In the office, Hilary tells Paul that she wants her money now. Paul tells her that they might be able to come to an arrangement – he can give her a business loan to buy a house. Hilary tells him that she just wants her money back. Paul reminds her that she’s a valuable member of the company and she in turn reminds him of all of her suggestions for the business which were ignored. Jim tries to calm Hilary down, but she leaves, saying that she wants arrangements made without delay. Paul then explains to Jim that if he loses Hilary’s money, he loses the credit he made against it and that means that his whole project to open a nightclub is down the drain.
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At number 32, Joe is looking after Sky and Lochy, who is juggling with a biscuit when she drops it on the floor. He tells her to clean it up and, whilst she’s under the table, she ties his shoe laces together. Moments later, there’s a knock at the door and, as Joe stands up to answer it, he falls down and doesn’t get up. Lochy starts shaking him and he suddenly shouts at her to get the door. It’s Jim, who helps Joe up off the floor, then apologises to him about Paul taking him off the work at Lassiter’s because of Kerry’s protests. Jim offers to have a word with Paul about it and Joe thanks him, but Jim says that it might take a while, as Paul has enough of his own problems to deal with right now.
At number 30, Lee and Matt are looking through the paper for somewhere to live now that Hilary is leaving. They find an ad for a share house – Matt wishes that they could find somewhere of their own, but realises that it’s all they can afford and they agree to go and have a look the next morning. As they’re sharing a kiss to seal the deal, Hilary walks in and says that she hopes she isn’t interrupting anything. Lee is about to make herself scarce, but Hilary realises why – Matt is going to tell her that he isn’t coming to Adelaide. She says that she’s not a fool and she realises his feelings on the subject and that he hasn’t given Jim notice at the garage. She only wishes that Matt had been honest from the start. Matt apologises, saying that he didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but Hilary wishes them both good luck and hopes that they’ll be happy. Lee says that she has a good feeling about the house they’ll be looking at tomorrow, as a slightly miffed Hilary leaves the room.
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At number 26, Jim and Bev try to get Helen to stop tidying up, as she is a guest, and she apologises, blaming it on habit. Bev says that Nick and Todd should be helping, but they’ve all disappeared to go and study. Helen says that they should all get together tomorrow to say goodbye to Hilary, but Paul says that he’s already said his goodbyes – to both Hilary and his project. Helen thinks that it’s all for the best, as there was a lot of negative local opinion about the nightclub, and Paul suspects that Hilary will now end up looking like the hero of the piece. Paul then has an idea, and goes off to call Sandra Lloyd, editor of the Erinsborough News…
The next morning, at number 32, Kerry asks Joe if he can look after Jamie and Lochy that afternoon, as she wants to go out and collect some more signatures. Joe tells her that she’s already caused enough trouble and shows her a newspaper article, which states that the Robinson Corporation is backing out of the proposed nightclub plan as they are more concerned about the environment. Kerry is thrilled to have won the battle, but Joe thinks that there’s more to it. Kerry accuses him of being a cynic and says that there’s no way Paul can go back on his word now.
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Outside the Coffee Shop, Matt and Lee are discussing the house they went to see and seem really happy with it. They both mention that the current occupants talked about some renovations, but don’t see it being a problem. Matt decides to go and buy some posters to brighten it up, as Jim has gone to play golf and given him the afternoon off work. She thinks that the big move is all happening pretty quickly and he wonders if she’s having second thoughts, but she assures him that she isn’t and is looking forward to having some privacy at last.
At the golf course, Jim is laughing at Bev is he is winning, and she says that she’s going to score a hole in one on the next hole and wipe that grin off his face. She looks at her watch and says that they have a couple of hours before Hilary’s farewell. He allows her to tee off and says that now that Hilary has taken her money, the expansion plans at the workshop are off. Jim tries to put her off by laughing about the time Clive and Melanie came to play golf with them, but she makes a good shot anyway.
. . . 
Hilary arrives at number 24 and apologises for being late, hoping that she hasn’t kept everyone waiting. She bursts in to find the room empty. Helen explains that Jim and Bev will be along soon, and makes excuses for the kids, but Hilary is clearly very upset.
Back at the golf course, Bev suddenly notices the time and says that they’re going to have to leave now if they’re going to see off Hilary. Jim wants to play the final two holes, but Bev is insistent, as she has to go to work afterwards.
. . . 
In the street, Des approaches Kerry to look after Jamie for a while longer, as he’s going to play squash with Paul. She asks if he’s going to say goodbye to Hilary, but Des quickly explains that he had the squash court booked. As Paul and Kerry talk about the nightclub plan being called off, Lochy places some snails in Paul’s trouser pocket. Des and Paul then walk over to the car and Paul explains that he hasn’t given in, he just used Hilary’s temporary setback to win some Brownie points. As he goes to get his car keys from his pocket, he then finds the snails and chases Lochy across number 32’s garden.
At number 24, Kerry is saying goodbye to Hilary, and she points out to her that they have a lot in common, both being single mums. Hilary isn’t terribly impressed with this, but is touched when Kerry offers to look out for Lee and Matt. There’s a knock at the door, so Kerry makes a quick getaway as Jim and Bev arrive, with Kenneth Muir. Hilary is surprised to see him. Bev says that she has to get to the hospital, so she shares a hug with Hilary and leaves, whilst Helen drags Jim outside to look at the pool pump. Once alone, Kenneth apologises to Hilary for ruining their friendship, but he didn’t want her to go without saying goodbye. She begins to soften, and suggests that they write to each other from time to time, and he could even come and visit if he’s ever in Adelaide. She tells him that she’s glad he visited.
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At number 26, Bev arrives home early, upset about a young motorcyclist who was brought in and died. Jim tells her that she must be used to it by now, but she says that the day she gets used to it is the day she stops being human.
At number 32, Kerry and Joe are still wondering what Paul is up to, as Lochy says that he’s a slime. Kerry wonders why Lochy insists on painting with only the black paint, while Joe realises that she’s used the middle of his newspaper to cover the kitchen table. Kerry then announces that she has a surprise for Lochy, to cure her boredom.
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Out in Ramsay Street, Helen, Lee and Matt are seeing Hilary off. Lee wishes Hilary a good trip, and Helen gives her a hug. Matt finishes packing up the car, then Hilary goes over to talk to him. She apologises for being such a bad mother, but he tells her that he wouldn’t have finished school, or met Lee, if it hadn’t been for her. They share a hug and he tells her that he loves her. She then says that she can’t put it off any longer and gets into the car. Matt leans in and kisses her on the cheek, and she drives away as the three of them watch her go.
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Back in number 32, Joe and Lochy are preparing dinner, when there’s a knock at the door. Joe thinks that it might be Lochy’s surprise, at which point Kerry brings another girl, Natasha Kovac, into the kitchen. Lochy is horrified to see her, as they’re in the same class at school and they hate each other. Kerry thinks that’s too bad, as they’ll be seeing each other everyday after school from now on. Lochy is not impressed.