At number 26, Helen is painting when Phoebe and Josh come in. She asks about the dinner and they start laughing. She says that she thought there’d been a prank, as Todd and Lucy came in muttering about coffins and corpses. Phoebe and Josh go to listen to some music and she admits that she enjoyed acting creepy today, and she often chooses a different personality and keeps it up all day. Josh suggests that she audition for the school play, Beauty And The Beast and she wonders which role she’d be best at. Josh tells her that she’s beautiful, but she says that even her own mother tells her that her face is ‘interesting’ so she knows exactly where she stands.
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At number 24, Brenda is going through the washing when she finds a bottle of steroids in Guy’s tracksuit. She confronts him and says that he promised to stop taking them, but he says that he’s getting depressed, so he’s just taking them to get him through one more race, then he’ll stop. She says that it sounds like he’s addicted and she’s read up at the library and the drugs can do a lot of harm to a person. He says that he can’t go cold turkey just before the race, and she reminds him that he’s also cheating. She threatens to report him to the race officials and says that, if he gives them up now, she’ll support him through the bad time ahead of him.
Dorothy finds Toby sitting alone at the airport, in tears, and asks him what he’s doing, as the plane is boarding. He says that he didn’t want his dad to see him crying, as he wanted to be brave. Dorothy tells him that they have to go, as Joe’s mother is very ill, but they’ll be back and Toby will be fine until then.
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At number 26, Josh asks for Helen’s honest opinion on Phoebe’s looks. Helen says that she’s not unattractive, but she doesn’t make the best of her features. Josh explains about the auditions for the school play and asks Helen if she would give Phoebe a few tips after school the next day. Helen agrees and Josh says that it would be wonderful if she won the role of Beauty.
At number 24, Guy says that all of the stories about steroids are lies to stop people from taking them. He wonders how Brenda would know even if he was still taking them, and she says that he must realise how much harm they’re doing him. He tells her that it’s all exaggerated, but she tells him that he’s wasting his time coming up with new arguments, as she isn’t going to back down from this one. He accuses her of being smug and storms out of the room.
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At the airport, Joe is called to the Information Desk, where the attendant tells him that his plane is ready to leave and he needs to go through immigration. Joe explains that his son is missing, but the desk attendant says that there really isn’t any time as he’s holding the plane up. Dorothy and Toby then turn up and Toby has a book for his dad – he says that he was buying it as a going away present. Joe is reminded about his plane by the attendant, and he hugs Toby. Toby tells Joe and Melanie that they’re the best mum and dad in the world, and Mel starts crying because Toby called her mum. Joe, Mel and Sky then go through to immigration, waving as they go, as Toby begins to cry.
The next morning, at number 30, Dorothy asks Toby is he slept alright in Ryan’s old bed. He says that he’s used to sleeping in different beds, as he’s moved around quite a lot. He wonders if Joe and Melanie will be in London yet, but Dorothy says that they’ll only be about halfway, and Toby says that he’d love to see Europe when he’s old enough. Dorothy then suggests that they think up a different European country each day and they could have food and music from that place, so it’ll be like travelling without the hassle of lost baggage. Toby agrees, but he doesn’t seem too thrilled with the idea. Dorothy then says that she needs to go to the shops and asks Toby to draw up a list of his, and Bouncer’s, favourite foods.
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At number 24, Brenda and Guy wake up on the sofa, and she realises that they’ve overslept and are running late for work. He thanks her for staying up watching videos with him all night and says that he doesn’t think he’ll be able to face the Coffee Shop for work. She decides to get someone to cover for her so she can stay with him. Just then, Dorothy arrives at the door and shows Guy an advert from the newspaper looking for a recreation officer – she remembered that he’d trained as one and thought he might be interested. Guy isn’t sure, but Brenda is enthusiastic and Dorothy says that she’ll ask around for more information. After she leaves, Guy says that he isn’t sure he can do it, but Brenda drags him to the kitchen and tells him to fight the depression.
At number 26, Helen is preparing dinner, when Josh and Phoebe come in. Phoebe isn’t sure that she’s got the talent to be in the play anyway, but Helen assures her that it’s worth a try. She tells Phoebe to think positively and it will come across in her performance.
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At number 24, Brenda gets back from delivering Guy’s application and tells him to start thinking about what he’ll say in an interview. He’s still feeling down and tells Brenda that he messes everything up, using his relationships with Gaby and Lucy as examples. Brenda tells him that he’s never been with a girl long enough for things to get serious, but Guy says that he doesn’t want any girl to see what a failure he is – compared to his dad. Brenda rolls her eyes as Guy reminds her that Lou has always been the best at every sport, but she says that he’s also an emotional cripple who’s on the verge of bankruptcy. She asks him if he took the steroids to compete with his dad, and he says that he just wanted to show what he was capable of. She tells him to get back to honest training and he’ll prove that he’s not just Lou’s son, he’s Guy Carpenter and he’s capable of anything.
At number 30, Phoebe arrives to audition for the play. Dorothy explains to her that most of the parts have already been cast, but she’s always looking for new talent and will be honest about whether Phoebe is good or bad. Phoebe says that she’s learnt a speech from the play and Dorothy is impressed, but points out that she’s already cast Trish Longley as Beauty, but will still be very happy to hear Phoebe’s interpretation. Phoebe gives the speech and Dorothy and Toby are very impressed. Dorothy casts Phoebe as Charity and also asks her to be the understudy for Beauty. Phoebe is taken aback and says that she’s nowhere near as beautiful as Trish Longley. Dorothy says that although Trish is attractive, she is somewhat lacking in inner grace.
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At number 26, Josh is pacing up and down, waiting for Phoebe to return, when there’s a knock at the door. It’s Phoebe, with Dorothy and Toby, and they explain that Phoebe is playing Charity, and will be Trish’s understudy. Phoebe goes to change and Helen is thrilled as it’ll be a huge boost to Phoebe’s confidence. Dorothy says that Phoebe auditioned far better than Trish, but she’s already got the part. Dorothy says that Phoebe has more talent in her little finger than Trish will ever have, but tells Josh not to repeat that. She then asks Helen if she wants anything from the supermarket, but she decides to go with her, and Toby asks if he can stay with Phoebe and Josh, as he wants to talk to Phoebe about snakes.
At number 24, Brenda suggests that Guy do some exercise, but he says that he doesn’t feel like doing anything and he’ll be pulling out of the race, as he doesn’t stand a chance. Brenda reminds him that he’s not a quitter, so he agrees to think about it, but he still can’t do any training. She suggests that he get some sleep instead.
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Outside the supermarket, Helen and Dorothy are chatting about how Dorothy will have her hands full with both Toby and Bouncer, when Dorothy runs into an old friend, Meredith Downes. Meredith explains that her mother-in-law lives in Erinsborough, so she’s just visiting, and tells Dorothy that she’s the head of a publishing company now. Dorothy says that she’s principal of Erinsborough High and is also on the local council. Meredith says that nobody would believe that they’re the same two people who once shared a prison cell. Helen is shocked, and Dorothy says that she’s never told anyone about that, but Helen is sure to keep quiet about it.