Magic Moments > 1994 > The 1994 Season Finale Episode 2290
Written by Ian Coughlan, Directed by Philip East
Mal is told that the reason Karl came to Erinsborough is because he killed someone. Squirrel confides in Sam that she is pregnant with his child. Cheryl orders Lou to get out. Mark tells the vicar that his feelings about the impending wedding are more than last minute doubts...
At number 24, Marlene orders the bridesmaids to squeeze together in the natural light so she can take a photo much to Ren's chagrin. They are interrupted by Annalise who storms in needing help and Marlene complains that it will come out blurry now. Annalise tells them to save it until later because if she doesn't get some help she's going to be married in her underwear. Ren assures her there's plenty of time and Marlene agrees, leading the girls to the kitchen where she's arranged a champagne breakfast. Annalise moans about getting greasy finger marks on her dress leading Ren to ask her to stop nagging. However Annalise thinks someone is needed to organize everything. It's the most important day of her life and she doesn't want anything to go wrong. Ren is certain it won't and asks her to relax before Marlene cracks open the champagne. Stomping her foot, Annalise goes to her room to sulk.
Over at number 30, Mark is barking at Rick that he can't find his bow tie but Rick tries to calm him down. Mark goes on that he's throwing his life away if he makes the wrong decision and Rick assures him he isn't. Besides it's the 90s and nobody takes the "'till death do us part" stuff seriously anymore. Hypothetically it wouldn't be a big deal if someone were to realise they'd made a mistake. Mark doesn't appreciate the words of advice and wants his bow tie which Rick whips out. Mark is horrified that it's a real one and he'll have to tie it himself but Rick sets to doing it. Tossing his burnt breakfast down on the table, Mark poses the question over why people want each other so obsessively. He and Annalise argue all the time, yet they can't live without each other. Becoming weary, Rick tells him to stop thinking because now is not the time.
. . . 
Philip and Hannah burst through the doorway of number 26 and Helen steps out, dressed up. She reminds Hannah that there's a wedding and asks her to fill her in on the trip but Philip doesn't think there's enough time if they've got to be at the church in a couple of hours. Hannah thinks it's more than enough time to get ready and launches into a story about a horse called Bridie who did tricks -- country horses seem to be different from town horses. Philip jokes that it's because they live good clean lives whereas town horses are at discos every night of the week. Hannah is less than impressed and Helen berates him for interrupting the conversation. Hannah thinks they should all go back with Debbie for a riding holiday and Philip cuts in that Debbie called whilst she was away. He stops Hannah from calling back due to the cost and she asks if she'll be back soon. Helen tactfully says no but she'll be sending a home video so they can see what she's been doing. Cottoning on, Hannah asks when she's coming home and Philip replies that she's not sure. She's getting on well with Rosemary and she likes it over there. Hannah frets that she'll stay there forever but Philip draws a parallel between Debbie enjoying New York and her enjoying the farm. Debbie will be home soon enough but not as soon as they thought.
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In the backroom of Marlene's shop, Bianca greets a newly returned Sam and asks about his holiday which he is less than enthusiastic over. Bianca reveals she's moving in with Marlene until she finds a place of her own and she's got a ton of bookings if Sam wants to get back to work. He doesn't think they'll get much done today with the wedding but suggests picking up again tomorrow. Bianca suggests he go to the wedding but Sam snaps that his mood is nothing to do with Annalise.
Helen has arrived at number 24 where she tries to calm a pacing Annalise. Marlene interrupts to offer Helen chicken and champagne but she's just had breakfast. There's a knock at the door and Elliott makes an appearance. He compliments Annalise on how she looks before producing a review of her book from one of London's most pretigious critics. He reads quotes such as "smooth but powerful imagery." Helen thinks it's the omen for a perfect day. As she says the words Rick bursts in announcing a disaster. Dave just called and he's stuck in Alice Springs where he's been arrested on some protest. He adds that they'll need to find a replacement. Helen tries to talk to Rick but he heads back out the door in a hurry. Annalise exclaims that she knew something was going to go wrong. Elliott doesn't see it as such a disaster but Annalise reminds him that Dave was going to give her away. After a moment's thought, she asks Elliott if he'll step in and he agrees. The bridesmaids step in happily now everything's settled and raise a toast to Annalise.
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The Kennedys are eating breakfast at number 28 as Karl scoffs at Libby for not having basic emergency supplies to get through the flash floods on her trip. Mal sarcastically remarks that it would have course been different if Karl had been in charge because he's never done a thing wrong in his life. Karl denies that's what he was saying and pushes Mal to get ready for work. Mal can't believe it but Karl reminds him the deal was he'd start as soon as he got back from his beach holiday. Twisting the knife, he tells Mal he's got one hour.
. . . 
Cheryl arrives home to number 22 with baby Louise where Brett and Danni jokingly chastise her for not being home to greet them upon their return. Cheryl hadn't been expecting them and the pair continue that she probably didn't hear about the bush fires or the avalanche. Cheryl is glad they're home but she's not up to coping with their sense of humour this early. Danni mentions there actually was a flood but they'll talk about it when Cheryl's in the mood. Brett asks about the overnight bags his mother brought in and Cheryl suggests they discuss that when she's in a better mood too. Lou comes bounding down the stairs to see Louise and Cheryl coldly asks why he's still there. He replies he's got nowhere else to be and if she wants to make the wedding she better get a move on. Cheryl states that it's not high on her list of priorities and although she'll be there, she hopes nobody makes the mistake of thinking they are there together. As she leaves, Brett and Danni look at each other quizzically wondering what's going on.
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At the surgery, Karl comes out to see a bored looking Mal who's accidentally leaning on the emergency buzzer. Mal doesn't appreciate the reprimand he's given and jumps up offering his resignation. Karl reminds him he doesn't have the choice and orders him to sit down. Mal asks if he's going to make him which Karl rises to and then wonders if his father's going to kill him like he killed that guy back home. Karl is astounded but Mal tells the waiting patients of the great Dr. Perfect being run out of town for murder before walking out.
. . . 
The guests are gathering at the church while Brett and Danni discuss what's happening at home. Danni says it's obvious Lou's been having an affair. Cheryl interrupts telling them to be quiet in a church. Danni asserts that they were praying leading Cheryl to reply that they don't need to move their lips for that. Can it. In another pew, Hannah is complaining to Philip about Debbie not bothering to tell her of her plans to stay longer in New York as Rick nervously looks out to the guests and brings Mark out. Music swells but Marlene comments that all they need now is the bride.
. . . 
Still at number 24, Elliott tells Annalise that the car isn't there yet before turning to see her in her wedding dress. Astounded, he says he doesn't have the words and kisses her on the cheek. However she's not feeling good and Elliott puts it down to leftover nerves now the doubts and plans are out of the way. Annalise jumps in that she's still got doubts which Elliott tries to play down as understandable nerves but she's not convinced. She's really worried and wants to talk. She shouldn't feel like this. She's about to marry the man she loves but has an awful feeling it's all wrong. Elliott asks if she's spoken to Mark about this but she says no, she couldn't. She's had the feelings for a while but didn't want to admit them to herself -- if she threw herself in to worrying about the details she wouldn't have to think about it. Annalise continues that everyone must think she's a complete airhead who only cares about the material side of things whereas as Eliiott points out she's been undergoing the dark night of the soul. He asks for specifics and she mentions the religion thing. Mark's taking it too seriously and he's changed. She doesn't feel like she knows him anymore. There's a new part to him and she doesn't like it. Elliott tells her that if she feels like this she has to call off the wedding. Annalise refuses because Mark would be devastated. Elliott thinks he'll feel worse when he finds out about it but Annalise says he never will. The car horn beeps outside and Annalise gets up to leave.
Outside the church, Annalise and Elliott step out of the car where they are greeted by the bridesmaids. A disheveled Sam rushes over and tells Annalise she looks beautiful and she jokes that she's supposed to make the big entrance at her wedding. Sam leans down and kisses her, wishing her luck. Annalise is distracted as the photographer takes her picture but she lowers her veil and links arms with Elliott to enter the church.
. . . 
The minister positions himself at the altar and the bridal march begins as the guests rise. Annalise begins to make her journey up the aisle but Mark doesn't turn to watch. His attention is held by the crucifix in front of him and the organ music fades out. Wide eyed, he turns on his heel and starts making his way back down the aisle, stopping Annalise in her tracks. He's sorry but he can't do this, the wedding's got to stop. He can't marry her.
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In the backroom of Marlene's shop, Sam rages to Bianca about Mark humiliating Annalise. She tries to calm him but it doesn't work. Bianca points out that her not marrying Mark is good news but Sam doesn't think so because he can't do anything about it and Annalise won't want to know him anymore. Bianca doesn't understand but Sam reveals that there's another girl who thinks he got her pregnant. Bianca is visibly disgusted and nervously Sam adds that he didn't even sleep with her.
. . . 
The Stark-Carpenters return home with Cheryl railing that there's no point talking to someone who lies and deceives. She pushes Lou to tell the kids about her other girlfriend and Danni smugly points out to Brett that she was right. Lou wants to Cheryl to listen but she continues that people have been trying to tell her for weeks and she can't believe she defended him. Lou denies he has a girlfriend but Cheryl saw them together and asks if she was worth the $2000 -- money which came out of their account. She saw the gift and the girl kissing him, is he still going to lie his way out of this? Lou says no but asks if she's going to let him explain. Sceptical, Cheryl remarks that only when he's caught out does he care to explain. Well she knows the explanation and if she hadn't had so much faith in him, she'd have found out long ago. Lou yells that if he's going to be accused of an affair, he has every right to defend himself but Cheryl shouts back that she saw him and how the girl looks at him. Lou thought she knew him better than that. Cutting Cheryl off he tells her that the girl she saw is his daughter leaving her speechless.
. . . 
Mark and Annalise are sat in the empty church as Mark attempts to explain his actions. It wasn't that he couldn't marry her, it's that he couldn't marry anyone. In the past few weeks he's been thinking about things he never thought about before such as himself, life and the world. But it only came together today. When he was standing in front of the altar looking up at the crucifix, he felt he knew himself and what he has to do with the rest of his life. Annalise wants to know what on earth he's talking about and Mark tells her that he can't marry anyone -- he's decided to become a priest.
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Notes: Although the entire Kennedy clan is present in the breakfast scene, neither Susan nor Billy have any dialogue.
Comment: Where to start. Viewed as a finale to the 1994 season, the episode works well for the most part with multiple cliffhangers to be resolved. The shocked expressions of Annalise and Cheryl upon their respective bombshells are priceless although the latter only highlights Neighbours' current lack of continuity. Given the drama Lou's daughter created at the time, it's ridiculous she's been forgotten. However it needs to be noted that the episode set up stories for the woeful 1995 season and Mark's priest story is one of the worst in the show's history.
Summary and captures by Jay