Magic Moments
> 1991
> Gemma's Departure
Episode 1484
by Ray Kolle, Directed
by Philip East
tells Todd that the student exchange people rang up and she’s
going to be leaving for America next week…
number 30, Melanie is leaving for work and she starts chatting
to Dorothy about Helen’s hen night. Dorothy explains that
her friend, Winnie, had a party with some rather interesting
entertainment, so she’s going to try and book the same thing.
Just then, Helen walks across the street to join them and
they go quiet as they see her approach. She asks if they’re
planning a prank, but they assure her that she has nothing
to worry about. Dorothy starts making small talk but Helen
isn’t convinced as she walks away.

At number 24, Gemma is explaining about her
uni and job offer in Newcastle and that she’s been given a
great reference so things are looking good. She then says
that she can’t accept because she can’t leave when Harold
is so sick. Madge tells her that she can’t give up on a chance
like this because of her and Harold.
At number 26, Josh and Todd are having breakfast, discussing
the situation with Cody. Helen walks in and hears them insulting
Cody. She tells them that it must have been a very difficult
decision, but Todd says that she’s more interested in Darren
Wood now anyway. Helen suggests that Todd goes to speak to
Cody, but Helen explains that Cody will be busy as she’s attending
the hen night. Lucy rushes out, running late for school, and
Todd asks her when Emma’s coming over, as he wouldn’t mind
seeing someone else, since Cody isn’t interested.

the hospital, Harold wakes up and finds Gemma sitting by his
bed. He asks about Madge, and Gemma assures him that she’s
coping fine. Madge then comes in and reports that the doctors
are pleased with his progress. When Harold mentions Gemma’s
offer in Newcastle, Madge explains about Gemma’s reservations,
and Harold tells her that you have to live everyday to its
Emma arrives at number 26 and Lucy explains that she has to
go to her gran’s hen’s night, but Todd and Josh will keep
her entertained. Lucy goes off to get changed and Emma tells
the boys that it’s just going to be an outing, not a date.
Josh goes to get the entertainment guide, while Emma asks
Todd about Cody, and tells him that they can take his mind
off her by going out.

Dorothy arrives at the hospital to visit Harold, who complains
about the food in the hospital. She tells him that if he leaves
any, the staff think he’s too ill to go home, so he finishes
it. She tells him that it’s lovely to see him, as they actually
lost him for a few minutes. He tells her that he had an out-of-body
experience and Dorothy says that he’s not the only one who’s
been on that particular journey. She says that he must have
been terrified, but he says that he felt secure and happy.
He says that he’s glad to be back, but he’ll never be scared
of death again.
Todd, Emma and Josh are looking through the paper and the
phone is ringing. Todd gets up to answer it and tells Josh
that it’s Vanessa, his boss. He goes to take the call in the
kitchen, while Todd asks Emma what the plans are. She tells
him that they can see a movie and get some food, but Josh
comes in and says he has to work so he can’t come with them.
Emma says it’s going to be tougher now as she’s almost a year
older than him and someone might think he’s her toyboy.

Josh is at number 32, telling Melanie that he’s going to get
sacked if he doesn’t do this job. Mel doesn’t see the problem,
as nobody will recognise him with the helmet on anyway. She
says that nobody would suspect him as a stripper…
At number 22, Cody, Dorothy, Lucy, Caroline and Helen are
gathered for the hen’s night and Helen is worried about what’s
going to happen. Gemma and Melanie arrive, and Mel announces
that Gemma’s leaving for Newcastle that night as she’s been
offered the job. Gemma goes over to make her peace with Lucy,
then chats to Caroline about Adam. She says that he’ll be
sorry to see her go, but he’s bearing up.

At number 24, Adam is sitting on the couch,
looking depressed and Madge sits by him, saying that Gemma
won’t be gone long. He says he’ll miss her terribly and Madge
agrees, saying that Gemma was never the handful Charlene was.
Gemma then gets back and Madge says that she won’t come to
the bus as she’ll make a fool of herself. They hug and she
thanks Madge for everything. Gemma and Adam then leave, with
Madge in tears.

Dorothy arrives at number 24 to drag Madge out to the party.
Madge says she won’t be going, but Dorothy tells her that
she has to go, as she’s Helen’s best friend. She tells her
to forget her problems by getting out and enjoying herself,
and she shouldn’t let things get the better of her like this.
Madge says she’ll be ready in ten minutes.
Emma and Todd arrive back at number 26 and she thanks him
for dinner. She says that she thought he’d be brooding all
night about Cody, but he says that he really likes her and
they kiss.
Madge arrives at the party and Helen is thrilled to see her.
Cody is telling Lucy and Dorothy about how scared she is about
leaving, but Lucy says that Todd isn’t very happy about her
decision. There’s a knock at the door and Helen is confused,
as everyone has already arrived. Dorothy forces Helen to answer
the door, which she reluctantly does and a Roman warrior walks
in and puts some music on, while all the women laugh.
At the bus station, Gemma is telling Adam that he’ll soon
be able to come and stay at weekends, but they mustn’t let
the distance spoil things. They hug and she says that she
has to go, before getting on the bus. She waves from the window
as Adam tearfully watches the bus leave.

stripper finishes his act and Lucy and Cody think the guy
looks quite familiar. Everyone starts calling for him to remove
his helmet, but Melanie tries to stop them. Caroline then
comes down the stairs and sneaks up behind him, removing his
helmet and revealing an embarrassed Josh…
by Steve