At number 30, Todd and Phoebe are watching a horror movie, Stay Out Of The Room, and just as it’s finishing, Toby comes in. Todd and Phoebe are both raving about how great it was, and Toby wishes he could have seen it too. Phoebe points out that it was ‘R’ rated and Dorothy probably wouldn’t have let any of them watch it if she’d known. Dorothy then comes in and points out that she sent Toby to bed an hour ago. He runs off, and she then reminds Todd and Phoebe that it’s a school night. Phoebe says that she has some reading to do in bed, and Dorothy then leaves them alone. Todd decides that he should be going too, as everyone’s watching them closely since they were caught together in his bedroom, but Phoebe admits that she’s quite enjoying being the scandal of the street.
. . . 
At number 28, Pam is threatening to throw Brad’s smoothie down the sink unless he tells her why he’s in such a bad mood. He sits down and says that he’s having problems with Beth and Lucy, especially Lucy, who’s stopped talking to him for some reason. He says that he also blew it with Beth, as he didn’t realise that she wanted more than friendship. Pam says that it must be terrible to lose a great job and two lovely girls in the space of a few days. Brad points out that she’s meant to be cheering him up. She asks him if Lucy really likes him and he says that she just laughed when he suggested being more than friends. Pam tells him that he has to be serious with her, and he wonders if he can manage that.
At number 30, Dorothy finishes turning off the lights, and Toby and Bouncer sneak out to watch the horror movie.
. . . 
At number 26, Todd is mocking Beth, who’s crying over Brad. Jim then brings in a cup of tea and is surprised to find Todd back from number 30. He insists that he had no homework, but Jim doesn’t believe him and sends him off to his room. Lucy says that teenagers can be such a headache, and Jim tells her that if she spills any of her nail polish, he’ll give her a headache. Lucy then tries to get through to Beth, but only succeeds in making her cry even more. Lucy says that she’s been through the same thing with Brad and they both start crying on each other’s shoulders.
At number 32, Cameron arrives home and congratulates Faye on managing to get out of the insurance claim. He says that they should go out for dinner to celebrate, as the insurance claim would have completely wiped her out. He leaves the room, as Faye looks extremely worried.
. . . 
At number 30, Toby is hiding under a blanket as he watches the horror movie and a storm rages outside. A little while later, the movie is over and Toby tells Bouncer that it was the scariest film he’s ever seen, and they never caught Doctor Drill, so he could still be out there somewhere.
The next morning, Phoebe collects the newspaper from the doorstep and turns the tv off, as Toby wakes up on the couch and screams. Dorothy comes out and asks him what’s wrong, and he claims that he got up early to watch the cartoons. Dorothy reminds him that they’re only shown on Saturday mornings and he says that he was confused, then he fell asleep on the couch. Dorothy says that he looks terrible, and sends him off for a shower. In the kitchen, Dorothy asks Phoebe why she’s up so early, and she explains that she wanted to ring her mum before she left for Cairns. Dorothy says that even if her mother isn’t interested, there are still plenty of people who are, and says that she’s going to be speaking to her teachers today, as her schoolwork is suffering and she can’t throw away this chance to make something of her life.
. . . 
At number 26, Beth complains that she’s not hungry and Jim says that it’s lucky Helen isn’t there, as she’d want to know what the problem was. Brad comes in the back door and asks if Lucy’s around. Jim explains that she left a while ago, and he says that it’s ok, as he wanted to speak to Beth anyway. Beth refuses to listen and says that she feels really dumb as he only wants to be mates. He says that he’d make a terrible boyfriend anyway, as he’s clumsy and unromantic and thinks he’s getting a wart. Beth starts to laugh and tells him that he’s right, she can do much better.
At number 28, Faye calls in to see Pam and finds Cameron there. She explains that she was having a clear out and found a salad bowl that she thought Pam might like. She tells a confused Pam that she’s been a wonderful sister-in-law, all things considered. Cameron asks her if she’s feeling alright and they make arrangements for dinner – he says that he’ll be home by eight. She says that it’s a lovely gesture and that they’ve come a long way since they started communicating again. She tells him that she’s very proud of him, before leaving, and hugging them both as she goes. They’re perplexed by her strange behaviour.
. . . 
Phoebe and Todd are walking up Ramsay Street during the lunch hour, as they’ve come to collect Oscar for their science class. They pass a tearful Faye, who ignores them, and they wonder what her problem is. They then spot Dorothy’s car in the driveway and wonder why she’s come home for lunch.
Inside, Dorothy hands Jim a cup of tea and they start to discuss the situation with Todd and Phoebe. The young couple then walk in and are told that their grades are slipping, so there are going to be some new rules put in place – a minimum of three hours of study each evening before they’re allowed to see each other, and no more weekday evenings out before the exams. They’re shocked, but Dorothy says that this is just the start, and they’ll pull the rope much tighter if they have to.
. . . 
Outside the Coffee Shop, Brad is walking along, practising him speech to Lucy, who he then bumps into. Before he can say anything, she tells him that he was dumb to quit his job with Walter, as opportunities like that only come along once in a lifetime. She storms off and Brad kicks a drink carton, spraying a Coffee Shop customer in the process, before apologising.
On their way back to school, Todd and Phoebe sit down in a quiet spot for some time alone together. As they’re kissing, and discussing the difficult situation with Jim and Dorothy, Phoebe puts down the basket containing Oscar, who then proceeds to escape. As they get up to leave, Phoebe realises that the basket is much lighter and that Oscar has escaped. The begin to search the surrounding area.
. . . 
. . . 
At number 28, Pam is making a smoothie for Brad, to cheer him up, as he tells her now nasty Lucy was to him. He says that the worst part is that he can’t stop thinking about her. Pam decides to add double ice cream.
That evening, at number 32, Faye is telling Fluffy how much she’ll miss her and says that she’ll write her a letter, from wherever she ends up. The taxi then sounds its horn, so she gets up and takes the family photos from the mantelpiece, before leaving.
. . . 
. . . 
Outside, Faye asks the taxi driver to quieten down. She gathers her things together and checks through her handbag, and the driver asks if she’s ready to go yet. She says that she just wants one last look around the old street, as she’s grown rather fond of it.
“Looks like any other street to me,” says the driver. “What would you know?” replies Faye, and she then gets in the cab and is driven away.
. . . 
At number 26, Todd and Phoebe explain that they’ve been searching for Oscar all afternoon down by the lake. Dorothy tells Phoebe that they’ll search for him in the morning, before leaving with Toby. Jim then asks Todd and Phoebe what they were doing by the lake in the first place, and why they couldn’t stick to the new rules just for one day. He warns them that if this continues, he’ll be forced to take more drastic measures. Once alone, Phoebe asks Todd what Jim meant by “more drastic measures”. Todd explains that he’ll be sent back to Adelaide, and Phoebe is horrified and says that Todd lied to her – he made her love him, now he’s going to leave her like everyone else.