Magic Moments
> 1994
> Billy's Arrival
Episode 2247
by Jeff Truman, Directed
by Philip East, Produced
by Sally-Anne Kerr
Channel Ten: 27/09/94, BBC One: 26/06/95
Cheryl tells Lou that she's checked Victoria's references and she seems to be the perfect nanny... Sam says that he's had enough of working for big organisations, so from now on, he's his own boss...
Philip is horrified when Colin offers to work for him, for free, to help solve his staffing problems at the newsagency...
Philip isn't sure how to react, and is taken aback as Colin starts talking about the time they first met at the holiday resort, and how he still cherishes the memories of how kind he and Julie were. Colin explains that he sees this as a way to repay that
kindness and show that he isn't just a fair-weather friend. Hannah then arrives and asks her dad if he's ready to go, as she wants to see her horse, Painter. Philip introduces Hannah to Colin, who insists that he can stay and look after the shop, and will even
lock up and drop the keys over at the house later, so they can have a proper catch-up. Phil quickly says that Vikram is opening up in the morning, so he'll need the keys - Colin says that Phil won't regret taking him on, as he's an excellent worked. Phil doesn't
look convinced, but leaves with Hannah.

At number 22, Victoria is smoking, and sprays some air freshener to hide the smell. Baby Louise starts crying from her cot, but Victoria tells her to 'put a sock in it' as she's
trying to watch TV. Louise is still unsettled, so Victoria shakes a teddy bear at her and tells her to go to sleep. She then hears a noise and realises that Lou and Cheryl are back, so she opens a window and tries to get rid of the smoky smell, before sitting
down and pretending that she's just finished reading a story to the baby. She tells Cheryl that Louise has been a little angel - Lou says that it's a bit cold with the window open, but Victoria explains that it was warm earlier, and she thought that Louise
could use some fresh air, which Cheryl agrees with. After Victoria has gone, Cheryl says that they're very lucky to have found a nanny as good as that.
At number 24, Ren calls by to see if Sam needs a shoulder to cry on, over his job situation, and says that she also got sacked by Cheryl for complaining about the baby competition. He shows her the ads he's been making for his new handyman business, Handy Sam's.
He says that there are heaps of people who need jobs done around their homes, and things might work out better if he's his own boss. He then realises that he has to get ready for footie training, and he wanted to hand out some of the flyers on the way. Ren offers
to give him a hand, and says that she might even come and watch the training afterwards.

At number 22, Lou is attempting to get amorous with Cheryl, saying that it's been a long time, but just as he's getting somewhere, she becomes distracted, thinking that she heard the
baby crying. Lou thinks that they should let her cry, but Cheryl goes over and picks up Louise, insisting that it'll only take a minute to settle her back down. However, she continues to be restless, so Cheryl says that they should take her to bed with them tonight -
Lou looks crestfallen.
At number 24, Annalise wants to know if Mark has asked Ren and Rick about her moving back into number 30. Mark says that he mentioned it, and he might just have to wait for a better time to ask them again, as they weren't too keen on the idea. Annalise wants to
know why, and Mark tells her that it's because of their spectacular fights. She thinks it's a bit unfair, but asks Mark if he'd like to come and live at number 24 instead. He says that it sounds like a bad idea too, so he'll just continue to work on convincing
Rick and Ren.

The next morning, an auction sign is being placed out on Ramsay Street, as number 28 is about to be sold.
At number 22, Lou is feeling terrible after sleeping on the couch, as Cheryl comes downstairs with Louise. She's surprised to find that he didn't stay in bed, and he explains that he was just a little worked up after last night. Cheryl apologises and says
that she'll make more time for him today, suggesting that he return to bed now, but he says that he needs to go and speak to Mark about the Variety Club Bash. He thinks that he could get someone to fill in at the car yard for the rest of the day though, so they
can spend some time together, and Cheryl tells him that she was thinking about going over to watch the auction later. He thinks it's a very good idea, and he rushes off to get ready, as Victoria arrives for work, acting very enthusiastic about helping Cheryl to
give Louise her breakfast.

At number 30, Lou is telling Mark how Phil has decided to pull out of the Variety Club Bash, as he thinks he needs to spend more time with Hannah since Julie's death. He asks
Mark if he'd like to take Phil's place as co-driver, and Mark is very enthusiastic about the idea and agrees to go.
Outside, number 28 is open for viewing, and Dr Karl Kennedy is chatting to the auction about the sort of price he's expecting. Colin interrupts, wanting to speak to the auctioneer about the whole process. The auctioneer says that you just need to bid and he'll
spot you in the crowd, joking that there was a bloke the other week with a nervous tick who almost ended up buying half of Elliot Park. Colin takes this all very seriously and decides to demonstrate exactly how he's going to bid, so there'll be no confusion. Karl
wanders over to his car, where his son Billy is waiting. He complains about it being so early, but Karl tells him that purchasing a house is a very important decision and it needs to be done correctly. He goes for another look inside number 28, and Billy stays
by the car, just as Hannah wanders out and spots him. Meanwhile, Colin is annoying the auctioneer, asking if he might end up accidentally bidding if he coughs or scratches. Billy sees Hannah and goes over to introduce himself, telling her that they might be
neighbours soon. Cheryl and Marlene walk past, trying to figure out who they want to win the auction - Marlene spots an old lady and thinks that she's probably the grandmother of a biker, and if she wins, number 28 will end up as the hang-out for a bikie gang.
As Billy and Hannah walk off, so she can take him to see Painter, Marlene is still going on, now worried that the house might end up being owned by a cult leader. She asks about Victoria, and Cheryl says that she's been an absolute Godsend.


At number 22, Victoria is eating chocolates and looking through Cheryl's jewellery, when there's a knock at the door. She quickly hides everything and shouts 'Coming!' but Ren thinks
she said 'Come in' and lets herself into the house. Victoria isn't very impressed, and Ren says that she just wanted to see Lou. She explains that she used to be the nanny and was hoping to get a reference, but Victoria is clearly very keen to get rid of her.
Ren then says that she can smell cigarette smoke, and that Louise needs to have her nappy changed, but Victoria says that she has everything under control, before manhandling a shocked Ren out of the front door.
At number 24, Cody is feeling down about her old family home being sold, and Sam tries to cheer her up with some tea and a couple of Marlene's pumpkin scones. Cody says that she's fine, but it's just weird thinking about it as someone else's home. She starts to
reminisce about all the good times the Willises had at number 28, and points out that if that doctor buys it, he's going to landscape the gardens and might get rid of Zac's tree. Ren then comes in, complaining about the terrible new nanny that Cheryl has employed,
before realising that she's interrupted something. Sam says that Cody is just feeling upset about the auction, and especially about Zac's tree, so Ren tells her to just go over and dig it up, as it's still the Willis family's property for now.

Cody is in number 28's back garden, digging up the tree, when she's caught out by Karl and Colin. Karl is quite angry about what she's doing, whilst Colin - who remembers Cody from when
she visited the hospital and he was in the next bed to Doug - says that she shouldn't dig it up now, as it could kill the tree altogether. Cody says that she still wants to take it, as it's important to her, but Karl and Colin then both tell her that, when they
buy the house, it will remain as part of the house's history. Cody, however, continues to dig, as Karl and Colin squabble over which of them is going to win the house.
Hannah and Billy are in a field with Painter, and Hannah is telling him about how she's just joined a pony club. Billy says that, when his mum arrives, she'll be able to teach Hannah about horse-riding, as she has won loads of trophies for it, and the whole town
used to turn out to watch. He asks if Painter is getting enough exercise, and she says that she was thinking about going to Lassiter's, as there's lots of room there and a lake. Billy suggests that they could try and catch some tadpoles, and encourages Hannah to
come along.


The auction is beginning, with Karl, Colin and various Ramsay Street residents in the crowd. Colin opens with a bid of $170,000, and Karl starts to bid against him. Meanwhile, Lou
approaches Mark and suggests that they should get together to sort out the details for the bash - which is the first Annalise is hearing about it. She isn't very impressed, and Lou makes himself scarce, before Annalise drags Mark into the house to explain himself.
The bidding continues, and the old woman, who Marlene suspected to be preparing to bring a bikie gang to Ramsay Street - makes a bid of $205,000. Colin then bids again, before Karl raises the bid to $210,000.
Inside number 30, Annalise can't believe that Mark didn't tell her, and she wonders if he was even serious about them living together again. He says that he was planning to tell her, and that he'll only be away for one week. She still isn't happy, but then she
stops and realises that they're arguing yet again, and that maybe Ren and Rick were right. She apologises, telling him that she's just going to miss him, and they hug.

The auction is continuing, and Karl makes a bid of $220,000. He and Colin continue to bid, as Ren goes over to Cheryl and Lou and says that she needs to have a word with them
about Victoria.
At number 22, Victoria is sitting on the couch, smoking and ripping articles out of Cheryl's magazines, when Cheryl comes marching in, demanding to know what's going on. Victoria says that it's not what it looks like, but Cheryl tells her that she has five
seconds to get out, and she won't be getting paid. Victoria quickly gathers up her things and goes.

Colin makes a bid of $241,500 and Karl ups it to $242,000. Marlene and Cody watch excitedly, as Lou goes over to Philip, who's been standing off to the side on his own, and tells him
to just take things one day at a time. Meanwhile, Colin makes a bid of $243,020 and the auctioneer isn't impressed, but accepts it. Colin then looks shocked as Karl ups the bid to $250,000 and wins the house, looking very smug about it.
Featured Regular Characters: Cody Willis, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter, Louise Carpenter, Philip Martin, Hannah Martin, Marlene Kratz, Sam Kratz, Annalise Hartman,
Mark Gottlieb, Serendipity Gottlieb
Guest Cast: Jesse Spencer as Billy Kennedy, Alan Fletcher as Karl Kennedy,
Frank Bren as Colin Taylor, Mary-Rose Cuskelly as Victoria Smith,
Ian Sprake as Auctioneer, Christine Bridge as Prim Woman
Trivia Notes
• First appearance of Jesse Spencer as Billy Kennedy
• Billy's first words are "Did we have to get here so early?"
• Past characters Doug Willis, Adam Willis, Brad Willis and Zac Willis are mentioned
by Steve