Magic Moments > 1990 > Beverly's Departure Episode 1283
Written by John Upton, Directed by Chris Adshead
Gemma gives Ryan a letter for Matt and he agrees to do it because he likes her. She promises to make it up to him. As he opens the door to leave Beverly arrives looking for Madge. When Ryan has left he looks at the letter before tearing it to shreds...
Bev returns to the kitchen of number 26 with candle sticks she's borrowed from Madge to brighten up the place. Jim shows in Josh and Melissa who have just arrived and a sullen Todd wants to know where Cody is. Josh attempts to quell him with a joke about women always being late and Beverly replies that chauvinism starts early before telling Todd that there is plenty of food. He thanks her bitterly before she leaves the room with Jim who agrees to keep out of the teenagers' way. Melissa tries to lighten the mood by pointing out that they've gone to a lot of trouble but Todd thinks rightly so as it's their fault that he has to leave.
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Worriedly, Bev tells Jim that the kids blame them but he doesn't think much can be done about it. Changing the subject she asks what he's going to do tonight and he's set his sights on the paperwork which has gotten into a mess due to the recent troubles. Bev points out how good it is that they've maintained a civilised atmosphere for the past few days as she was expecting to move into Lassiter's. Jim thinks that's Todd's doing as he was worth making an effort for. Bev suggests that once they've put everything behind them they can remain friends but Jim brusquely dismisses her as it's better to just let it go completely. Walking away he leaves Bev on the verge of tears.
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At number 24, Gemma enters the living room to find Madge going through council papers and comments on her role serving the community. Madge tells her to save the flattery and asks what she wants. She doesn't want anything, she's just planning to go to the library with Ryan. Madge is suspicious as Gemma had finished her homework and Ryan left over half an hour ago. Gemma remembers that an economics project is due next week and she needs to start researching but Madge jokes that she hadn't heard the school library had burnt down. Gemma quickly makes an excuse about them being out of copies and says that if Madge doesn't believer her, she can go to the library too. Turning the offer down, Madge backs off and gives Gemma her library card so she can get her a good mystery novel. Gemma has never heard of her suggestions but agrees to do it. As she leaves, Madge tells her she can ask Ryan to dinner. Eddie's not home so there'll be plenty. Agreeing to the idea, Gemma leaves.
Melanie is stood breathless after arriving at number 22 and mentions Paul but refuses to elaborate. She's so thirsty after racing to the house that she needs to go to the fridge to get a drink and starts giggling about her manners before Christina finally pins her down and asks if it's about her letter. Melanie replies that a fax came in from Argentina and complains that it arrived just se she was leaving the office. Impatiently, Christina presses her to go on and she continues that Paul is returning to Erinsborough tonight. He should be arriving at seven o'clock. Stunned, Christina asks if he's coming home because he got her letter but Melanie doubts it. If he got the letter, she doesn't think he'd rush home. Christina is offended but Melanie mentions that Caroline seemed to think the guy Paul was meeting in Buenos Aires had to rush off to New York so the discussions were called off. Christina thinks it'll put him in a foul mood if he flew half way round the world for nothing but she's more concerned with how she'll face him if he got the letter. Melanie attempts to make a sharp exit but Christina pulls her back telling her she got her into this mess and she's staying.
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Melissa tries to raise Todd's spirits by talking about Adelaide but he doesn't think anything has changed since he left. She and Josh both assure him that Cody will be there soon but Todd isn't so hopeful the way his life's been going. Josh blames the whole situation on Bev and states that he doesn't know why Todd should suffer just because she's shooting through to Perth. Todd agrees that she doesn't think of anyone but herself pushing Melissa to defend her. It's not only her fault that her marriage didnšt work. Josh scoffs at the idea.
In the living room, Bev overhears the conversation whilst she sorts through her record collection and Jim advises her not to take it too much to heart. Bev replies that his mother has her life back together and wants him with her, what else could she do? The doorbell rings and Jim goes to answer it, letting Cody in. Todd rushes through asking where she's been and she says that she had to go to the shop for Pam. Bev interjects that she's here now and that's the main thing. Todd worried that her parents wouldn't let her come but she says they wouldn't be able to stop her -- he is her boyfriend. Todd leads her into the kitchen commenting sarcastically within earshot of Jim that a fat lot of difference it makes to them.
Gemma is waiting at a fountain in the city, desperately looking around for a sign of Matt. Realising that he's not coming, she begins to cry.
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At number 22, Melanie asks Christina what the time is and she snaps that it's quarter past seven, five minutes later than the last time she asked. She apologises that she's a bunch of nerves but Melanie doesn't think there's any need to be. Before they can say any more, they hear a car pulling up outside and Melanie looks out the window to see Paul. Christina thinks the first thing they need to do is find out about the letter but Melanie disagrees suggesting the best thing to do is pretend it never happened. Disbelieving, Christina scoffs that Melanie practically told the guy she's in love with him but this doesn't deter Melanie who replies that she is and was going to tell him anyway. Not in writing and not when he was half way round the world settling a business deal, Christina replies forcing Melanie to back down. They decide to be subtle and play it by ear as Paul arrives in high spirits. He enthuses about how beautiful Argentina was and hugs the pair before whipping out gifts -- earrings for Christina and Caroline and a skirt for Melanie along with a pair of maracas. Christina thanks him and Melanie mentions that Caroline didn't think his meeting had gone very well. Paul is nonchalant as it gave him a chance to do some sightseeing. Pushing the issue, Christina asks if anything else happened and he simply continues to wax lyrical about the charms of Beunos Aires.
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Ryan is listening to music in the living room of number 30 when Dorothy answers the door to Gemma. Dorothy pulls off Ryan's headphones before leaving the pair to talk. With a sigh, Gemma explains that Matt didn't turn up and asks if he said anything when Ryan gave him the note. He says no and that something must have come up but Gemma can't think what. She wonders if he's got a date with Debbie -- the girl they had lunch with. Ryan tries to play it down but Gemma thinks it is a big deal and that he wants to drop her. If he still wanted to see her, he could have written a note back. As she speaks, Ryan looks on guiltily.
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Todd and Cody are alone in the kitchen and they discuss how things have turned out between them, Josh and Melissa. Cody complains about how unfair the situation is and makes him promise to keep trying to stay. She fetches the present she brought him saying it's personal and he opens it to find a framed photograph of her. Todd asks why she's frowning in it and she replies it's to show how she's feeling without him. Smiling, he pulls her present out of a drawer... it's an opal that Clarrie gave him. She loves it and suggests that every day they play their song at the same time so they can think about each other. Cody tells Todd she loves him and he replies that he loves her too.
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Melanie interrupts Paul's continued discussion of Argentina by asking if he received his correspondence okay. He did and wonders if she's fishing for a compliment because yes she did do a good job. Melanie denies it bashfully and Paul refers back to Argentina, mentioning that Buenos Aires means beautiful breezes in Spanish. Melanie agrees that it's a pretty name before asking if he got a letter about the gift shop. He says no and wonders if there's a problem with the shop which Christina quickly refutes. Paul can't understand why Melanie would send a letter if she could have faxed him and she explains that it was just a few ideas which she thought would be cheaper to post. She excuses it as her being a bit silly as per usual prompting Paul to reply that some things never change. Jumping up from the sofa, Christina has suddenly remembered they haven't eaten but Paul doesn't want anything after his flight. All he asks for is some uninterrupted sleep before leaving and the girls tell him it's lovely to have him back even if he does give them a hard time. When he is out of sight, Christina exclaims that he didn't get the letter but it will be redirected to the office and Melanie agrees to tear it up.
Gemma picks up the mail at number 24 before suddenly deciding to run across the street. She bangs on the door of number 32 which Matt answers in his night clothes. Immediately Gemma cries how dare he leave her like that in the street and accuses him of seeing it as one big joke. He doesn't know what she's talking about but she responds by hitting him with a newspaper and storming out.
Hurriedly pulling his clothes on, Matt runs across Ramsay Street.
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Madge comes through to the kitchen at number 24 and asks Gemma about bringing the paper in as Harold will want to read it with his breakfast. She mentions that Bev will be coming over soon to say goodbye and it's sad to see a relationship end. There is a knock at the door which Madge answers. Matt wants to speak to Gemma but Madge refuses and he shouts past her that he doesn't know what's happened. Gemma can't believe he's telling lies but he is adamant that he's not lying. Madge asks what's going on but Matt doesn't know. He asks for a minute to talk to Gemma and Madge simply takes their paper from him before forcing him out the door. Sternly, she tells Gemma that she's got some explaining to do.
Paul makes small talk with Jim and Beverly at number 26 over his trip and how he's suffering from jetlag. There is an uncomfortable silence before Paul says he's sorry that he and Bev haven't seen eye to eye in recent times. He wishes her good luck in Perth which she thanks him for and decides to get back to the office. They exchange goodbyes and Paul leaves. Clearing up the breakfast table, Jim comments to Bev that Helen will be sorry she missed her. Bev wants him to tell her she'll ring from Perth. Jim says if there's anything she wants him to do she just needs to ask and apologises for the cheap shot he made last night. Of course he wants to be friends. Tearfully Bev laments that it's understandable -- things that had so much promise just didn't seem to come together. Jim leaves Bev alone in the kitchen.
Walking past Daphne's, Melanie is surprised to hear from Christina that Paul is still in a good mood and jokes that usually when business doesn't go very well, he turns into King Kong pulling wallpaper off the wall and eating it. Laughing, Christina accuses her of not being fair -- when he's under pressure of course he reacts. Melanie thinks it's the voice of love talking but Christina ends the conversation saying the break did him good and that's all there is to it. Melanie asks Christina what she's going to do now but when she simply replies that she'll open the gift shop, Melanie tells her that now is the perfect time to tell Paul how she feels.
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Jim is loading the back of the car in the driveway as Melissa is forced to stop Josh from hogging Todd with football talk. She tells him that they'll really miss him and Josh agrees. Jim cuts in that they won't be getting rid of him completely -- he'll send the fare for him to visit in the summer holidays. Todd thanks him for that and for everything. He knows Adelaide isn't his fault. Bev returns dewy eyed from saying goodbye to Madge, Harold and Kerry as Dorothy approaches and gives Todd her best wishes. She assures him he's a clever lad and if he puts his nose to the grindstone he'll do remarkably well. She bids farewell to Beverly telling her she'll find Perth a charming place and before she leaves, she reminds the teens that they've got lessons to get to. Josh and Melissa both give Todd a hug before making their way to school. Jim and Bev get into the car as Cody begins to sob and pleads with Todd to remember their song. He gets into the car solemnly as Jim drives away leaving Cody alone in the street.
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Summary and captures by Jay