Magic Moments > 1994 > Gaby's Departure Episode 2230
Written by John Upton, Directed by Helen Gaynor
Ren promises Mark that she’ll pay back every cent of the loan he’s given her. Cheryl tells Lou about the cute baby competition that she’s planning to enter Lolly in. After an argument, Phil tells Julie that he’s going to sleep at the newsagency...
Ren gets up to find the lounge room in a terrible state. Meanwhile, Rick is ironing a shirt for work and she asks him if he’ll help her, since some of the mess must be his. He tells her he has to get ready for work, then Mark comes in with produce from the markets. Ren tells him he’s going to be the only food van at the festival and that he’ll make a killing. Ren continues to clean up and Mark sarcastically comments that he’s amazed to see her doing her share. She comments on all the cosmic violence in the room, while Mark searches for his keys. Ren finds some, but they’re the van keys. As Mark goes, Rick asks Ren about “all that vibes stuff.” She comments that it’s very easy to pick up on someone’s negative vibes.
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Sam sees Phil outside the Coffee Shop. He asks when they should all arrive at number 26 for the first course of Gaby’s farewell dinner, but Phil says their house is no longer available. He says that maybe they should ask Julie why. Sam offers to do that, but Phil says he wasn’t being serious. Sam suddenly realises that there’s been an argument and apologises. Phil explains that Lou is trying to find an alternative venue for the first course, and so Sam leaves with his personal training class following behind him.
Marlene arrives at number 22 with some biscuits for morning tea and Lou pounces and asks if they can use her house for the first course of the progressive dinner. She says it’ll be fine, but that she can’t do food, as she’ll be working at the Waterhole. She says she can probably manage a simple entrée, before wondering what’s going on with Phil and Julie. Cheryl and Lou think it’s some kind of marital problems, while Marlene goes out the door saying “Bedroom problems, you mark my words…”
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Jack arrives at number 28 with his contract to work for Gaby in Darwin signed and witnessed. She then shows him the pile of clothes she’s planning to take, and he explains that he only has a light aircraft to fly them up there. She insists that it’s all necessary and he tells her that they won’t be needing any sweaters in Darwin. He tells her she has to let go and he tried to give her a hug, but she pushes him away. Cody then comes in, so Jack quickly leaves, while Cody helps with the packing. She asks Gaby for some advice, since Danni is about to be expelled for something she didn’t do. Gaby tells her that she should talk to Cheryl, since she’s the one who’ll have to deal with it in the long run.
Mark and Sam are in the kitchen of the Coffee Shop, and Mark is trying to explain the recipe for a simply meal for the entrée. Sam doesn’t quite understand, but assures Mark that Marlene will be grateful. They then go out to the counter, when Rick comes in complaining about the boss, Alan Crowley. Sam gives Rick the details for the first course of the meal tonight, before they head off home to get changed.
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Cheryl is putting photos of Lolly into a photo album and grinning about how gorgeous she is, when Lou comes in with the letter from the cute baby contest judges. Cheryl is excited, but when Lou reads it out, it says that the preliminary judges didn’t deem the photo cute enough nor the caption funny enough. Cheryl isn’t impressed and tells Lou that all the neighbours think that Lolly is the cutest baby they’ve ever seen. She starts to get more angry, commenting that the photo was extremely cute and everyone said so and that she’s shocked that it didn’t even make the top 50. Lou admits he’s very surprised too. Cheryl says she just needs a few minutes to compose herself, then she’ll rip them to shreds.
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Doug is sitting outside the Waterhole with Phil, complaining about all the cooking, packing and screaming going on at his house. Phil asks him if he’s just upset about Gaby leaving, but Doug says that it’s not like it’s the first time she’s moved out. He explains that he’ll really miss her, but on the bad days, they tend to fight like cat and dog anyway. They then get on to the problems between Phil and Julie and Doug tells him that things will improve. Phil explains that it feels like they’re just not communicating anymore and Doug assures him that things will come good in the end.
Cody arrives at number 22, where Cheryl is trying to make a meringue for dessert, but it’s not setting. She believes that it’s a conspiracy. Cody explains that she needs to talk about Danni and tells Cheryl that she has a book, in which Danni has written down everything. Cheryl seems confused, and admits to Cody that Danni isn’t really her biggest concern at the moment, before saying that she’s going to have to start the meringue all over again. Cody leaves the book on the sideboard and tells Cheryl she hopes that everything works out for her.
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At number 30, Ren and Mark are getting ready to go out. She starts being nice to him and he admits that he’s been suspicious of her motives ever since she pulled out of the progressive dinner. She explains that some old friends have come down and are staying just outside the city, so she needs his car to get there. He tells her to take a cab, but she says she hasn’t got the money for that. He tells her to phone someone and ask for a lift, but as he goes, she spots the van keys on the sideboard…
Cheryl is on the phone, complaining about the results of the cute baby contest. She starts ranting about how nobody knows how to do their jobs, when they hang up on her. She admits to Lou that she can’t believe she’s even giving this a second thought. She then suggests that the Waterhole have their own cute baby contest in order to raise funds for the Variety Club. Lou is thrilled with the idea and says that this time, Lolly will have a fair chance.
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At Marlene’s house, the progressive dinner is getting under way. Pam is telling everyone how Gaby has been insisting on taking her duvet with her to Darwin. Jack admits that he got rid of it, as he had to make some room for his own clothes. Gaby gets up and goes into the kitchen, not amused by their joking, when Mark takes her aside. He explains how much he’ll miss her and Zac, and she tells him that he should come up to Darwin to be her chef. Cody and Rick then butt in and he complains about Crowley again. Sam asks if the restaurant’s expensive, as he has someone he wants to impress.
Back in the lounge room, Cheryl is telling Pam about the baby contest, and Pam admits that the mother will always be biased towards her own child. Lou then goes over to talk to Phil and Doug. Phil admits that it feels great to be able to relax with some mates and Doug suggests that they all get together for a boys’ trip away. Marlene then appears with the entrée and everyone starts eating.
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At number 28, the main course is being served. Cheryl compliments Pam on what a great job she’s done. Pam admits it’s an old family recipe and Doug tries to drop hints that he helped with it, which everyone ignores. Over on the sofa, Sam is telling Phil about this gorgeous girl he saw in the Coffee Shop. He admits to Phil that he asked her where he’d seen her before and they arranged a date.
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At number 22, they’ve just finished dessert and everyone is complimenting Cheryl. Doug then gets everyone into the lounge room to make a speech about Gaby. She’s embarrassed, but Pam tells her it has to be done. Doug tells everyone what a special friend, daughter and mother Gaby is, before going on to tell the story about how Gaby dressed up as a hooker to put off potential clients when Jim Robinson wanted to move out of the street. He asks everyone to raise their glasses in a toast to Gaby.
The next morning, at number 30, Mark is furious that Ren, the van and the keys are all missing. He tells Rick that Ren won’t live to see another day. Just then, Ren comes in and Mark starts ranting. Rick notices something’s wrong and Ren admits to her brother that while out in the van, she had a little accident…
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Gaby is packing her belongings into a taxi and Pam tells Doug that they can still go to the airport with her if they want to. Doug assures her they’ll do it the way Gaby wants, and she comes over and says that they’ll dip a wing as they’re flying over Ramsay Street. Gaby hugs Cody, before telling Pam that she’ll send lots of letters and videos. Doug tells Jack to take care of Gaby, before telling Gaby to make sure she gives Jack a break. Cody and Gaby hug again, before Pam joins in. Cody tells Jack that she used to think he was a dipstick, but she thinks he’ll make an ok father for Zac.
Gaby, Jack and Zac then get into the taxi and wave as they leave. Pam worries that the whole family is being wrenched apart, but Cody reminds her that she’s still got her.
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Summary and captures by Steve