Magic Moments > 1991 > Joe and Melanie's Wedding Episode 1537
Written by C. M. Covington, Directed by Mandy Smith
Joe and Melanie say that they love each other and they share a kiss.
The next morning, at number 22, Melanie is convinced that she’s got a zit on her face, but Caroline tells her that there’s nothing there. Christina feels some back pain and Mel is worried that she didn’t rest enough, but Chrissie says she’ll be fine. Caroline and Mel laugh about the hens’ night and Melanie setting off the fire alarm, and Caroline thinks that the boys’ prank on Joe was extremely immature. Paul comes downstairs and overhears, and he says that it was just traditional. Mel starts hoping that her day is going to run smoothly, but Paul reminds him that, as Jim once said, no Ramsay Street wedding ever runs smoothly.
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At number 32, Toby is highly amused to hear about Joe being dressed up as a woman and tied to the Lassiter’s bridge and can’t wait to see the photos. Joe tells him that the day has to go smoothly as it’s Mel’s big day – he’s been there before, but she hasn’t and everything has to be perfect. Doug and Glen then arrive, waving a white flag and Joe assures them that he can take a joke and isn’t annoyed with them about the bucks’ night prank. After Doug leaves, and Glen comes in with the suits, Joe says that he doesn’t get mad, he gets even.
At number 28, Doug tells Pam that Joe seems to be bearing up very well under the circumstances. Pam realises that she’s going to be late for the hairdressers and starts rushing to get ready, and Doug says that it must be difficult for her to try and look her best, without outshining the bride. Pam isn’t sure whether to take that as a compliment, and tells Doug that Brenda won’t be at the wedding – she suspects it’s because she’s still embarrassed about the way she tried to seduce Doug. He thinks that he should go and speak to her, until Pam glares at him and he sits down again. He says that it’s quite a burden, having so much charisma and being irresistible to women.
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At number 22, Melanie’s mum and dad, and her sister, Justine, have arrived and are helping Mel to get ready. Mel’s mum sends Justine into the kitchen to make tea for everyone, as she’s making awkward comments about Christina being a pregnant bridesmaid. Mel is pleased with what Caroline’s done to her hair and Caroline says that she won’t need to worry about her own hair at her wedding, as she’s going to become a nun. Mel’s mum goes to help with the tea and Mel complains that having her family around is just making everything even more frantic. Paul then comes downstairs and is about to leave to get changed at Lassiter’s, but before he goes, he says that he has a little announcement to make. He tells Mel that, as a wedding present, she’s being promoted to Lassiter’s Reception Manager. She’s delighted and says that this is going to be the best day of her life, ever.
On Ramsay Street, the reception gear is being unloaded outside number 26 and Helen is supervising, as Pam arrives back from the hairdressers. Paul waves to them both as he leaves, and Helen walks over to Pam and tells her that she looks lovely. Helen complains that they’re trampling all over her garden as they put up the marquee, but they were lucky to get them to deliver it on a Saturday. She asks after Brenda, and Pam admits that she won’t be at the wedding, but they seem to have smoothed over the situation now. Pam then mentions Helen’s feud with Dorothy, and shows her a flyer for some art classes at the school. Helen is furious that Dorothy didn’t even mention it to her, considering that it was her idea in the first place.
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At number 32, Dorothy arrives and is surprised to find Joe in such a carefree mood. She asks him if he’s not concerned about Melanie’s outfit, since she designed it herself, or the speech that Toby might make as best man. Joe is suddenly worried, but tries to act like it’s all fine and checks that Dorothy is still happy to look after Toby and Sky during the honeymoon. She says that she is, before leaving, as Toby comes running in, trying to get his dad organised. Glen follows him, and Joe asks Glen to quickly pop over to number 22 and check that Mel’s outfit isn’t too embarrassing. Glen and Toby ask Joe if he’s nervous and, if he isn’t, why has he put his socks on his hands? Glen leaves and Joe then begins to worry that Mel might not even turn up.
At number 22, Melanie’s mum is still fussing around her daughter, so Mel decides to send her and Justine to the church to check on the flowers. As Justine opens the door, she finds Glen standing there and the pair have a bit of a flirt, before she sends him away, telling him that he’s not allowed to see the bride until she arrives at the church. Mel goes upstairs, trying to find ‘something blue’ to complete her collection, as Mr Pearson plays with Sky to keep her occupied. Mel then comes running down the stairs and trips at the bottom, banging her knee. The twins tell her that at least she’s got her ‘something blue’ now.
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At the church, Reverend Richards tells Joe not to look so nervous, as the Wedding March begins and Sky walks down the aisle, followed by Christina, then Melanie and her father. Joe is too nervous to look, so he asks Toby what the dress is like. Toby assures him that it’s fine, and Joe looks back with a big grin on his face as Melanie joins him.
Reverend Richards begins the ceremony and Joe and Melanie take their vows. Various Ramsay Street residents look on – Mr and Mrs Pearson in tears, Helen crying as she remembers her wedding to Michael, Pam and Doug smile at each other – and Mel then starts to cry and has to stop as she takes her vows.
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Joe and Melanie are pronounced husband and wife and they kiss, as everyone stands up and claps.
At the reception in the marquee, Glen quietens everyone down for the speeches. Glen and Toby then read out lettergrams from Jim, Matt, Mrs Mangel and John, Madge, and the regulars from the Waterhole. They sit down and Joe stands up to make his speech:
“OK, it’s no big secret, I’ve been married before and I didn’t think I’d be nervous this time, but the old pins are a bit wobbly. Maybe it’s just because I can’t believe how lucky I am to have a wife like Mel. You know I’d like to have Harold and Madge here with us, but he’s probably watching over us, wishing that Toby would sit up straight. Harold’s death taught me to value my friends, and I do… we do… all of you. But I value Mel, my best friend, most of all.”
He sits down and shares a kiss with Mel.
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Toby then makes his speech:
“Melanie said I’m supposed to say how beautiful the bridesmaids look… well, they do. That was easy. Well, that’s all I’ve got to say except I’m glad dad finally got real and asked Melanie to marry him. If he hadn’t done it soon, I’d have asked her myself. To marry dad. Not me. Not that I wouldn’t, Mel. Thanks.”
He sits down and everyone claps as Bill Pearson stands up to make his speech.
“There’s a rumour going around that I’ve been saving up to pay someone to take Melanie off my hands. And I want you to know that it’s true. Just joking. Look, I’ll cut it short – Joe, welcome to the family.”
Later, in the kitchen of number 26, Glen comes in to get a glass of water, and is followed by Justine, who acts surprised to see him there. She asks him if he’s got a girlfriend, then lets slip that she asked Joe and knows that he doesn’t. He says that he should get back outside and she tries to follow him, so he says that he’ll just stay in the kitchen for a little while longer. She pulls up a seat and sits next to him.
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In the marquee, Joe and Melanie emerge, ready to leave for their honeymoon. They thank Dorothy for looking after the kids, and Pam wishes them both luck, as Doug takes photos. Mrs Pearson tells Mel that she must be happy now that she isn’t going to end up as a lonely old maid and Joe is amused to see Glen desperately trying to avoid Justine. Mel then throws her garter, which Bouncer catches in his mouth, and the bouquet, which Justine catches and uses as an excuse to drag Glen off for a dance. Christina sits down and tells Paul that she hates to break it to him, but she thinks she’s about to have the baby.
Summary by Steve