Magic Moments > 1994 > The Murder Mystery Party Episode 2240
Written by Helen MacWhirter, Directed by Grant Fenn
Helen tells Hannah she went to the pony club, and that Hannah can become a member, Helen hugs her. Sam asks Paulo if he's going to the murder weekend, and Serendipity says that he is, and that he's playing her love interest. Marlene tells Cody she'll be watching over her, as she's staying with her now. Helen asks Julie to get some psychiatric help for the sake of the family, and Julie retorts that she'll do no such thing. Helen says that she's a lot more selfish than she first thought, and that if she's going to adopt that attitude, then she doesn't want Julie living with her anymore...
The next day at Number 26, Helen tells Phil how angry she is, and he tells her not to worry. Helen says she's going down the news agency to apologise, and Phil tells her not to bother, saying he's on his way down there now and will tell Julie Helen's sorry. Phil says things couldn't be any worse between him and Julie just as Hannah walks in. Phil says goodbye to her, and Hannah asks Helen and Debbie what's going on, and asks if her parents are getting a divorce. Helen tells her to get dressed. Debbie says it must be hard on her, but that the States are looking more appealing everyday.
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Cody bounces into the kitchen over at Number 24, and Cody says she took a while to nod off after thinking about her parents. Sam gets up to leave to pick up his costume for the party. Marlene says her character is a famous tap dancer and gives Sam a demonstration. He leaves before she starts singing, and her and Cody start dancing together.
Phil arrives at the news agency and wishes Julie good morning. She bitchily replies "for some" and carries on working on the books. He tells her that Helen told him about the fight, and Julie says how she isn't surprised, because Phil and Helen are conspiring against her and don't want her around anymore. Phil tries to protest otherwise, but Julie cuts him off saying that if her presence in the house is making everybody so miserable, then it would be better if she left. Phil tells her that no one wants her to leave, but she says she's made up her mind, and will move out once she's found a suitable place. Phil tells her that it doesn't have to come to this, and that they can work it out, but will need some professional help in order to do so. Phil then makes the bad mistake of telling Julie he thinks she needs psychiatric counselling, and she snaps at him saying that he's the one who has changed, not her. He says he understands, and that they can relax and have fun at the murder mystery party. Julie doubts they will, and says she's not going, because she'll spoil everything for everyone. Phil yells that if she doesn't want to go, then she doesn't have to, but adds that he's not going to watch her wallow in self-pity. He says he's going with or without her.
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Back at 26, Debbie's saying to Helen that, although Phil and Julie have had their problems in the past, this time it feels different. Hannah listens in, and hears Debbie saying that they may get a divorce. Hannah asks what they were talking about, and says they always talk about stuff behind their backs. She says she has a right to know what's going on too, and Helen says that she's worried about Julie. She reminds Hannah that they'll never stop loving her, even if their feelings change for each other.
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Danni asks Brett what Cheryl and Lou are doing upstairs, and Brett tells her that they're trying on their costumes for the murder mystery party. Cheryl waltzes into the room and introduces Lou, who is dressed up as a singer. Danni and Brett comment about how ridiculous they look, and Cheryl says they're missing out on all the fun. Brett says he's missing Lata, and Danni says Dahl is a good replacement, and Brett storms off. Cheryl says she should be more sensitive.
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Helen and Hannah go to the pony club, and the woman in charge said they may have to cancel, as they're not taking on any new members. Helen says that she was told Hannah is more than welcome. The woman says that there are strict dress regulations, and Hannah says she just wants to ride her horse. The woman says she can, but not here, and not today.
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Rick walks into Number 30 putting on his French accent, and sees Serendipity and Paulo packing the last of their things. They mess around putting on voices et cetera, and then leave. Rick says he can't wait to see some blood and guts, dead bodies, and terrifying screams. Serendipity says they'll be none of that - how wrong she was.
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The residents arrive at the hotel, and Phil thanks Debbie for arriving at such short notice. Phil says they should concentrate on having fun and forget about the troubles at home.
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At the pony club, Helen speaks to the lady in charge again in private, and explains what Hannah is going through. Helen says she can't take her home as it will break her heart. The lady lets Hannah ride for the afternoon.
Danni gives Brett some chocolate, saying it helps when you're feeling low. Danni apologises for what she said. Danni's cab beeps outside and she goes to leave. When Brett hugs her goodbye, the earring she got hurts - Brett tells her to see someone about her infection, and she shrugs it off and heads out.
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Helen goes to see Julie at the news agency. Julie bitches that she assumed Helen would be too busy conspiring with Phil than to go and see her. Helen says the house is her home and that she's welcome. Julie says how that wasn't the tune she was singing last night, and Helen apologises to her. Julie grudgingly accepts. She says it's too late, and tells Helen she's decided to move out anyway. Julie says talking to him won't make a difference this time round. Helen begs her to try, at least for Hannah's sake. Helen persuades Julie to go up to the hotel to see Phil and sort things out. Julie says she'll go and hugs Helen.
At the hotel, the residents are all laughing at each other's costumes. Just then Elliot Goblet approaches and starts the party, by explaining that there has been a murder. Rick is convinced he recognises the man from somewhere. He tells them they have 24 hours to hunt for clues.
Hannah boasts to Helen back at 26 about how well she rode her horse, and how all the other girls at the club were jealous. Hannah goes to ring Miranda and sees a cake. She asks where it came from, and Helen said Brett dropped it off. She says he was feeling sick because he consumed so much chocolate. Hannah asks Helen if he's bulimic like her sister, and Helen said he just needed some comfort.
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Elliot asks for the residents' attention at the party. He lists his suspicions, and says Rick is the main suspect. As the residents laugh and joke around, Julie storms in and tells Phil that she needs to speak to him. He has he's here to have fun and doesn't want to discuss their private business in front of everyone. The room falls silent. An infuriated Julie gets up and says that she'll leave, as he obviously thinks having fun is more important than saving their marriage. Phil gets up and goes after her, and the remaining residents look down in embarrassment. Elliot tells them to carry on without him.
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The next morning, Cheryl is with baby Louise walking around the grounds of the hotel. Inside, the residents are having breakfast saying who they're suspicious of. They suddenly hear a scream from outside. They all run outside to see what has happened, and see a person lying at the foot of a flight of stairs. Marlene says how it looks like a body, and Rick jokes that they've had two murders for the price of one. When Debbie begins screaming for her dad to come quickly, they soon all learn that the dead body is Julie's.
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Notes: Elliot Goblet was a special guest appearance, playing himself.
Comment: This was a brilliant episode of Neighbours, and a fantastic exit for Julie, who was such a great character. The camera work at the episode's final moments, as it zooms in on Julie's body complete with a soundtrack from a Hammer Horror film, was pure genius - and the fact that an apparent murder has taken place at a murder mystery party is also another stroke of brilliance. The contrast between Julie and Phil's scenes, and then Hannah with Helen also worked wonderfully, and you really did feel sorry for all Hannah has been through... and is about to go through!
Summary by Billy