Magic Moments > 1994 > The Kennedys' Arrival Episode 2251
Written by Victoria Osbourne, Directed by Grant Brown
Rick tempts Cody with copies of her forthcoming exam papers. The Martins are still grieving over Julie's death, unsure of what really happened, when Debbie suddenly remembers that she was there when Julie fell to the ground...
Cody stares at the exam papers, which are enclosed in an envelope. She is about to open the envelope when she hears a noise outside - someone yelling. She looks out the window and sees a removal van pulling in to Number 28. Billy, Libby, Malcolm and Susan Kennedy are taking their possessions into their new house. Karl stands by, yelling commands at the removalists. Libby asks Susan why Karl went ahead and bought the house without letting them see it first; Susan says she trusts his judgment. Susan asks Libby if she thinks she'll cope. Libby says, "Who are you asking - me or you?"
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Cody, losing interest in the new family, quickly stuffs the exam papers into a drawer without looking at them.
Hannah drags Brett towards the street to show him the new neighbours. Brett immediately takes an interest in Libby.
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Danni is also spying on the Kennedys from inside Number 22. Brett enters and Danni asks how the scattering of Julie's ashes went. Brett says it was weird because the Martins didn't talk at all on the way home. Danni changes the subject, asking what Brett thinks of the new neighbours. She says the father is the 'evil doctor' that treated her when her ear was infected. She seems disappointed, saying that it looks like a family of nerds has just moved into their street.
Cody is furious at Rick. She can't believe he would even think that she'd use the exam papers. She says she's not a cheat. Rick tries to defend himself, saying that he was only trying to help. Cody begins interrogating him, asking where he got them, but Rick refuses to tell her.
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Inside Number 28, the Kennedys are unpacking boxes when Brett and Danni knock on the front door. They introduce themselves to Susan and say they are there to help. Brett says hello to Malcolm, as Danni succeeds in offending Libby by commenting on her unusual clothing choices. Brett tries to help Libby move the piano, but he can't keep his eyes off her and ends up putting the arm of a chair through the wall. Karl, clearly unimpressed, sternly tells them that it's time they went home.
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That night, Helen and Philip are discussing Debbie as she sits at the kitchen table silently. Helen says not to pressure her. Suddenly, Debbie begins to talk, reliving what happened the night Julie fell off the tower: "I saw her through my window... I was listening to the sea." Philip sits next to Debbie as she continues. "I was up pretty late. It reminded me of primary school camps, being by the sea and all that. And then I saw Mum..."
Julie stands at the top of the tower under an eerie glowing light, pacing around and sipping on a glass of wine. Debbie quietly tiptoes up the stairs of the mansion until she reaches the platform that her mother is on. Julie is hysterical, saying she has ruined everything. She cries out, "If only I could just stop doing all the awful things!" Debbie tries to reassure her, but Julie becomes more and more emotional, screaming that she thinks she's an awful person. She throws the glass of wine over the edge and, losing her balance, falls without making a sound...
Debbie breaks down into tears remembering that night. She says she didn't even get a chance to tell Julie that she loved her.
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The Kennedys are sitting at the dinner table having their first meal in their new home, but they don't appear to be very happy. Libby is still complaining about having to move so quickly, and how she didn't even have time to say goodbye to her friends back home. Karl tells Susan that he's looking forward to some anonymity, instead of knowing everyone else's business in the small town that they moved from. As the children keep fighting, Susan says sharply that it's all going to be okay.
Cody joins Michael in the Coffee Shop, and they discuss Debbie's revelation. Michael says that she must have blocked everything out because of the shock. Cody tells him about obtaining her exam papers. Michael says that she should do it - why miss out on medical school by a few lousy marks when she knows she can make a great doctor? Cody looks thoughtful.
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Philip is drinking and Helen mentions that she's going to take Debbie to see a psychiatrist in the morning. She also reassures Philip, saying that he can't be held responsible now that it has been established that Julie's death was an accident. Philip doesn't seem to care either way.
The next morning, Brett is reading a letter from Lata and he discovers that she has a new boyfriend already. But he's not miserable about it and Danni soon realises that he's interested in someone else.
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Debbie arrives back from the psychiatrist, saying she feels much better. Helen says that she might take Debbie to New York for some time to recover. She says that it's a weight off their minds knowing Julie didn't kill herself. Philip says it doesn't matter how or why she died - she's still gone.
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Rick, Cody and Brett are kicking a football in the street. When Rick offers to take the exam papers back, Cody says she's changed her mind - she's still deciding what to do with them.
Debbie asks Philip to come to the United States with her, but Philip wants to stay at home to be closer to Julie. He won't even go out to the shops. Debbie and Helen know that he's still grieving heavily.
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Rick, Cody and Brett are joined by two of the new neighbours: Billy and Libby. Brett asks Libby out on a date in front of everyone, but she doesn't get a chance to reply before Susan calls her inside. Brett continues to stare at her as she goes back in to her house.
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Helen asks Hannah if she wants to come to New York, saying that it will be an exciting experience for her. Hannah declines, saying that she and Philip have to stick together now because they're the only ones who know what it's really like. Philip, listening from the next room, seems to be comforted by his daughter's words.
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Brett tells Rick his feelings for Libby are different to those he had for Lata. He says he was in love with Lata but this is different: it's the first time he's felt lust for anyone. He says, "Watch out Libby, I'm going to make you mine!"
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Summary by Aaron