Magic Moments > 1990 > Kerry's Death: Part 2 Episode 1286
Written by Lois Booton, Directed by Tony Osicka
Joe makes his way over to Kerry's lifeless body in the marshes to find her unconscious and bleeding...
Doug arrives home and starts hugging and kissing Pam, disgusting Adam who thinks his parents are setting a bad example. Doug asks about Cody, and Pam says she's still moping. Adam makes fun of her saying she has a bottom lip on her like Sting's friend from the Amazon rainforest. Pam tells Adam to go easy on Cody as Todd leaving has been a major tragedy for her. Adam reckons that as soon as the next guy asks her out Cody will have trouble remembering who Todd was. Pam and Doug start to tease Adam about how devastated he was when Gerianne Wolf left town. Proclaiming it was different, Pam and Doug tell him that they put up with his moaning for six weeks making the place like a morgue. Pam makes Adam promise he won't make fun of his sister.
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Toby, Sky and Harold are still at the Coffee Shop closing up, where Toby asks for his allowance. Madge comes in and greets them all, asking where Joe and Kerry are. Harold isn't sure, saying they should take the kids home. At that, Amber walks in. Madge asks her where Kerry and Joe are but she ignores her and asks to speak with Harold alone. They make their way to the kitchen where an upset Amber gives Harold the news that Kerry has been shot and taken to hospital.
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Pam brings in the washing 'before the dew comes down', although Adam tells her it's been out for the last three days. Doug gets up to help her and Adam takes the rocking chair he was sitting on with glee. Pam doesn't know what the attraction in the chair is. She asks how his Felicity Brent job is going, and he tells her Felicity insists on keeping her eye on his every move. Jokingly, Pam tells him to keep it strictly business. Doug says their marraige has no trust, but Pam insures him that Felicity is the one she doesn't trust! Cody bursts out of her room and puts on her tape, as pam and Doug leave. While listening to the song she has various flashbacks of her time with Todd, including when he left. Adam jokes around saying 'Aint love grand' which upsets Cody.
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Amber has brought Toby and Sky home to Number 32. Toby is very inquisitive to where Kerry and Joe are, and comes to the conclusion that Kerry has been arrested again, and Amber doesn't know what to tell him. Matt arrives home and Toby tells him about kerry. Amber tells Toby to take himself and Sky to the kitchen. Matt tells a worried Amber that it's okay as Kerry has been arrested before, but Amber tells him that she wasn't arrested, she was shot. Matt wants to go to the hospital but Amber asks him to stay there with her to look after the kids until they know if Kerry will be alright. Matt tells Amber that Kerry will be fine, but Amber doesn't think she will be. Upset, Matt assures Amber that Kerry will pull through.
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At the hospital, Joe is sitting alone in the waiting room. He gets up just as Madge and Harold come running down the hall and find him. Questioning him, he starts crying and explains what happened, how Kerry's injuries are pretty bad and she's been taken to surgery. Upset, he says he was meant to be looking after Kerry. The doctor comes out, telling the group that Kerry's injuries were very severe, and that Kerry lost a lot of blood. He adds that they did everything that they could, and that he's sorry. Starting to heavily cry, Joe doesn't believe it and starts calling out to his wife, before breaking down in Harold's arms.
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Back at the Willis house, Doug is getting hungry asking when dinner is. Pam tells him that he knows how the stove works if he's that hungry, but Doug reminds her that last time he tried to cook they ended throwing everything out. The family all help prepare dinner. Adam asks Cody what the deal with the song is. She explains that at every night, she and Todd will play the same song. However, Adam explains that this won't work because of the time difference between Erinsborough and Adelaide. Upset she realises she has to play it again, annoying Doug. Doug gives her her own portable cassette player to take to her room. Adam asks Cody why they chose the song Body Heat - should the whole family know something? Cody storms off to her room.
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Over at the Mangel house, Matt and Amber are still waiting for any news. Amber is upset that Toby still thinks Kerry is in jail. She bursts out that this was her faults, that kerry was happy before she came along. Matt tells her to leave it, as Kerry has been on protests before and she probably would have gone to this one anyway. Amber reminds Matt that she wouldn't have known about it, and asks herself why she couldn't just leave Kerry alone, as she was the best friend she ever had. Matt is getting upset and repeatedly tells Amber to shut up and that Kerry will be okay. Madge comes in, crying. They ask how Kerry is and Madge shakes her head. Amber starts to cry and Matt is shocked. Toby comes inf rom the kitchen and asks Madge where his mum and dad are, figuring Kerry had to stay the night in jail. Matt sends Toby back to the kitchen. Amber explains how she didn't know what to tell Toby once he had the idea in his head that kerry had been arrested. She asks how Joe is and Madge says he isn't good.
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Harold and Joe are sitting on the couch at Number 24. harold is silent while Joe continues to cry. Joe doens't know how to feel. He suddenly remembers Toby, and realises that Sky won't understand. Harold tells Joe he doesn't understand...he had seen Kerry that morning and she was bright and full of enthusiasm. Joe doesn't believe it's true, thinking he'll wake up and that Kerry will tell him he's late for work. Harold says there isn't any rhyme or reason to what's happened. He doesn't know how it can be possible. Madge comes back and tells Joe that Amber and Matt are looking after the kids over at Number 32. Joe asks if the kids know and Madge says she couldn't tell them. Joe gets up to go over and tell the kids but Madge suggests he leave it for a while. For them, Kerry is still alive and he should leave it that way as long as possible.
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Back at 28, Pam is getting annoyed at the constant playing of the song coming from Cody's room. It suddenly stops much to the delight of Adam and his parents. Adam says that what Cody needs is a distraction, but he doesn't know what yet. The song starts up again, and Pam tells Adam to hurry up and think of one.
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Meanwhile, at the Mangel house, Toby is ignoring Amber who is asking him to go to bed. He starts watching television, saying it isn't his bed time. When asked to go to bed, Toby turns the volume up. Amber turns it down and yells at him to behave or he'll get smacked. She apologises and hugs him. He asks why everyone is acting so strange. Joe and Harold arrive. Toby asks if Kerry is still in jail. Joe begins to tell him what really happened, but Amber says he should leave it until the morning. Harold says Toby needs to be told, leaving Toby to ask what's wrong and where Kerry is.
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Afterwards, Amber and Matt sit in the lounge. Amber says that she's never seen anything worse than the look on Joe's face when he told Toby. She says she wants to help but she just doesn't know what to do, and Matt says he feels the same. Joe comes out of Toby's room. When asked if there's anything they can do he cooly replies that he could use Amber's sleeping bag as Toby doesn't want to be alone. He tells Amber she can sleep in 'their' room, but Amber tells him she couldn't do that. He ignores her and goes into the kitchen to get a beer. Matt follows him leaving Amber alone.
Back over at the Willis house, dinner is finally ready. Adam goes in to get Cody, and Pam and Doug start talking of Joe. Doug
says he seems to be in love with Kerry a lot, and Pam says she doesn't blame him as Kerry seems a really nice person. Doug suggests they invite the couple over for a barbecue, which Pam says is a good idea as she'd like to get to know Kerry better. As dinner starts, Cody clearly isn't concentrating and pours gravy over her vegetables. Doug suggests she record a message to Todd and Adam says she can borrow his walkman. She asks why they're all being so nice to her. Adam replies he knows it's the pits when you've broken up with someone. Angrily, she gets up and yells that they haven't broken up. She says they all act is if it's a joke, that they're all horrible, and storms off.
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That night at 32, Joe, Amber and Matt are sitting around. Matt tells Joe he can take a few days off work if he needs anything. Amber says to Joe that she knows it's hard to see any good that's come out of the situation.."but if you really think about it, think about how Kerry lived her life... it's what she would have wanted, dying fighting for what she believed in". Outraged at the suggestion, Joe screams at Amber that this is all her fault. He gets up and continues yelling at the defenceless woman. He picks her up, drags her to the door and physically pushes her out. Matt calms him down and Joe remains speechless as they hug.
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Comment: Kerry's death provided some great scenes for the Bishops and Mangels to work with. In the end it also provided longer running stories, like Matt's love confession to Gemma and Joe's custody battle with Sky. Although it was a shame to lose a great actress like Linda Hartley, the death story made great viewing.
To read the next episode in this sequence, click here.
Summary by Joe