Magic Moments > 1995 > Rick's Departure Episode 2340
Written by Karyn Noble, Directed by Grant Fenn
Susan tells Karl that she will go through with another pregnancy – if Karl becomes the primary carer and gives up work when it’s born. Billy and Libby wonder if their parents will ever agree about the baby. Rick and Cody wonder how they’ll cope with a long-distance relationship. Cheryl says that she doesn’t want to rush into another marriage, but Lou won’t accept that and demands a straight answer about why she won’t accept his proposal.
At number 22, Danni is packing for school when Cheryl comes downstairs and starts fishing for advice on whether she should marry Lou. Danni isn’t really interested, but wonders if her mum is just saying no because she feels like Lou is forcing her into it. Danni suddenly stops and announces that she doesn’t want to get involved, and, besides, it should be up to Cheryl and she shouldn’t care about anyone else’s opinion.

At number 30, Rick and Cody are cleaning up after the farewell party that Ren threw the night before. They both wish that they had another day together and Cody starts to cry, before composing herself. Rick asks her for one of her cheeky grins but she won’t give him one. She then takes some cream from the cake and wipes it on his nose, before presenting her cheeky grin. Rick then grabs the rest of the cake and chases her around the room with it.
In the backyard of number 24, Sam watches Bianca, who’s sitting studying by the pool. He says that they need to get to their next gardening job, and tells Bianca that gardening is as much about the practical side of things as the theory.

At the Coffee Shop, Mal, Libby and Billy are sitting together, discussing the situation with their parents. The three of them can’t agree on whether Susan should even have another baby, let alone which of their parents should stay at home to raise it, and they realise that, if they can’t agree, there’s no way they can help their parents come to a decision.
At the pub, Cody and Rick are finishing up lunch with Jen and Luke. Rick is giving Luke a few pointers about surviving as Mark’s new housemate, and Luke is worried that Mark sounds rather anally retentive. Cody insists that he isn’t that bad and Rick says that he spoke to Mark at his outback relief posting and Luke can move in whenever he wants. Cheryl then comes over to say goodbye to Rick and reminds him that she gave him his big break in the pub industry. Rick and Cheryl share a hug, as she wonders who’s going to give them cheek from now on.

At the Coffee Shop, Philip and Lou are having a coffee, and Phil says that he’s having a driving refresher course before he gets his licence back. Lou mentions that he got stopped for speeding earlier, and would have made Cheryl pay if he’d been fined, as it was her that got him so worked up. He explains that she still won’t give him a reason for not marrying him. Phil wonders why Lou’s suddenly so bothered; is he concerned about their relationship or just trying to conform to society?
Danni and Mal are sitting by the lake, discussing what they’d do if they found out she was pregnant. She says that she’d have to get a nanny as she wants a career too, and Mal says that his mum is the same. Danni points out that Lou didn’t regret becoming a father late in life – he saw Louise as his opportunity to get it right as a parent. Mal wonders if that’s why Karl’s so keen to have another baby, as Billy is going off the rails now.

Philip is messing up his parallel parking and his instructor says that he’ll have to deduct points for that, as well as the stop sign that Phil drove straight through earlier. Phil is feeling a little disheartened, but the instructor tells him to carry on driving whenever he’s ready.
At the school, Mal is explaining to Libby and Billy his theory that Karl wants another child, so he can get it right this time. Billy feels like he’s now being blamed for the whole situation, but Mal says that it’s just because Billy is growing up and isn’t perfect any more.

At Reuben’s place, Sam and Bianca are trying to get the work done, but Sam is annoyed that Bianca keeps on stopping to read her horticulture book. He asks why she doesn’t just take a course, but she says that she dropped out of school in year 10 and doesn’t stand a chance of getting a place. Sam suddenly has an idea and, after claiming that he needs to go to the bank, he tells Bianca he’ll be back in a little while.
At the pub, Lou is apologising to Cheryl for pushing her into marrying him, and he says that she was right, they’re happy as they are. She’s delighted and they share a hug, only for it to be interrupted by the payphone, which Lou promptly picks up and puts down again. He says that they shouldn’t let their lives be dictated by social convention, but asks Cheryl if that really was the only reason why she wouldn’t marry him. She insists that it was, but looks rather worried as the pair share another hug.

At Marlene’s shop, she tells Sam that it’s a good idea, but she isn’t sure that Bianca will accept and will just view it as charity. Sam says that he’s just getting her the information and if she doesn’t want to do the course, she doesn’t have to. As Sam leaves, a woman comes out of the changing room wearing one of Sam’s coats. Marlene insists that it’s just similar, but Sam says that he wants it back in his wardrobe by that evening. After Sam leaves, Marlene takes the coat from the woman, insisting that it doesn’t suit her anyway.
Philip has completed his refresher course and the instructor is adding things up. Philip makes a joke about needing a calculator, but the instructor insists that he’s fine. He then starts listing all of Phil’s faults but says that he’s just scraped through on points but still needs a little more practice. Philip says that they can go out again now, as he feels guilty about the drink-driving charge and wants to make sure he’s back up to scratch before he goes back out on the roads.

At number 26, Jen, Luke and Cody are about to watch a film and Cody says that she couldn’t stay and help Rick with his packing, as she doesn’t even want him to go. They joke that Rick’s probably only managed to pack three shirts on his own. Phil then gets back and very seriously tells them that he crashed the car, before admitting that he’s joking and it all went well. As he sits down, he asks what they’re watching and Luke says ‘Licence To Drive’, before Phil realises that he, too, is joking.
At the shop, Marlene is looking through the Advanced Certificate in Horticulture books that Sam has got for Bianca. Marlene is very impressed, as Sam goes through the clothes rails taking all of his own stuff off them. Bianca then comes in and asks Sam what took him so long. He shows her the handbook and she says that she has no chance of getting in, but Sam points out that she would have a stronger chance if he made her a partner in Handy Sam’s.

At number 26, Cody is feeling guilty about not helping Rick to pack and instead watching a video. She rushes off, announcing that she’s going to talk him out of leaving. Jen and Luke, meanwhile, decide to go and get some Japanese food, but Phil decides that he can’t go with them, as he made such a pig of himself last time.
Cody arrives at number 30 to find that Rick has finished his packing and is ready to go. They both look awkward, before sharing a hug. Cody says that she wishes they could be together, and she insists that she’ll come and visit during every holiday. He says that he’ll write to her, and reminds her about when she first came back and they called her the ‘Ice Maiden’. They share a kiss and say that they love each other, before being interrupted by a car horn outside.



Outside, Lou walks over as Cody puts Rick’s suitcase in the back of a taxi. Lou says that he’s very proud of Rick and will miss him, as Rick thanks Lou for being his ‘Erinsborough dad’. All three of them are in tears at this point, and Rick says that Cody’s the one who’s meant to hate crying in public. Cody hugs Rick and tells him that she loves him. Rick looks around the street and gets in the cab, saying that he’s going to miss Ramsay Street. He tells Lou and Cody that he loves them both, before being driven out of the street for good.

At number 22, Lou comes in, saying that saying goodbye to Rick was almost as bad as when Ling Mai left. Cheryl is standing over Louise’s cot and says that she has to tell him the real reason why she won’t marry him. Lou looks worried, but Cheryl tells him that he mustn’t laugh…
by Steve