Magic Moments > 1993 > Brad and Beth's Wedding Episode 2068
Written by Karyn Noble, Directed by Peter Barrett
Mark calls a Mrs. Foster about her son, Luke, but Wayne is worried that she won't call back. Mark thinks otherwise. Michael agrees to stay with the Martins until Christmas, but if he's still not happy then, he's leaving. Pam and Bunny realise that Brad and Beth have taken off. Meanwhile, Brad and Beth enter the registry office...
Bunny is furious that the kids have taken off, blaming Brad for the whole thing. Pam is angry at this comment and is upset that they've disappeared after all the planning. Doug assures her they'll find them.
. . . 
Michael is busy looking through the telephone directory for youth hostels. Philip reminds him of their agreement, but Michael says he'll stay over Christmas, but come Boxing Day he'll be gone. Phil isn't happy, but Michael assures him he'll be fine in a hostel until he finds something more permanent.
Annalise is busy decorating Number 26 for Brad and Beth's reception, but Gaby's interference sends her off in a bad mood. Cody is worried that Brad and Beth didn't even want a reception, but Gaby insists they'll be thrilled with the surprise. She talks about how romantic it is that Brad and Beth have finally got it together, a comment that causes Wayne to leave the room. Annalise follows him into the kitchen, where he tells Annalise he might skip the celebrations, not wanting to be reminded of his own past with Beth. Meanwhile, Gaby and Annalise continue to disagree over party decorations...
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Outside, Lou is decorating the bridal car when Lauren sneaks up behind him. Lauren, like Wayne, has decided not to go to the reception, hoping to forget her affair with Brad. Lou tries to cheer her up, but she insists she'll be fine. As Doug, Pam and Bunny rush over to Number 30, Cheryl arrives with some flowers for the reception. She is clearly impressed with his efforts on the car and Lou uses the opportunity to ask her out on a date. She declines his offer.
At Number 30, Mark explains that most of Beth's things have gone. Pam pushes Mark to remember anything Brad or Beth may have mentioned about their plans, but he insists he knows nothing. Doug finds a bus timetable with one of the services circled and so he, Pam and Bunny head off to the bus depot.
. . . 
Meanwhile, at the registry office, Brad and Beth are pronounced husband and wife, despite the registrar calling him "Brett". They sign the marriage certificate and thank the witnesses, and Beth insists on calling her mother to share the good news.
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However, after speaking to Mark, Beth finds out that their parents are on their way to find them. They decide, in order to avoid all the hassles, to just get on the bus and leave for Perth.
. . . 
Back at Number 26, everyone is still blissfully unaware that the bride and groom have done a runner. Cheryl arranges the flowers, while Annalise realises she's forgotten to get the champagne. Luke offers to go to the bottle shop, while Cheryl rings ahead to arrange everything. Annalise is very grateful. Gaby and Cody realise the time and rush off to get themselves ready for the reception. However, as they are leaving, Lou arrives with the news that Brad and Beth have taken off and that, unless Pam and Doug can stop them, they'll be on the bus headed for Perth.
Pam, Doug and Bunny rush down the street in the bridal car, while Brad and Beth collect their bus tickets. Beth is unhappy that she has to run away on her wedding day, as it's not how she'd pictured things at all. She hopes that everyone will understand their reasons. Brad insists that them being married in the main thing and they head off to board their bus.
. . . 
At the Martin house, Julie is annoyed that someone has eaten the last of the bread. She is annoyed when she thinks it was Hannah, but immediately softens when she hears it was Michael's fault. Julie insists that Hannah goes to the shop to buy some more, despite her not wanting to and Michael's offers to go himself. Michael is annoyed that everyone is tiptoeing around him.
At the bus station, Pam learns that Brad and Beth's bus has already left and is annoyed that Doug didn't overtake a lorry to get them there sooner. Pam insists that they drive until they find the bus headed for Perth, despite Bunny commenting that they have no idea what route the bus will have taken.
Mark is at Number 30, preparing for the reception when Lorraine Foster phones. She insists that she doesn't have a son, but when Mark describes Luke, she reveals that she knows him, but he isn't her son and that he's bad news.
. . . 
Brad and Beth are on the bus, when the bridal car comes along side them, with Pam hanging out of the window, insisting that they pull over. Pam and Doug board the bus, telling the driver that there's a logical explanation for all this. They find Brad and Beth, who explain that they didn't want to hurt anyone, they just wanted to slip away quietly. Pam and Doug tell them about the surprise reception and that they couldn't let them leave without some kind of a celebration. Pam promises they'll cancel the whole party if they'll only come back to Ramsay Street to be married. Bunny then appears, giving the marriage her blessing, but pleading with Beth to let her witness it. Brad and Beth agree to go back to Ramsay Street and Brad tries to explain that they're already married, but Beth squeezes his hand, indicating that he should shut up. Then in typical Neighbours fashion, everyone on the bus applauds for no particular reason, and Brad and Beth hastily remove their rings.
. . . 
We then fade to Number 26, where everyone has gathered for Brad and Beth's second wedding of the day. The celebrant begins the service and all the couples share loving glances. When the celebrant asks if anyone knows of any reason why the couple should not be married, everyone looks at Bunny, who remains thankfully silent. Once again, Brad and Beth exchange rings and are declared husband and wife. They promise to keep their double wedding a secret.
. . . 
At Number 32, Philip is getting ready to go over to the reception at Number 26. He asks Michael to join him, but Michael claims that he wouldn't be welcomed ' nobody in the street has a very high opinion of him, so Phil goes alone.
. . . 
At the reception, Pam is getting very teary and everyone is amused as she fawns over her new daughter-in-law. Mark then sneaks out, telling Brad he has some business to attend to. Brad then makes his speech, thanking everyone for the reception. He tells Beth how much he loves her and also thanks Bunny, saying they're going to name their first child after her. Bunny then calls a toast to Brad and Beth.
. . . 
Meanwhile, Lorraine Foster has arrived at Number 30 to see Mark. She explains to him that she met Luke when she had just become a wealthy divorcee, he then romanced her and conned her out of a large sum money. He then disappeared and she found out he'd started using her name. Mark then explains that Luke is now claiming to be Annalise's half-brother and asks Lorraine to talk to Annalise. She is happy to oblige.
. . . 
Michael is lying on his bed, deep in thought. Holly comes in and jumps up on the bed and Michael strokes her and says: "Looks like it's just you and me now."
Annalise is sitting at the kitchen table, drying her eyes after the wedding. Luke comes in with a gift for her - some ear-rings. They hug as she thanks him for them, but then he spots Lorraine and Mark standing in the kitchen doorway and quickly stands up. Annalise asks who Mark's friend is and just as Mark is asking Luke whether he'd like to introduce her to Annalise, Luke does a bolt out the backdoor. Mark says he won't get far, what with the police waiting outside. By this stage, Annalise is angry and confused and Lorraine explains that Luke is a conman and she should just be glad to be rid of
him. Lorraine says that she'd bet anything that Luke was no relation to Fiona Hartman and Annalise sits down, in shock. Lorraine then leaves and Mark comforts Annalise. She says that she should have seen it coming, as there were a lot of things that didn't add up, but she wanted to have some family, and tried to ignore her doubts.
. . . 
Outside Number 26, Luke is taken away by the police, just as Brad and Beth appear, followed by their family and friends throwing confetti. Annalise, Philip and Lou say goodbye to Brad, teasing him that he won't be hard to replace as bar manager. Bunny tells Beth to make sure she keeps in touch properly this time, then asks Brad and Beth exactly why they ran away earlier. Brad quickly covers, explaining that if Bunny wasn't going to be at the wedding, they'd decided there wouldn't be one. Bunny is touched by this. Pam is still crying as Brad and Beth goodbye to her and the pair of them are about to get in the limo to go when Annalise reminds her she needs to throw a bouquet. Beth doesn't have one, until Cheryl appears with a bunch of flowers for her. Beth throws them and Cheryl catches, with Lou giving a knowing look.
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Brad and Beth then get in the limo and everyone lines up to wave goodbye as Doug drives them out of Ramsay Street, with the sign on the back of the car reading "Just Married At Last!"
Summary by Steve. Captures by Karl