Magic Moments
> 1992
> Paul and Christina's Departure
Episode 1737
by Jeffrey Truman, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced
by Margaret Slarke
Channel Ten: 04/08/92, BBC One: 12/07/93, UK Gold: 29/06/99
Dorothy returns home to find Bob Landers holding Phoebe hostage, but insists that he isn't about to do the same to her...
As Dorothy tries to comfort Phoebe, Bob goes around the room, breaking some of Dorothy's artefacts, until she eventually begs him to stop and agrees to listen to him. He says that he's been looking through her bank statements, and he knows that she's got
$10,000 stashed away - she says that the bank would want a week's notice for her to withdraw it. Bob says that they're not going to get a week's notice. Dorothy tries to tell him that what he's doing is wrong, but he asks her to save the lectures and go
and get him some money. She agrees to try and get as much as she can, and wants to take Phoebe with her, but Bob says that Phoebe will be staying with him - and if Dorothy tries anything funny or brings the cops back with her, then there will be shots fired,
and he'd hate for a young, pregnant girl to get caught in the crossfire. Dorothy then hurries off.

At number 22, Helen is telling Chrissie that at least Paul's spots came out now, and not when they were on the flight to America, as it's no fun to be travelling when you're unwell.
Paul returns from the doctor, who doesn't think it's measles, but suspects it might be chicken pox. Paul is confused as he's had no other symptoms, and Helen remembers him having the illness when he was young, though Jim thinks she might be confusing him with
Scott. Paul tells them that the doctor did some tests, and he should have the results in a few hours. He then leaves for the office, as he needs to rearrange their entire schedule, and Chrissie asks Jim and Helen to look after Andrew, as she doesn't want to
risk him catching anything until they know what it is.
At number 24, Toby has finished cutting out all the Carpenters Cars ads from the newspaper, so that Lou doesn't see them. Madge comes in, and he apologises to her, feeling that it's all his fault, but she insists that she's to blame, though she isn't
quite sure what she's going to do about it. Lou then comes in and she tries to hide the newspaper, but he sees it, and wants to take a look at his ad. Madge claims that she's reading an article, and Toby tries to tell him that it's very bad luck to look
at your own ads, but Lou snatches the paper and is surprised to find lots of big holes in the car ad section. Toby claims that Bouncer ate it.

At number 28, Doug and Brad are laughing about Lou's 'Lemon of the week' and 'You'd have to have your head read to buy this' car ads. They think that Lou must have gone mad,
but Pam feels sorry for Lou and thinks someone's playing a joke on him. She asks Doug and Brad if they have nothing better to do - Doug then heads off for work, and when Pam mentions that she'll be seeing Mrs Hughes, Brad remembers her from when he sat
with her, and says that he might go and visit her. Pam says that she can pick him up on the way back from her visits, and he can help with the grocery run. He asks if Pam knows yet why Phoebe was acting so strangely - Pam says that it's probably just
grief, as people cope in different ways, and hopefully Dorothy will be able to get through to her, now that she's back.
At the Lassiter's offices, Dorothy arrives to see Paul. She's slightly surprised by his appearance, and he says that he's waiting for test results, but its ruined his travel plans. Dorothy decides to keep her distance, just in case, as she doesn't want
to pass anything to Phoebe's baby. She then asks for $10,000, in cash - she says that she has the money but she can't access it yet. Paul agrees to it, even though Dorothy can't tell him what it's for, and he writes out a cash cheque and says that he'll
let the bank know she's on her way. She thanks him, and says that he has no idea how important this could be.

Paul pulls up outside number 22, and Doug is just leaving the house, after putting up some new shelves. He has a laugh about the spots on Paul's face, and Paul says that he's
just had the all clear - the doctor thinks it was some kind of allergy. He says that he needs to tell Chrissie the good news, but Doug tells him that she wasn't there, she went out about an hour ago, but he doesn't know where. Paul starts to panic, as
if they miss today's flight, there isn't another one until Friday and he'll miss his meeting.
At number 24, Lou is still trying to work out what happened to his car ads. Meanwhile, Chrissie is having a cuppa with Madge and admits that she doesn't mind too much about the delay in leaving, as now she can say proper goodbyes to everyone. Madge says
that she has a lunchtime shift at the Waterhole soon, so Chrissie says that she'll walk down there with her. Toby is considering leaving for the school sports carnival, even though he isn't competing in anything, when Lou asks about the ads again. He says
that he knows that Bouncer isn't responsible, and he wants to know the truth. Madge tells Lou to calm down, and then Toby shifts uncomfortably and Lou finds the cut-out ads underneath the cushions. He's horrified when he sees them, and Madge explains that
she accidentally took the wrong roll of ads to the printer. Lou declares this his business is finished.

At number 30, Bob is starting to doze off, and Phoebe gets up to go to the kitchen, but he spots her and tells her to sit back down. He starts to wonder where
Dorothy has got to, and wonders if she's gone to the cops - Phoebe asks him how he can do this, and leave her, Dorothy and the baby with nothing to live on. Bob says that they'll survive - Dorothy has a good job. He starts to become
more agitated, and says that he's not going back inside, not for her and not for anyone. He walks past the hole in the wall, where the telephone cable was ripped out.
Dorothy is using a payphone, explaining that she can't get through to her house, and she needs to get an urgent message to them. She asks that, if they do manage to get through, can they please pass on the message that Dorothy has been
delayed at the bank.

At the Waterhole, Lou is still very upset, despite Toby's attempts to cheer him up. Madge decides that she's had enough of it, and tells Lou that she's very sorry but he
really needs to snap out of it. Lou continues to whine, but Chrissie asks him if he can't see how sorry Toby and Madge are. He realises that she's right, but then Paul bursts in looking for his wife and tells her that they have to get going. They realise
that Jim and Helen have taken Andrew out for a walk, so they'll just have to drive around in the cab until they find them. They say their goodbyes to Madge, Lou and Toby, and rush off.

Back at number 30, Bob is now starting to wish he'd kept on running when he had the chance, as he's risking so much for $10,000, when it's not even going to
get him that far. He can't believe that Dorothy is taking so long, but Phoebe says that she wouldn't just abandon her, and maybe she's had an accident. Bob says that he doesn't believe in accidents - Phoebe then reminds him what happened
to Todd, and starts to get upset. Bob tries to comfort her, but she says that, if he really cared, he wouldn't be doing this. He tells her that he does care, as the baby is all he has left of Todd, and that he would have left some of the
money behind for her. He starts to say that nobody understands what he's been through, but then Phoebe walks away and opens the front door. He tells her to come back, but she says that he'd have to use force to stop her, and he wouldn't
risk harming his grandchild. She then walks out.
Jim and Helen are pushing Andrew's pram along the street, and Helen is talking about how old she's been feeling lately, when Paul and Chrissie's taxi suddenly pulls up next to them. They get out, Chrissie takes the baby, and Jim puts the pram into the
boot of the car, as Paul explains that they're going to be rushing now to make the flight. Jim says that he and Helen will come to the airport, but there's no room in the taxi and no time to get another car, so they realise that this is goodbye. They each
share a quick hug, and then the taxi starts to turn around, but Paul gets out again and runs over to hug his dad, saying that he couldn't leave just like that. Chrissie and Andrew follow, and Paul tells Jim and Helen that they're welcome to come and visit
whenever they want. Helen tells Chrissie to send lots of letters and photographs of Andrew, as he'll grow up so quickly. Paul, Chrissie and Andrew then get back into the taxi, and a sad Jim and Helen wave them off.





At the Waterhole, Madge is worried that Lou has been in the toilet for a long time, and might have done something drastic. She's about to send Toby in to check, when Lou
returns, still in a bad mood. Madge suggests that he think about starting over, and finding a new angle - she suggests he could take up flying professionally, now that he's dealing with his fear of heights. Lou is starting to seriously consider the
idea, when he gets a call from Alex at the car yard, who says that business is booming, as everyone loved the ads.

Phoebe is at number 26, but nobody is answering the door. Meanwhile, Pam and Brad arrive home, and she decides to go and check on Phoebe again. Phoebe is now
at the back door of number 26, and she hears the car outside.
Pam walks into number 30, calling out for Phoebe, and Bob quickly hides.

Phoebe finds Brad on the street, telling him that Bob Landers is in number 30, and he has a gun. Brad, worried for his mum, rushes off into the house, just
as Doug pulls up. Doug asks Phoebe what's going on, and she says that it's Bob Landers - but then they both look shocked as they hear a gunshot...
Featured Regular Characters: Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson, Christina Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Helen Daniels, Phoebe Bright, Dorothy Burke, Toby Mangel, Madge Bishop, Lou Carpenter,
Doug Willis, Pam Willis, Brad Willis
Guest Cast: Bruce Kilpatrick as Bob Landers
Trivia Notes
• Final appearances of Gayle Blakeney (Christina) and Shannon Holmes (Andrew)
• The character of Andrew would later return, in 2009, as a teenager, with Jordan Patrick Smith taking over the role
• Stefan Dennis would return as Paul in 1993, first as a voice on the phone, and then for a guest stint as part of the 2000th episode celebrations. Paul would then return as
a regular character again in the final episode of the 2004 season
• Christina's final words are "We will. Bye."
• Past characters Todd Landers, Mr Udagawa and Scott Robinson are mentioned
• The piano version of the Neighbours theme is played over Paul, Christina and Andrew's final scene
by Steve