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Jim and Paul are lounging on the sofa at Number 26 saying how it's the third time lucky and so on. Helen marches into the living room and tells them to get their feet off the table. Helen says the bride won't be taking things so easily.
The girls arrive at Margaret's house and the head inside, bickering about sea sickness pills. The bouquet has arrived and they open the champagne to calm their nerves. Melanie unzips the protective plastic the dress is in and realises it's the wrong dress. She hides it under the chair and says she doesn't fancy any champagne and says she's going to go for a walk.
. . . 
At 26, Helen is helping Paul with his bowtie and Jim is videoing it. Paul says he can't see how his dad can be part of the ceremony if he's going to be the one filming it. Jim says he'll ask Adam to do it for him.
Melanie's cab drops her off at Number 22. She sees that the Robinsons haven't left yet, and tells the driver there's no need for him to wait. As she heads inside, the Robinsons leave.
. . . 
Inside 22 she finds the dress. She hears the Robinson car pull away and runs after them, but she's too late. She tries to phone for a cab but none are available for an hour. Melanie gets the dress and leaves.
The twins are getting ready, doing each other's make up. They wonder where Melanie is, and Margaret says they shouldn't have let her go out on her own. They go to get changed into their outfits. The dress isn't anywhere to be seen, and when Caroline notices her keys are gone, she reckons that Melanie realised she didn't have the dress and went back to get it. Margaret says they'll have to postpone the wedding until Melanie returns, but Christina says they can't, because another couple are booked straight after them, and the ship is set to sail immediately after the wedding. Caroline says she has a contingency plan and runs off.
. . . 
Melanie runs up the high street trying to hail a taxi. One pulls over for her but someone else beats her to it. She waits in line for a taxi with some other people, then has a bright idea…
At the church, Paul and Jim are speaking with the vicar. He asks if Jim has the rings, he says he does. The vicar says they wouldn't want anything to go wrong. He says to Paul that this will hopefully be the wedding to end all weddings.
. . . 
Helen has joined the girls at Margaret's house, and Christina is hysterical, saying she should be ready by now. Caroline arrives with her Cinderella outfit (a sign of things to come judging by their panto careers - Ed) and Christina says she can't wear it. Caroline spots something under the chair and sees the dress - she can't believe it has been there all the time. They wonder where Melanie is, considering the dress is here.
Melanie runs out of a department store wearing the other dress. She hails down a taxi and begs the person to let her have it, as she's late for a wedding. The lady lets her have it and the cab speeds off.
. . . 
At the church Jim is showing Adam how to work the camera. Paul wonders why Chrissie is so late, and Helen arrives saying they're a bridesmaid short. The decide not to wait for Melanie and begin the ceremony.
Melanie's cab arrives at Margaret's house, and she notices they've left. She sees the church over the hill and runs for her life.
. . . 
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Melanie bursts into the church as the Wedding March begins. The music stops and she takes her place with the other bridesmaids. Christina appears looking beautiful and walks down the aisle. They say their vows and are pronounced husband and wife. They kiss and head off for the reception.
On the boat Melanie says how awful she feels about everything. Caroline says it wasn't her fault, as they should have told her Christina was wearing a different dress. Melanie toasts Paul and Christina, saying how happy she is for the both of them. As Paul and Chrissie cut the cake, Melanie warns them not to separate the figures, as it's a bad omen. Melanie takes Caroline aside and says how she's sad that this isn't her wedding and honeymoon.
. . . 
As the reception drags on, Caroline tries to pry the bottle of champagne from a rather merry Melanie, who insists she won't be sick. Caroline tells the others that she's told Melanie to go for a stroll as she's getting a bit light headed. When Jim and Caroline are alone, he says how lovely she looks.
The reception draws to a close and the guests depart. Helen asks where Melanie is, and Caroline said she asked someone to put her in a cab and send her home. Christina and Paul thank everyone for coming, and the sisters hug each other. Chrissie throws the bouquet and Caroline catches it. Her father says it wasn't fair as Melanie didn't get her chance, and that he doesn't want to lose his other daughter so soon. They all leave and Paul and Christina kiss.
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