Magic Moments > 1991 > Andrew's Birth Episode 1563
Written by Jason Daniel, Directed by Ian Watson
As he drives Christina to the hospital, Paul looks panicked and she asks him what's wrong. He doesn't answer but as Chrissy becomes increasingly agitated, the car comes to a stop and the fuel gauge is at empty. Paul admits he forgot to fill the car up again after his trial runs the day before and Chrissy asks what they're going to do as the car remains stranded...
Chrissy is angry that her baby is going to be born in a car but Paul assures her it won't and that she needs to stop panicking. When she snaps that she'll panic if she wants to, Paul decides to call for an ambulance on his mobile but Chrissy interrupts by having contractions which he helps her through. As they stop, she checks and notes that they are now every ten minutes so Paul asks her what street they're on to get help when he calls for an ambulance. She doesn't know and as it's his shortcut, he should. He would if he hadn't taken a detour because of the road works. Chrissy is horrified that he did that without telling her but he didn't want her to worry. Telling his wife to keep breathing, Paul decides to get out of the car and look for a street sign with Chrissy pushing him to hurry, dryly observing that she's not going anywhere. Paul begins to run down the street and spots an ice cream van. He pushes past the kids as the driver orders him to get in line but he babbles that he needs help because he's run out of petrol and his wife's about to have a baby. He needs to get her to the hospital straight away. The driver brushes it off and replies that there must be a phone box around somewhere but Paul is adamant there is no time for phone calls. Stunned, the driver asks if it looks like an ambulance but Paul doesn't care, he'll buy every single ice cream in the van to make it worth his while.
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At Number 26, Josh is lying on the sofa reading as Todd surfs the net and enthuses that Rebecca, the girl he's talking to likes Stephen King. Josh seems uncaring as Pam enters through the kitchen, asking if anyone's home. Josh calls her in but when she asks he tells her he hasn't seen Brad - he's probably off with Paige somewhere. Pam requests that if Josh sees him that he tell Brad to buy his own dinner as Doug has gone out and she's off to work. Thanking him she leaves and Josh goes over to Todd asking him if he's run out of things to write. Todd says no as Rebecca's just beginning to open up and get into some personal stuff. Becoming interested, Josh enquires what but is unimpressed when Todd tells him that the girl is 17 - hardly personal. She also likes cats leading Josh to laugh that she and Todd obviously have a lot in common. Todd asks Rebecca if she's a spunk and when Josh states that he can guess what the next question will be, Todd unsuccessfully pushes him to leave. Rebecca's reply pops up onscreen: "I'm okay... or I was" and Josh wonders what it means. Todd assures her that he doesn't care what she looks like and Josh thinks love is blind. Rebecca seems pleased by the response and Todd suggests that they get together soon, hoping that she'll agree now he's softened her up a bit. Josh predicts that she probably lives in the dark in a basement somewhere and probably only speaks to other weirdos through the computer. They laugh as Rebecca seems positive about the idea but Josh suggests she only loves Todd for his typing.
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Back on the street, Paul and the driver help Chrissy out of the car and into the ice cream van as she complains that this is ridiculous. Paul doesn't think they have much choice and she panics that they're not going to make it in time. The driver jokes that he took the job because he loves kids but he doesn't want one born in the van. The van begins to drive away leaving a dejected and incredulous boy watching. Inside, Paul soothes Chrissy not to worry as the driver knows the streets like the back of his hand. As Chrissy moans in pain, the driver suggests putting the 'siren' on and switches on the ice cream tune. Chrissy laments that she had a dream about not making it to the hospital on time but Paul tells her to stop thinking the worst and gives her an ice cream to eat. The driver shouts back that he knows a shortcut through the back streets and speeds up.
Caroline is sat at her desk at the Robinson Corporation and gets up for a drink of water as she is having stomach cramps. Martin comes out of Paul's office with a bunch of files joking that it's pathetic that neither of them have anything better to do than work on a Sunday. Caroline could think of better things to do but if there's work to be done, there's no use complaining. She takes a painkiller telling a worried Martin she's just got stomach pains and it must be something she ate. He asks what she had for lunch but she didn't have time for anything and all she had for breakfast was coffee and toast. Martin supposes the water might help but it suddenly dawns on Caroline that the cramps might be down to something else - Chrissy's baby. Martin is astounded that she's pregnant but Caroline laughs that it's not her, it's her sister. She explains that they have a sort of telepathic link being twins and that one of them is hurting, the other one feels it too causing Martin to state that it's amazing. Caroline attempts to phone Chrissy but there's no answer and Martin suggests trying Paul on his beeper. Caroline puts the phone down, clearly troubled.
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An orderly pushes Chrissy through the hospital in a wheelchair with Paul at her side as Pam arrives and greets them. She jokes there's no need to ask what they're doing here and Paul informs her that Chrissy's pretty close but they had trouble getting there. Knowingly, Pam states that's always the way and asks if they had too many red lights. Waving her stick in the air, Chrissy jokes that no it was kids wanting ice creams and Paul tells a bemused Pam that it's a long story. When Chrissy warns Pam that the contractions are getting closer, she offers to go and find Dr Parsons and leaves. Chrissy tells Paul that she's scared but he reminds her they're in good hands and he's there for her. She loses it when Paul goes to put her ice cream stick in a bin and he decides to just finish the ice cream as Chrissy remembers what her mother said about childbirth. Paul tries to brush it off with a platitude about women having babies since the beginning of time but Chrissy doesn't want to hear it. She doesn't care and she can't go through with it.
It's evening and Josh comes back into the living room to find that Todd is still on the computer. He asks for the verdict but Todd dejectedly states that she hasn't called back yet and Josh thinks she might just need more time to think. Todd worries he scared her off by being too pushy but Josh is sure it's just shyness. He teases that Todd is rapt. Todd thinks he's gone all googly for Phoebe but he's the same over someone he's never even met. Todd denies it for a second but concedes that he could feel that way if they eventually meet. She reminds him of Cody and he gets a feeling about her. Josh gets the same feeling sometimes prompting Todd to hit him and call him a sleazebag. When Josh asks what he'll do if Rebecca doesn't come back online, Todd is positive that she will because she feels the same way about him.
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Paul is on the phone to Caroline from the hospital who is still at work. He angrily states that he thought she wanted to be there for Chrissy and she agrees but she just doesn't think she could be much help right now. Paul asks if the pains are that bad and she replies that they're more cramps than pains but she knows they're because of what Chrissy's going through. Martin enters the office with coffee and perches himself on the desk as Caroline explains to Paul that if she came to the hospital, she'd just be a total mess. Fair enough, Paul concedes. Chrissy's pretty shaky as it is and he doesn't really want anyone else upsetting her which reminds him that he's been trying to get hold of their mother. Caroline informs him that her parents have gone away for the weekend and probably won't be back until late. Paul seems pleased joking that one person in the delivery room screaming and yelling is enough. Caroline jumps in to reprimand him but he tells her he means him causing her to laugh. She asks him to give Chrissy her love and apologise for not being there as he puts the phone down. Martin asks if everything's alright and she says that Chrissy relaxed as soon as the doctor arrived but nothing much has happened yet. Martin is sure that Paul has everything under control but Caroline feels guilty about not being there after going to so many of the prenatal classes with Chrissy. Martin assures Caroline her sister will understand and she decides to go home as she can't concentrate. She is about to turn down the offer of a lift but when her stomach cramps start again, she accepts. As they leave, she cracks that she hopes it's an easy birth as she was planning on an early night.
As Pam enters Chrissy's hospital room, Paul offers her some water which she turns down. He then suggests music as they read articles about creating a relaxed atmosphere. Chrissy is visibly riled when he pulls out Madonna's Like A Virgin and Pam scoffs. Next is Tchaikovski which Chrissy is dubious about as it has the 1812 on it. They settle on Chopin which Pam goes to play and Chrissy turns her attention to Dr. Parsons asking if she should start pushing because the contractions are much stronger. He doesn't think she's ready and urges her to be patient as she feels like the baby's ready to show up any second. As the music swells, her warns her that she needs to save her strength for later. When Chrissy says that the mad dash to get there was a waste of energy, Paul jokes that it was a waste of money as well. He suggests that as this is going to take some time they should just enjoy the experience and kisses her forehead.
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Todd angrily berates someone over the phone for not even being able to pass on a message but he does understand. Slamming the phone down he thanks them for nothing and Josh asks what's wrong whilst sewing a button on his shirt. He tried to get Rebecca's address from the computer operator but it was a no go. Josh suggests pooling the information they've got on her to find it but Todd doesn't think much is useful; her name's Rebecca, she lives in Ansons Corner and she used to go to St. Teresa's. Josh thinks that's it but Todd isn't sure as he doesn't know when she went there. The school administrator probably wouldn't be able to help so Josh wonders about students. The likelihood of finding one that knows where she is now is slim as far as Todd is concerned. It could take forever and he wants to find her now. An idea hits Todd and he asks Josh to hack into St. Teresa's computer files. Josh refuses because of the trouble hacking got him into the last time besides which he's forgetting that St. Teresa's is a Catholic school and wouldn't be linked to the state school computer system. However he did used to know a girl who went to St. Teresa's. She was very cute and he used to talk to her on the bus on the way to school. Being very popular, she must have known Rebecca. Todd excitedly asks who she is and where to find her. Her name's Jenny Chung but the downside is she went back to Hong Kong last year.
Martin is sat with Caroline in Number 22 who feels much better being sat down. He offers to put the kettle on but she says she's not having the baby, these are just sympathy pains. He meant for coffee and she laughs that she thought he was taking things a bit too seriously, but why do people pour water in the movies? For coffee, Martin replies and gets up to make one as Caroline passes. She couldn't eat either but the pain has settled down causing her to wonder if Chrissy's been giving drugs to ease the pain. Martin suggests that she might have had the baby but Caroline doesn't think so as Paul would have phoned. She thanks Martin for being so understanding but tells him she'll be fine now and his wife must be expecting him. Becoming visibly downcast, he informs Caroline that they're separated. When he mentioned his kids Caroline just assumed but he explains that they stayed over last night and he dropped them back this morning. Caroline thinks it must be hard and he concedes that it is especially with the hours he keeps. He was hoping that with his new job it would make things easier but he doesn't get a lot of spare time. His wife Shelly is convinced that the job means more to him than she does but it's difficult to explain the responsibility. Caroline sees that a lot with Paul and Christina but the conversation ends when the pains start up again. Martin reminds her of the antenatal classes and persuades her to try deep breathing. He asks if she thinks this is it but she doesn't know. She just hopes that Paul and Christina aren't planning a big family because she doesn't think she can take this.
. . . 
Pam and Dr. Parsons are watching expectantly as a distressed Chrissy worries that something is wrong. Paul tries to shush her and when Dr. Parsons assures her she's doing fine, she wants to know why it's taking so long. She wants to know how long it's been and when Paul informs her it's just after five, Pam states that it often takes this long - there's nothing wrong. Dr. Parsons wants her to push as hard as she can and she screams, summoning the strength as the crying baby is delivered. Exhausted, Chrissy wants to know if it's alright and is relieved when Dr. Parsons tells her it's perfect.
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It's early morning as Josh finishes a phonecall in his pjyamas. When Todd enters asking why he's up so early, he enthuses that he's been doing a spot of international detective work, tracking down the elusive Rebecca. Todd doesn't think it's worth it as he's obviously just not supposed to meet her but Josh thinks he gives up too easily as he called Jenny Chung. Todd cracks a joke about too many 'wong numbers' and Josh ignores him. He remembered that Jenny's father worked for a newspaper, the South China Post and made contact. The girl they're looking for is Rebecca Huxley and as Josh flicks through the telephone book he finds out that they live in Clifton Street, Anson's Corner. Todd is ecstatic and agrees to take responsibility for the phonebill when it arrives. Josh wants to know what Todd will do now and he proposes getting dressed up, meeting Rebecca and taking her to wherever it is she goes during the day.
Caroline wakes up on the sofa of Number 22 to hear the phone ringing and jumps up to answer it just as Martin gets up from where he was sleeping. Paul is calling to tell her about the baby and she excitedly offers to put some champagne on ice after checking that Chrissy's okay. After ending the call she tells Martin that it's a boy which Paul will be ecstatic about. The pair become embarrassed about falling asleep and Caroline apologises for keeping Martin so late but he's not worried despite the chair being uncomfortable. She thinks it was worth all the sympathy pains and when Martin gives her a congratulatory peck on the cheek. They break apart for a moment before moving back in for a kiss.
. . . 
Chrissy is sitting up in her hospital bed with the baby in her arms and tells him that he's the most beautiful baby in the world with which Paul agrees. She asks Paul whether he looks like the Robinsons or the Alessis and he thinks he has the Robinson eyes - he definitely doesn't look very Italian. Paul praises Chrissy for getting through childbirth but she is just as adamant that she wouldn't have coped without him. He reckons that's something all new mothers say to their husbands so they don't feel inadequate but she assures him it's true. Paul replies that he loves her now more than ever and she offers to let him hold the baby which he cradles in his arms, commenting on how tiny he is. Chrissy jokes that to Paul he might be tiny but to her, he's huge. Becoming emotional, Paul tells the baby that he may not have been there for his other kids but this time it's different. He's the most precious thing in the world. Crying, Paul tells Chrissy that it's a whole new start. They're a family.
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Summary by Jay. Captures by Karl