At the Waterhole, Gloria arrives for work and asks Madge if she’s settled on somewhere to go on holiday yet. Madge explains that Harold has settled on Scotland. Paul then arrives and asks for word with Madge, as Gloria tries to listen in. Paul tells Madge that after what happened the other night, with the drunk man, he’s decided to employ a male bar manager. Madge is horrified, and thinks that her work isn’t good enough, but Paul tells her that he’s simply concerned for the welfare of his female staff. Madge doesn’t want to be demoted and thinks Paul is being unfair, but he tells her that he’ll give her a pay rise. She tells him that’s not the point – she wants to continue as manager. Paul reminds her that she’ll be doing less work for more money, before walking away.
. . . 
Des is still struggling to make his way down the rock and Geoff leans over and asks if everything’s ok. Des claims that his foot is stuck, and Geoff wants to know how. Des says that it’s just stuck, so Geoff offers to come and free it, but Des tells him that he’ll be fine. Geoff tells him that he has five minutes.
On Ramsay Street, Melanie and Bronwyn are walking home, discussing the lack of decent men, when they spot a car parked outside number 22. Melanie thinks they’ve got new neighbours and hopes that it’s a single man, so she drags Bronwyn up to the front door so that they can introduce themselves. A young woman answers the door and doesn’t seem very impressed as Melanie talks away, before explaining that she’s quite busy and can’t really chat. As they leave, Mel comments to Bronwyn that another weirdo has moved into Ramsay Street.
. . . 
. . . 
Back at the pub, Madge has finished her shift and is still annoyed with Paul. She thinks that he only told her last thing in the afternoon so that she would be angry when she got home rather than when she was at work. Gloria agrees, but advises Madge against resigning, as then Paul would win. Gloria then suggests a strike, but Madge doesn’t want everyone else to lose pay because of her. Harold then arrives to pick Madge up and Gloria tells her that she should insist on a holiday to Las Vegas.
Geoff reaches the bottom of the rock face and congratulates Des on managing it. Geoff explains that he noticed that Des was a bit rattled and Des realises that he must have been stupid to even attempt it. Geoff tells him that it’ll be easier next time, but Des gets angry and says that there won’t be a next time. He tells Geoff that he isn’t prepared to work for someone who tests their employees with such ridiculous games and he resigns.
At number 24, Madge has told an unimpressed Bronwyn about what Paul is trying to do. Bronwyn agrees that Madge has to do something, and she asks Harold for his opinion. He says that it’s between Madge and the pub and he doesn’t want to make things worse by sticking his oar in, but he’ll stand by his wife whatever she decides. Madge believes that he’s suggesting that it’s all a storm in a teacup, but Harold explains that he simply wants to read his magazine in peace.
. . . 
. . . 
Hilary is collecting her mail when she spots the new neighbour at number 22, collecting some things from her car. She walks over and introduces herself, but the woman is still very cagey and refuses to talk about herself, even as Hilary asks some rather unsubtle questions. Hilary is somewhat put out as the woman quickly says goodbye and goes inside.
At number 28, Des, Paul and Melanie are sitting down for dinner, as he explains that he told Geoff Sinclair where to stick his job. Paul isn’t impressed and tells Des that some employers actually do have their employees best interests at heart. Des is annoyed at this, and the two have an argument about the situation as Melanie constantly interrupts and asks them to pass the wine, salt and cheese. Paul and Mel both then point out that Des has only hurt himself as he’s still going to need a job now. He tries to blame Mel for all of the things she wrote on his resume, but then realises that he’s only got himself to blame and he’s really messed things up this time.
. . . 
At number 24, Harold, Madge and Bronwyn are tidying up after dinner, when Bronwyn points out that they have a new neighbour. Harold once again gets shirty when he hears that Bron and Melanie went and introduced themselves, pointing out that some people enjoy their privacy. Madge says that it’s nice to hear that he has an opinion on something and they begin to argue about the Waterhole situation. Harold tells Madge that he’d be a lot happier if there were a man working at the pub with her. Bronwyn and Madge think that this is disgusting and point out that Madge has fought off drunks and a mugger and her self-defence classes have done wonders. Harold thinks that they have simply given her a false sense of self-confidence and that she’s behaving like a feminist. This is the final straw for Madge, who announces that she’s not going to let Paul win this time.
The next morning, Harold walks down the driveway, taking a little peek at number 22 as he goes, before spotting Hilary on the other side of the street, setting up to do some gardening. Harold mentions the new neighbour wasn’t very forthcoming and that Melanie and Bronwyn knocked on the door. Hilary points out that nobody would be forthcoming if Melanie knocked on their door. She then says that she also met the new neighbour and found her to be quite reserved and secretive. A car pulls up outside number 22 and they watch as the young lady welcomes a man into her home. They wonder how a single young woman would be able to afford the rent on her own, before Harold quickly walks away.
. . . 
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At number 28, Des is doing the washing up when there’s a knock at the door. It’s Geoff, who wants word about yesterday. He admits that he was shocked, as Des is the first person who’s stood up to him about his sporting activities. He asks Des to return to work, but Des isn’t so sure. Geoff points out that there’s a great course in self-motivation that he could take, at the company’s expense and Des agrees to give it another try.
At the Waterhole, Gloria is telling Madge about a friends of hers who has worked at the same place for 30 years, but has never been promoted. Madge says that Harold turned out to be just the same as all the other men. Gloria tells her that she’s spoken to the staff and everyone is prepared to strike, but Madge says that she has another tactic up her sleeve and is going to confront Paul on Monday morning. Gloria tells her to do it now, as Paul is in the office at work – even though it’s Saturday. Madge decides that she will.
. . . 
Hilary spots the man leaving number 22, after almost an hour, and realises that the new neighbour has changed her clothes during that time…
. . . 
At the office, Paul is furious with Madge, but she tells him that this is blatant sex discrimination and that the entire staff are prepared to strike over it. She tells him that she isn’t going to be walked over and that she’s prepared to go to an equal opportunities tribunal if he continues to force the issue.