At number 28, Cody is telling her parents that the principal has let her start up some first aid classes, but she has to organise it all herself. She asks Pam if she would help run some of them, and Pam agrees, but is worried that it’s all going to be too upsetting for Cody. Cody insists that she’ll be fine, and thanks her mother before going to her room. Doug admits to Pam that not many kids would find something so positive in the recent tragedy and Pam agrees, and says that it’s the least she can do to help her.
. . . 
At number 24, Helen notices that Cheryl is getting very glammed up for a night in with Lou in front of the tv. Cheryl admits that an old friend is coming to town, for one night only, and she wants to look nice. Helen asks if Lou knows about it, but Cheryl admits that he doesn’t, and when he finds out, he’s going to be terribly jealous.
At the sports centre, Michael Whitney is teaching the team about good bowling techniques, and Wayne suggests that he give them a demonstration. A reluctant Brett is chosen as the batsman and is immediately bowled out, as everyone claps.
. . . 
At number 28, Pam is on the phone to the hospital, trying to arrange to borrow a resuscitation doll. She angrily hangs up the phone and tells Doug that they didn’t believe that she wanted to borrow it for legitimate purposes. She then gets annoyed with Doug as she searches for her first aid books and realises that he’s sitting on them. She wonders why she ever agreed to stand in front of a group of kids and teach them first aid. He wonders why she’s suddenly so upset and she says that she’s not upset and she didn’t ask for his opinion, before storming out.
Back at the sports centre, the team are practising their bowling, and Mike stops Brett and suggests he bowl one to him. Brett is nervous, but Mike shows him exactly what to do, and Brett bowls the ball, as Mike deliberately misses it. Brett is thrilled, not realising that it’s all a set-up to help increase his confidence.
. . . 
At Lassiter’s, Rick is shocked as a car pulls up with Michael, Brett, Wayne and Michael Whitney inside. Mike gets out and immediately spots Cheryl and goes over to hug her. Brett is shocked to learn that his mother and Mike go back a long way, as Cheryl used to run his favourite pub. Rick thinks it’s a likely story, but everyone ignores him. Brett starts asking Mike about his favourite cricket match, then starts reeling off statistics and Cheryl says that he’s cricket mad. He runs off to get his autograph book, as Michael and Wayne thank Mike for coming and coaching them. Brett then returns with a bat, cap and some posters for Mike to sign, as Rick tries to introduce himself, but is ignored again.
At number 28, Pam is lying on the sofa with the fan on and the window open. Doug comes in with a toothbrush in his mouth, asking when she’s coming to bed. She snaps at him not to close the window and says that she’s too hot for bed. Doug says that it’s not hot now, there’s a lovely cool breeze outside, so Pam gets up and decides to go and do some gardening, leaving Doug confused.
. . . 
The next morning, Pam and Cody are sitting at the breakfast table and Pam is clearly exhausted and playing with her porridge. Cody asks her if she’s alright and she says she’s just being creative. Doug then comes in with the newspaper and says that it’s no wonder Pam looks awful as she spent half the night in the garden. He leaves for work and Cody asks her mother if she’ll still be able to run the first aid class. Pam says she’s fine, she’s not ill, just getting old. Cody starts to get concerned and tells Pam to call a doctor, but Pam says that there’s nothing they can do.
At number 24, Michael and Brett are looking over all of the stuff Mike Whitney signed for them, and trying to copy his signature. They talk about how great it was of Mr Duncan to get him to coach them, and how much they’re going to miss Wayne at the school. Cheryl is listening in and she tells them that they should do something to show Wayne how much they’ll miss him.
. . . 
At number 26, Pam calls in to visit Helen and starts looking at some of her drawings. She notices one, by Hannah, and looks at it, saying that it’s probably just as well that human beings can’t go on reproducing forever. Helen goes to make them a cup of tea and mentions that she’s seeing the doctor later to get her cast taken off. Pam mentions that she saw Dr Dawson the other day and they discussed hormone replacement therapy. She asks Helen if she ever had that, but Helen says that it wasn’t around in her day. Their conversation is interrupted by Michael and Debbie. Pam asks them if they’ll be at the first aid classes later, and Michael admits that he’s done it all before and wasn’t going to attend. Debbie insists that they both go, as Cody’s gone to a lot of trouble.
Later, at the school, Pam is demonstrating mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on a dummy, as Louise Barker makes crass remarks about it already being dead. Cody looks slightly uncomfortable as Pam continues to show them how to perform the procedure, then asks for a volunteer. Brett steps forward, and wonder how he can kiss the dummy if it hasn’t got a tongue. Cody still looks unhappy, as Pam takes Brett through the steps of the procedure again.
. . . 
At number 26, Wayne tells Helen that he’s going to head back to the farm for a while, then go backpacking overseas. Helen thinks that maybe he’ll one day return to teaching, but he says that he’s failed in that area and he won’t go back. He also wonders if there’s a future with him and Lauren, and he might go and visit her. Helen says that she’s going to miss him very much.
Back at the school, Michael is messing around with the resuscitation doll, complaining that his girlfriend seems a little wooden and starts banging on its head. Everyone is laughing, when Rick stops them and says that it wouldn’t be so funny if they found someone on the side of the road, dying, and they didn’t know what to do. Pam agrees, and says that they’ll proceed without any of the nonsense. Cody, meanwhile, is impressed with Rick and smiles at him.
. . . 
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At number 26, Wayne has come over to say goodbye to Helen, as he just wants to slip away quietly. Helen says that, unfortunately, she can’t allow that, as a farewell party needs somebody there to say farewell to. Wayne goes in and various neighbours appear. Rick gives him a present from them all, and Michael, Brett, Rick and Debbie all thank him for everything he did for them. He opens the gift – a trophy with ‘to Mr Duncan, for outstanding effort in the classroom’ inscribed on it. Helen then calls for a toast and they all take a drink. Pam tells Wayne that she’s going to miss him, as she was just beginning to find him bearable. Meanwhile, Doug takes Michael to one side and says that he’s planning to start renovations on that old house later that day. Helen then raises a toast ‘to Wayne’ and everyone joins in.
Later, at number 28, Doug is searching for his tape measure and he notices that Pam’s been crying. He asks her if she’s ok, and suggests that she see a doctor if she’s ill. Pam is about to tell him what’s wrong when Michael comes in. Doug gives him the toolbox and tells him to load up the ute. Doug checks that Pam is ok, and she insists that she is, so he leaves.
. . . 
At the cottage, Doug is explaining to Michael that the last owner was a bit eccentric and installed solar and wind power there before it became fashionable. Michael starts looking around and gets some ideas to knock walls down, explaining to Doug that he’s just finished studying architecture at school. Doug says it’s great to see him so enthusiastic, and sends him off to check some measurements at the back of the house.
At number 24, Cody arrives to see Rick, and says that she only realised today how badly he’d been affected by the accident. Rick says that, if he hadn’t agreed to the race, Briggs would still be alive. Cody tells him not to blame himself, and says that the first aid classes aren’t making her feel any better about it all. They hug.
. . . 
Back at the cottage, Michael has some concerns about the plans of the house and Doug agrees that something’s not quite right. Doug then notices on the plans that there’s a wall that shouldn’t be there and realises that they might have stumbled on a secret room.