that someone as beautiful as you would be my wife and share your life with me...and I'll always be there when you need me. From me and Toby, thankyou. We'll always love you."
And Kerry hers: "I promise to open my heart to love and will bring all the happiness I can to this union."
As they exchange rings, Bronwyn breaks down into tears and Joe and Kerry kiss as man and wife.
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The reception is underway at number 24 and Harold welcomes Joe to the family before Jim starts taking pictures. Madge walks over to Henry and Bronwyn to let them know how proud she is that they were able to postpone their wedding. They tell her that they're leaving first thing in the morning for two weeks in Narabrai and Henry is determined to make Gordon see he's the right man for Bronwyn. Jim takes shots of various guests including Beverly who jokes that she could use Toby as a locum. In another corner of the living room, Des explains to the marriage celebrant how the wedding plans changed before leaving upset. Harold is about to make a speech until he alerts Madge to the fact that the kitchen sink is flooding and the water must have been turned back on. Madge switches it off as the guests cheer.
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Des is moping around number 28 and opens a music box and wedding rings which remind him of Jane trying on her wedding dress.
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Back at number 24, Harold is making a speech about what a wonderful daughter Kerry is even though it took him a long time to realise it. Kerry replies that it both goes ways. Harold then goes onto speak of Henry and Bronwyn, explaining that they have postponed their wedding and how it has made him realise what a mature young couple they are. The guests raise their glasses first to Joe and Kerry followed by Henry and Bronwyn. Joe starts to make a speech only to find that Toby has played a trick on him and simply states that he's the luckiest man alive.
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Later Harold urges Joe to kiss Kerry after the wedding cake is cut and Helen comforts Madge who is upset over the wedding postponement. Meanwhile Sharon tells Harold that she wishes her mother were there to talk Gordon around. Harold wouldn't be in the least surprised if she was around along with Kerry's mother, watching down upon them. Harold and Madge go to find Joe and Kerry in the kitchen and offer them a weekend at Green Valley Lodge where they spent their own honeymoon. They'll look after Toby and Sky.
Henry finds Bronwyn in tears in the bedroom and assures her he knows she loves him. She apologises but she didn't know what to do. He thinks she did the right thing. They're still together and they can wait.
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Everyone has gathered outside in Ramsay Street where Joe's ute has been decorated for the newlyweds. Joe apologises to Henry for the bucks' party and Kerry hugs Harold and Madge. Madge then goes over to embrace Henry and Bronwyn as Joe says goodbye to Toby and a barking Bouncer. Kerry throws the bouquet which is caught by Bronwyn to rapturous applause and Kerry tells her she's next. The newlyweds get into the ute and drive off down Ramsay Street as everyone waves goodbye and Bronwyn kisses Henry.
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Summary and captures by Jay