Helen and Hannah are standing outside number 26 when they see a pizza delivery man stop by number 32. Helen wonders if they’ve made a mistake, as she didn’t know about anyone moving into the house, and they go over to speak to the delivery man. When nobody answers the door, Helen says that there must have been a mistake, as that house has been empty for some weeks. The man checks his sheet and says that it’s definitely the address he was given, and wonders if it’s another of those prank calls they’ve been getting lately.
. . . 
At the Coffee Shop, Cheryl starts chatting to a worker at the counter, asking him if he’s had a hard day. He says that he’s just been sacked. Cheryl looks guilty and asks him where he worked. He says he’s been working in Lassiter’s laundry for 13 years and now they’ve just suddenly kicked him in the teeth and got rid of him. He says that there was no reason for it, and Cheryl replies that there must have been a reason, and that she heard there was some kind of scam. He mentions a couple of things going missing, and Cheryl angrily replies that it was more than a couple, and they were all brand new. He realises that he’s talking to “that Stark woman” and tells her he hopes she chokes on her donut, before getting up to go. Just then, Philip comes in, and the man shouts at him too, before leaving. Philip approaches Cheryl, who complains that she doesn’t deserve to be yelled at, and Phil points out that she’s doing a good job of avoiding the office. She says that she’s been busy and has been taking plenty of flack. Phil asks her if she still thinks it’s an easy job, being a hotel manager…
Lou and Mark are cleaning the pool at the back of number 24, and Mark says that Annalise thinks there’s too much chlorine in their pool, and his hair will turn grey. He asks Lou how long he’s had grey hair and whether it happened suddenly. Lou is slightly taken aback and claims that he can’t remember. He says it didn’t happen overnight, it crept up on him, like arthritis, middle-aged spread and failing eyesight. Mark says that he found his first grey hair that morning and Annalise won’t want him if he looks old. Lou points out that it’s never done him any harm, and mentions distinguished film stars like Sean Connery. Lou says that going grey will give him a whole new lease on life, and Mark wonders if he’s right.
. . . 
Outside number 26, Hannah is telling Helen how wonderful ballet classes are, as Helen waters the plants, when they spot a police car pull up outside number 32. They go over and speak to the officer and Helen explains that, until recently, she owned the house and she knows that nobody is living there. She mentions the pizza delivery and her suspicion that somebody is playing pranks. The police officer asks Hannah if she knows anything about it, but Helen says that they’ve been together all afternoon and Hannah knows not to make prank calls.
At number 24, in the kitchen, Lou is trying one last time to convince Lauren to stay, but she says that she needs a change and this is the perfect time to go. She goes to finish her packing, as Lou joins Danni and Cheryl in the lounge room. Cheryl admits that she feels guilty, as it looks like Lauren is only leaving since the Starks moved in. Lou thinks that there’s more to it than that, mentioning all of her problems with Brad, then her back injury. Cheryl thinks that maybe a fresh start is exactly what she needs, as Danni looks guilty.
. . . 
At number 30, Annalise arrives home and is stunned when Mark appears from the kitchen with grey hair. He asks her what she thinks, but she’s lost for words.
At number 24, Danni asks Lou about Lauren’s new job, and he says that it’s hardly a great career move, but she wants to work with horses. Cheryl then appears with a drill and asks Lou where the drill bits are, as she wants to put up the shelf in the bathroom. Lou says that she shouldn’t be doing that, and he goes to do it himself, as Cheryl laughs to herself and tells Danni that it works every time. Lauren then comes out of the bedroom and Danni asks her if she’s leaving because she was so snappy. Lauren tells Danni not to flatter herself, and says that she could have shown a bit more gratitude when she tried to help her. Danni says that she doesn’t deserve any sympathy and Lauren accuses her of a being a martyr. Danni then blurts out that the accident was all her fault – she challenged Rick and Briggsy to race and, if it weren’t for her, he’d still be alive. She breaks down in tears as Lauren goes over to comfort her.
. . . 
At number 30, Mark is still waiting for Annalise to tell him whether she likes his grey hair. She says that she isn’t sure, and he admits that he isn’t either. He says that he was worried when he found his first grey hair, so he decided to just cut out the middle bit and dye it all. He explains that he phoned Stephen, who said that their father went grey at around the same age and asks Annalise if she can get used to it. She says, reluctantly, that she already is. Wayne then comes in and asks Mark what the joke is.
At number 24, Lauren hands Danni a tissue and tells her that she’s not to blame. She says that both Cody and Rick are blaming themselves too, and there’s no point in the three of them sitting around, arguing about whose fault it is. Danni says that she should have made them all wear seatbelts, but Lauren says that it’s very easy to say that now, but it was a mistake and nobody set out to intentionally kill Briggs. Danni asks Lauren if she’ll stay now that they’re friends, but Lauren says that she still needs a fresh start and she really wants that job. They hug, just as Lou and Cheryl come out of the bathroom and are surprised by the scene that awaits them.
. . . 
At number 26, Philip tells Helen that he keeps thinking things at work will get better, but they’re getting worse every day. Helen asks what Cheryl has done now, but Philip says that it’s not her, though her ‘back to basics’ scheme has backfired, with most of the staff uncomfortable with being watched. Helen says that she doesn’t blame them. Philip says that he used to have a good working relationship with the staff, now he’s an ogre. He says that now he’s got to interview for new laundry staff, and he’s hardly going to have any time to spend with the kids. He asks where they are – Helen explains that Debbie and Michael are doing homework, and Hannah is, hopefully, playing with Holly. Philip asks what she means, and Helen says that there might be a problem.
Back at number 30, Wayne is asking Mark if it’s a ploy to get a reduced bus fare or cheap entry to the movies, but Annalise snaps at him and tells him it’s not a joke. She goes to answer the door, as Wayne asks Mark if he’s serious about all of this. Mark says that it’s just sprayed on, and he wanted to see how Annalise would react. Annalise then comes back in, with Lauren, and tells Mark that they should give her some time alone with Wayne. Lauren is shocked to see Mark’s hair as he leaves, and Wayne says that he just went grey overnight, before admitting that it’s all a joke. She then tells Wayne that she’s accepted the job and will be leaving the next day. He asks if he has anything to do with it, and she admits that maybe he does, but she also feels like there’s nothing left for her in Ramsay Street. Wayne admits that he feels the same way and says that he might come and visit her. She kisses him on the cheek and says goodbye.
. . . 
At number 26, Philip asks Hannah if she knows what happens to people who make prank calls, and Hannah says that they go to jail, but she tells him and Helen that it wasn’t her. Helen says that Lucy once made some prank calls when she was young and the person she was calling blew a whistle down the phone and nearly deafened her. Hannah insists that she knows nothing about the calls. After making sure that Philip and Helen believe her, she goes to bed. Helen then admits to Philip that she can’t understand why anyone else would target that empty house.
At number 24, Lou and Cheryl are sitting on the sofa and she’s telling him about how her mother was unable to cut the apron strings when she moved out of home, and kept bringing around casseroles. She says that she still feels guilty about Lauren moving out, and feels like, with everything happening at Lassiter’s, everyone hates her at the moment. Lou tells her not to be so silly, and the staff respect her now. She says that she just wants to be liked, but Lou says that she can’t be management and be liked, as they’ll walk all over her.
. . . 
At number 30, the next morning, Annalise is telling Wayne to stop cracking jokes, as Mark is very sensitive about going grey. He asks her if that’s the reason why she’s pretending to like it, and warns her that if she carries on, he’s going to dye it grey permanently. Annalise is relieved to find out that it’s just a temporary spray-on hair dye and says that she prefers people to be natural, as she applies a thick layer of lipstick.
At number 24, Lauren brings her bags out of the bedroom and Lou joins her. He says that they always seem to be saying goodbye, and tells her that the worst day of his life was when he left their mum and had to say goodbye to her and Guy. He says that he feels like he was constantly abandoning them, but she insists that he has nothing to feel guilty about, and says that he’s always been there for her whenever she needed him. He tells her that’s what dads are for, and they hug. Cheryl then appears, and hands Lou a tissue. He goes to take the bags outside, and Cheryl tells Lauren to always keep in touch and phone whenever she can, reversing the charges. Cheryl assures Lauren that she’ll look after Lou and they hug. Lou then returns and tells Lauren that it’s time to go.
. . . 
. . . 
. . . 
. . . 
Outside the Lassiter’s office, smoke is pouring out from under the door and a crowd has gathered. A security guard comes over and tells Philip that there doesn’t seem to be any fire, just smoke, and he goes off to evacuate the area. Cheryl then arrives and asks what’s going on. Philip explains that he opened the office door and smoke just started pouring out.
At number 24, Danni asks Lou if he and Lauren were really that close. He says that he saw her as a mate, not just a daughter, and they shared a lot of interests, such a horse riding. He says that he’ll miss her, and says he has to go to the car yard. As he’s about to leave, she tells him that she’s never been horse riding and would like to go one day.
. . . 
At number 30, Annalise hands Mark a cup of tea as he comes out of the bedroom. She asks him if he’s going in to work, wondering what the boys are going to think. Mark isn’t worried, as Mick dyes his hair black so that he looks Italian. Annalise wonders if it makes him look old, and Mark is pleased about that, as it’ll give him a lot more authority in the kitchen. She asks him if it’s permanent then, and he says that it is, unless Annalise wants him to change it. She says that she does, as she wants them to grow old gracefully together, but tells him not to wash it out yet, as he can pretend to be someone else for a little while…
. . . 
At the office, the security guard has found the source of the fire – a flammable substance in the waste paper bin. Philip wonders who would do something like that, and Cheryl suggests that it was someone who just got sacked. Cheryl is talking about Philip getting police protection, when he notices something behind her. He says that it looks like the fire was meant for her, and she turns around and sees a photo of herself, pinned to the wall with a knife…