Magic Moments > 1992 > Caroline's Departure Episode 1676
Written by Margot Knight, Directed by Michael Sergi
Caroline says that she has feelings for Paul and she thinks that he feels the same, so she has to get away. He grabs her and begs her to reconsider, and they end up sharing a kiss.
The kiss is broken as Andrew starts crying. Caroline says that she has to get out of there as she doesn’t feel like she’s in control any more. Paul asks her to stay and talk, but she tells him that there’s nothing left to talk about – she wants to be with him, but she can’t. He says that he loves her too and doesn’t want her to leave like this. Caroline reminds him how disloyal they’re being to Christina by just having this conversation.
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At number 26, Lucy is complaining to Chrissie about Brad taking out Beth. Lou then turns up at the door and Jim answers to find out that he won the sports car raffle at the car yard. Both Jim and Lucy are thrilled and thank Lou as he leaves. Lucy says that she’ll clean it every weekend, as long as she can borrow it. Marco, meanwhile, is making tea and takes some in to Chrissie. She wonders how Paul is getting on at home, as he seemed to be very distracted by problems at work.
At number 28, Doug is being very distant with Pam, and she asks him how long his behaviour is going to last for. She reminds him that they can’t all be walking around on eggshells for fear of offending him about the newspaper article, and says that it was his choice to do the interview in the first place. Doug says that he feels like everyone’s talking about him and that the kids have every right to be ashamed of him. Pam assures him that everyone who knows him will realise that the article was a load of rubbish, but Doug isn’t convinced.
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At number 24, Lou sighs as he sits down, and says that he’s just a little tired after walking up and down stairs all day. Madge points out that he needs to start eating better, as Harold thought he was perfectly healthy until he suddenly had a heart attack. She tells him that they’re both going to get in better shape, and proceeds to put his fatty food and bottle of wine in the bin. She tells him that he can begin his new exercise regime by putting out the garbage.
At number 22, Christina and Marco get back and find Paul sitting working on the computer. Chrissie explains that Marco needs a bed for the night and asks him if he’s speaking to Caroline yet. She’s shocked to hear that they’re still fighting, so she says that she’s going upstairs to get her. Paul points out that she’s not there – she’s staying with Dorothy - and Chrissie thinks that he’s driven her out. Paul insists that it’s not the case, and that Chrissie shouldn’t go over to number 30, but Marco points out that it’s a twin thing and Chrissie storms out, saying that she doesn’t know when she’ll be back.
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At number 30, Caroline thanks Dorothy for allowing her to stay, and Dorothy says that she had hoped the attraction to Paul would just go away, but it’s obvious that’s not going to happen. Caroline blames herself, but Dorothy says that it takes two to tango, and tells Caroline to bring the rest of her things over the next day. Caroline says that she can’t be that close to Paul as she doesn’t want to risk running into him. Dorothy asks her where she’ll go, and Caroline explains that she has a few ideas, and asks if she can use the phone and make some plans. Just then, Chrissie knocks at the door. Dorothy lets her in, before making herself scarce to do some marking in the kitchen. The sisters sit down together and Chrissie says that she’s furious with Paul for not being able to apologise. Chrissie notices that Caroline has been crying and hugs her, saying that Paul is just a big bully and nobody hurts her sister and gets away with it.
The next morning, at the Coffee Shop, Lucy is telling Marco that she hopes to be able to convince her father to give her the occasional loan of his new sports car. She then takes her breakfast order and leaves, passing a depressed Caroline as she goes and saying that she’ll see her back at the office. Marco starts complaining about the broken coffee machine and asks Caroline to mind the shop for five minutes, whilst he goes to get some more tools. Paul comes in and asks Caroline if she’s ok, but she tells him that she just hates herself. She says that she cannot stay in Erinsborough, so she’s going to Italy that night. Paul is shocked and begs her to reconsider, but she says that she’ll be miserable on her own. Just then, Marco enters the kitchen and hears the whole conversation, as Caroline tells Paul that if they carry on lying, it will just end up hurting Chrissie and Andrew badly. She tells Paul that her mind is made up, and he apologises and hugs her. She quickly sends him back to the office, as Marco opens the kitchen door and Caroline realises that he heard everything.
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Outside Carpenter’s Cars, Madge brings Lou his lunch – a lettuce sandwich – as he spots Jim and Lucy, who’ve come to check out the new sports car. Lou goes over and explains that the convertible wasn’t actually the prize, it was the much less glamorous car next to it. Jim accuses Lou of being a crook and says that he’s entitled to the sports car and he’s going to get it. Madge tries to calm them both down, and says that it’s not Lou’s fault if Jim got his wires crossed. He tells Lucy that she can have the new car and they both storm off.
In the Coffee Shop, Marco is insisting on telling Chrissie the truth, when the woman herself walks in, ready for work. She soon notices the atmosphere and wonders why everyone is so uptight at the moment, but Marco claims that he’s just annoyed with the broken coffee machine. Chrissie tells Caroline that things are getting out of hand, with her having to sleep at Dorothy’s, and says that they need to sort it all out today. Caroline says that she has to meet a client, and quickly leaves, so Chrissie asks Marco if Caroline has said anything about Paul. He insists that he knows nothing, and Chrissie wishes she knew what the problem was, so she could help them to sort it out.
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At number 28, Pam arrives home to find Doug sitting drinking beer on the couch. She asks why he isn’t at work, and he says that the men have everything under control, and besides, he’s a yobbo according to that report, and this is what yobbos do. Pam tells him to snap out of it, and offers to take him out for lunch and a spot of shopping. He says that they don’t need anything new, and she’ll probably be too embarrassed to go out in public with him. Pam then answers a knock at the door, and it’s Jim, who’s come to apologise to Doug for stirring him about the newspaper article. Doug thanks him, and Jim suggests suing, but Doug isn’t sure. He goes outside to move the sprinkler, and Jim starts chatting to Pam about Lou, saying that if he thinks he’s going to just accept being ripped off, he’s got another thing coming.
At number 24, Lou is sitting on the couch, sneaking some sweets from his shirt pocket, when Madge spots him and accuses him of being worse than a three-year-old. Lou then answers the door to Jim and Lucy, who ask him if he’s going to be reasonable now. Lou says that the raffle was perfectly fair, but Jim says that he’s going to the Erinsborough News unless they can come to an agreement. Lou then offers lots of extras for the car, as well as new tyres and free insurance, and Jim accepts, for now. As they leave, Madge tells Lou that it serves him right.
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At number 22, Caroline is packing, and begging Marco not to say anything to Christina. She says that it’s over now – she’s leaving for Italy and won’t be back, so there’s no sense in Chrissie ever finding out the truth. He agrees, just as Chrissie returns home with Andrew and notices the cases. Caroline explains that she’s leaving to live in Italy. Chrissie is shocked and says that surely she can sort out her silly problems with Paul, but Caroline says that it no longer matters. Chrissie insists that it does, as nothing could be so bad that she would just pack up and leave. Caroline says that she just can’t live in her sister’s pocket forever, and there are some wonderful work opportunities for her in Milan. A tearful Chrissie isn’t at all convinced, but Caroline begs her not to make things more difficult. The sisters share a hug, and Caroline says that she loves both her and Andrew, before picking up her case and walking out the front door.
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Outside, Paul pulls up just as Caroline is putting her case in the back of a taxi. He stops her and says that he’ll take her to the airport, but she says that Marco knows everything and she needs to get away as quickly as possible. Paul asks if Chrissie knows, but Caroline assures him that Marco won’t say anything. She says she’ll be in touch with her new contact details, and Paul says that he feels like this is all his fault. He admits that he doesn’t know what to say, but he really respects her for what she’s doing now. Caroline reminds him that he’s going a family to look after, and makes him promise that everything will be ok. She then says that she has to go, and he stops her for a hug, before she gets in the cab and he watches her leave Ramsay Street for good.
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Inside number 22, Marco is trying to calm Chrissie down as Paul comes in. She asks him what happened – what could be so awful that Caroline had to leave the country. Marco says that he has to get back to the shop, and Paul tells Chrissie that he’s sorry. She tells him that it’s not good enough, and begs him for answers. He tells her that she should sit down…
by Steve