Melanie tells Simon that she’s really flattered by him asking her, but she isn’t sure if they’re ready for that kind of commitment. She says that it’s something really important that needs a lot of consideration and Simon agrees, assuring her that this time, it’s for keeps. She tells him that when she refused to move in with him, she wasn’t hinting at anything and says that she’s scared of suddenly being so happy in case it all goes wrong. She asks Simon if they can just delay the wedding for a while, so she can get used to the idea and he agrees, so she says yes and they kiss.
. . . 
At number 24, Joe is showing Madge and Harold, with the use of the salt and pepper pots and a potato, the goal that Toby kicked that won the soccer game. Joe and Toby then have a play fight and Madge talks about the trip with Harold, saying that they’d go tomorrow if he had his way. Toby is sad to think about them leaving, so Madge gives him a hug and promises him lots of postcards and photographs. Harold then worries that they’re not going to be able to sublet the Coffee Shop in time and that they’ll lose the deposit on the camper van. Madge reminds him that Brenda Riley is flying herself down from Queensland the next day, so she must be very interested in the shop.
At number 30, Todd arrives for his tutoring with Dorothy and she’s concerned that he looks like he’s come to be tortured. She assures him that it’s going to help, unless he wants to repeat year 11. She gives him a test so that they can find out how much he already knows and suggests making a few extra appointments. Todd picks up her diary and suggests doing it now, but she tells him that’s her personal diary and she’ll need to go and get her business one. As she goes, the phone rings and it’s the police to say that the burglar alarm has gone off at the school. She leaves Todd to get on with the test, explaining that she won’t be long. Once Dorothy has gone, Todd looks over at her diary, before continuing with his test.
. . . 
At number 32, Toby and Joe get back and are disappointed to find that Mel hasn’t made dinner yet. She and Simon then stand up and Mel announces that they’re engaged. Joe is stunned and tells them that it’s all a bit sudden, but Toby disagrees and gives Mel a hug. Joe, rather meekly, gives Mel a hug too and shakes Simon’s hand, telling him to take good care of her. Mel says that she wants both of them at the wedding and Joe wanders out to the kitchen, in shock.
At number 30, Todd gets up and starts walking around the room, looking at Dorothy’s artefacts and out of the window. He then spots the diary again and sits down to have a look. He looks quite surprised and quickly fixes it back in position on the table, before returning to his test. At the same moment, Dorothy walks in and apologises, saying that it was just a false alarm at the school. She notices that Todd hasn’t finished yet and tells him that speed isn’t important – it’s the way people express themselves that counts. As she leaves the room, Todd looks over at the diary again.
. . . 
. . . 
The next morning, outside the Coffee Shop, Madge and Harold are waiting for Brenda and he’s trying to make everything look perfect. Todd and Josh then come along and sit at one of the tables, before Harold tells them to move on if they’re not going to order. Madge wonders what Todd and Josh were talking about, just as Brenda arrives. Madge is delighted to meet her, after all of their chats on the telephone, but Harold is slightly annoyed when Brenda says that the shop looks ‘so-so’.
At number 32, Melanie offers to drop Sky off, but Joe assures her that he can do it. She asks him if something’s wrong and he says that it’s nothing to do with her, he’s just having problems finding work at the moment. He takes Sky and leaves. Mel is worried and Toby decides that he should have a talk to his father.
. . . 
At the Coffee Shop, Madge is showing Brenda how to do things. Brenda then goes into the kitchen and tells Harold that his portions are a little small, before sitting down to have a look at the books. Harold is worried that Brenda will bankrupt them, but Madge says that she’s been running a very successful diner in Queensland for several years. Harold thinks that Brenda’s jokes are very crude, but Madge warns him that she could be his last hope if he wants to go on this trip around Australia. Madge then leaves for the bank, warning her husband not to scare Brenda off.
Outside, Melanie is standing on the bridge, deep in thought, as Josh and Todd walk past, deep in conversation. Madge spots Mel and goes over the congratulate her on her engagement. Melanie admits that she’s still a little nervous as she’s got this far before, with Roger, then it all went wrong. Madge assures her that everyone has moments of doubt, and that Simon seems like a very nice guy.
. . . 
. . . 
Inside the shop, Brenda approaches Harold and says that the books are excellent and she’s decided that she wants in. She then proposes that he knock $50 off the rent, but Harold isn’t swayed, but Brenda shakes hands with him anyway. They arrange to meet at number 24 to sign the papers at 5.30pm and Harold hopes that Paul won’t have any objections. Meanwhile, Josh is trying to convince Todd to tell him what was in Mrs Burke’s diary. Todd eventually relents and starts explaining that it was all about Jim and how she wishes she’d married him rather than Colin. Just then, Dorothy walks in and overhears everything. She looks extremely upset and walks out, with Todd and Josh realising that she heard.
At number 32, Brenda has checked through all of the forms and Joe comes over to witness them. Madge then asks Brenda where she’s staying and suggests she stays at number 24 until she finds somewhere else. Harold isn’t quite convinced and is even more shocked when Madge then offers to rent the house to Brenda. Brenda is delighted to accept and Harold drags Madge out into the lounge room and asks what she thinks she’s doing. She explains that she’s getting them away on their holiday sooner than planned. In the kitchen, Brenda starts flirting with an unassuming Joe.
. . . 
Outside, Toby and Sky are playing soccer on the front lawn of number 32, when Joe comes over. He asks where Melanie is, and Toby explains that she’s just gone out. Joe is disappointed that she just went and left the kids on their own, and Toby asks him if he’s so upset because Melanie’s marrying someone else. Joe denies this, but Toby says that they’ll find a new wife for him sooner or later. Joe smiles and takes the kids inside.
At number 26, Todd and Josh are laughing about the contents of Dorothy’s diary when the woman herself arrives at the door. She comes in and says that she knows that Todd read the diary, so she decided to get in there first and speak to Jim. She explains that Jim felt much the same way that she did and it looks like marriage could soon be on the cards. She leaves, and Todd is stunned.
. . . 
. . . 
At number 24, Madge asks Brenda how exactly she got to hear about the Coffee Shop all the way up in Queensland. Brenda explains that she heard from one of Madge’s ex-boyfriends, Lou Carpenter. Madge is shocked and Brenda explains that she’s Lou’s younger sister. Madge suddenly realises the resemblance and says that they can’t tell Harold, as last time Lou was mentioned, he had a heart attack.