In the morning, following the dinner party, Helen marches into the kitchen, as Jim and Bev eat breakfast. Helen announces that she didn’t sleep a wink last night and that Todd can’t concentrate on his studies and Nick can barely wait to get out of the door each morning. She then chastises them for their performance at the dinner party and explains that she can no longer live under the same roof as them, so she’s decided to go and look after Sharon at number 24, since Bronwyn is leaving and the Bishops won’t be back for a while. Bev and Jim feel terrible for driving Helen out of her own home and try to convince her to stay. She says that she won’t be a referee for them any longer and is going to speak to Sharon and Bronwyn now. As she leaves, she tells them both to take a long, hard look at what they’re doing to their marriage.
. . . 
At number 28, Melanie bursts out of her bedroom, celebrating the fact that it’s the weekend and she has two whole days away from the office. Des realises that things are a little tense for Mel at work, but she says that she doesn’t wish to talk about Paul Robinson. After a few seconds of silence, she launches into a rant about how Paul bosses her around and he even suggested that she find herself another job. Des asks if she’s going to quit, but she says that she isn’t and if Paul tries to sack her, she’ll take him to court. She explains that she thought Paul really cared about her after their night together, but now it looks like he was just using her.
At number 24, Bronwyn isn’t sure that it’s fair on Helen to have to look after number 24, as well as Sharon. Helen assures her that Madge and Harold will be thrilled that Bronwyn is joining Henry, and Sharon also encourages her sister to go. Bronwyn wonders what Sharon will do once the Bishops get back, but Helen says that they’ll speak to Gordon and work something out when the time comes. With no excuses left, Bronwyn agrees that she’ll go, at which point Sharon looks a little sad, and Helen notices.
. . . 
At number 26, Jim and Bev are discussing their situation, having noticed how they’ve driven everyone away with their fighting. They wonder if they can resolve their differences and hope that Helen will stay if they at least try. Jim says that he’ll have a word with her.
At number 22, Christina is getting ready to meet up with some old friends and asks Caroline if she wants to pass any messages along. Caroline insists that she’ll meet up with them herself soon, and barely acknowledges the news that two of her friends have had a baby daughter. Chrissie suspects that Caroline thinks she’s too good for her old friends now, but Caroline laughs this off and says she’s just meeting new people. Chrissie reminds her about the dinner party and suggests that everyone in Ramsay Street is uptight, ignoring Caroline’s claim that Paul has been really nice to them. Chrissie wishes that Caroline would agree to return home, but Caroline says that she’s not leaving her job or Erinsborough and if they can’t afford to rent number 22 they’ll find a smaller place nearby. Chrissie accuses her sister of being selfish and only looking out for herself and she says that she hopes that they have to separate. Caroline looks a little guilty as Chrissie storms out the door.
. . . 
At Lassiter’s, Paul and Des are walking over to the restaurant, as Paul explains his plans to open a nightclub. Des insists that he has nothing against the club, but can’t Paul find anywhere better to build it than on top of a childrens’ playground? Paul accuses Des of being an idiot for following Kerry Bishop and her band of do-gooders, and says that once the reports are published, they won’t have a leg to stand on. Des thinks that some of what Kerry is saying is fair, but Paul tells him that it’s not about being fair and that Kerry was the one who got Lochy and Toby to spray graffiti all over his car. Des doesn’t think that Kerry would do something like that, but they agree to disagree. Paul then orders drinks for both of them, without consulting Des. Des asks Paul how things are going at work, and isn’t very impressed when Paul says that he hasn’t done anything wrong. Des tells Paul that he’s really hurt Melanie and if he carries on pushing people away like this, one day, he’ll find himself all alone with nobody to turn to for help.
At number 24, Sharon is helping Bronwyn to pack and wondering what Helen will be like to live with. Bronwyn suspects that Helen will be lovely as everyone always gets on well with her. She goes to get some more clothes as there’s a knock on the door. Sharon answers and finds Ryan there, who’s come to tell Bronwyn what a great time he had with her at the ball, much to Sharon’s disappointment. Sharon quickly points out that Bronwyn is leaving – forever – to join her fiance in New Zealand. Ryan tells her how much he’ll miss her and wishes her a good flight. As he goes, Sharon asks Ryan if he came over for any particular reason and looks upset as he says that it was just to say hello. Bronwyn suspects that Ryan is keen on Sharon, but she doesn’t think so.
. . . 
At number 22, Caroline is home alone and looks out the curtains when she spots a depressed Christina walking towards the front door. Caroline quickly sits down and asks her sister how her day was. Chrissie says that it wasn’t too good, as Trevor couldn’t wait for her and he’s found a new girlfriend. She thinks that it never would have happened if she hadn’t been locked up in Ramsay Street for so long, but Caroline accuses her of being dramatic. Chrissie says that it’s been easier for Caroline to adjust, as she was going out to work everyday, but she doesn’t adjust easily to change and wants to return home. Caroline tells her that she’s going to stay in Erinsborough and it’s sad that they have to go their separate ways after all these years.
At number 26, Jim appears from the bedroom and Helen comments on how quiet it is. He tells her that the kids have gone to a movie and Bev got a house call – not that he’s complaining. He apologises to Helen for driving her out, but she tells him that he should be apologising to Bev. He says that he’ll be doing a lot of that from now on and asks Helen to stay. She says that she’s committed to looking after Sharon now, but will consider coming back when Madge and Harold return. He asks her when she’s moving out, and she tells him first thing on Monday morning…
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It’s Monday morning, and Bronwyn is hugging a tearful Melanie as Des waits to drive her to the airport. Bronwyn promises Melanie that she’ll never forget her, then hugs Helen and thanks her for looking after Sharon. Helen assures her that it’s her pleasure. Bronwyn admits that it feels strange leaving Ramsay Street as it’s been such a home for her and then says her goodbyes to Jamie as Des puts him in the car. Sharon wishes that she could miss school and join her sister at the airport. Bronwyn hugs her and says that they’ll see each other soon, at the wedding. Sharon tells Bronwyn that she loves her, and Bronwyn tells Sharon to be good for Helen and not to slack off in her final year at school. They promise to write to each other, then Des tells Bronwyn that they should hurry up or she’ll miss her flight. Mel tells Bronwyn to give Henry a big kiss from her and Sharon gives her sister one last hug. Bronwyn tells Helen to look after Sharon, as she’s the only sister she’s got. She then gets in the car and waves back as she goes.
Sharon is sitting alone in the Coffee Shop when Ryan comes in and asks if he can join her. He says that it’s a shame that Bronwyn had to leave, but he was probably kidding himself that someone that gorgeous would ever want to go out with him. Sharon suggests that he find someone his own age, as some of the girls at school like him. He asks who, but she tells him to work it out for himself. He starts listing all of the girls and Sharon is just getting somewhere when Melanie walks in and interrupts them, so Ryan goes to order. Sharon tells Mel that she’s getting nowhere with Ryan, and Mel suggests to an unimpressed Sharon that she could be her surrogate sister from now on.
. . . 
At the Robinson Corporation office, Christina walks in and Paul asks her how the figures are looking, before realising that he’s got the wrong twin. He asks her how she’s settling in and she says that she isn’t, so she’s going home. Paul asks her if it’s about the lack of work, and he tells her that there’s a position opening up at the gift shop next week. At first, Chrissie thinks that Caroline put him up to it, but when he insists that he’s genuine, Chrissie gladly accepts. Caroline then arrives back and is also thrilled by the news.
At number 26, Helen is leaving with her suitcase and Bev tells her to keep in touch, but Helen reminds her that it’s only next-door. Jim then sits down with Bev and they discuss her work. He says that he was used to her working all hours, but when Rhys came along, he then got used to her being around the house more often. She tells him that she’s a doctor and is dedicated to her work, but he says that she was prepared to sacrifice it all for Rhys, so why can’t she slow down just a little for him. Bev points out that Rhys was just a baby and that Jim can cope on his own. Jim tells her that he isn’t sure he can cope with a wife who isn’t at home, and Bev says that she doesn’t want to be miserable with a husband who expects her to tie herself to the house. Jim walks away.
. . . 
Back at the office, some flowers are delivered for Melanie and she’s delighted, until she reads the note and realises that they’re from Paul and the card says ‘Sorry, it never should have happened’. He comes out of his office and she asks him if this is his idea of an apology. He’s confused and she tells him that if he thought he could buy her off with a bunch of flowers, he’s very much mistaken. She says that now she knows why his wives left him – he’s insensitive, cold-hearted and ruthless. She storms out, throwing the flowers at him and telling him that she quits.