Magic Moments > 1995 > Reuben's Death Episode 2403
Written by Adam Bowen, Directed by Philip East
Mal and Danni both try to pretend that they don’t miss each other. Jen suggests to Cody that Stonie doesn’t come to her exhibition, at which point Cody walks out of the Coffee Shop.
Annalise is showing Marlene dresses that she might wear for her first meeting with her father, and Annalise wishes she was more musical. Cody comes in and Annalise suggests that they work together on some new songs. Cody tells Marlene and Annalise about what Jen said about Stonie, and says that Stonie would never do anything to wreck Jen’s big night. Annalise isn’t convinced and Cody gets angry at her.
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At number 26, Jen is telling Philip about what happened, and Phil takes Cody’s side. He tells her that friendships are more important than the exhibition, and sometimes you have to take the rough with the smooth in friendships. Jen realises that he’s right, and hopes that Cody will still talk to her.
Stonie walks into the Coffee Shop and sits with Danni, before calling out and asking Mal why he’s sitting on a separate table. Mal says that it’s better for his health this way. He refuses to change tables, and Stonie realises that they’re still not talking to each other. Mal says he has every right to be annoyed, and Danni claims that she only ever went out with him through pity. Mal gets up and walks out, but Danni beats him to the door, while Stonie stays behind and eats their lunches.
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Helen is drawing Reuben’s picture, and he suggests that they go away on holiday again. She says that she hasn’t even finished moving in with him, and he says that they can sort that out when they get back. She asks if he’s spoken to Garnet yet, and he says they will be going through some old family videos together later. Helen decides to make herself scarce and go to Jen’s exhibition.
Danni is at Marlene’s shop, complaining about the range of clothes. Marlene unwraps a parcel – a car bed for Colonel Parker. Danni seems upset and Marlene realises it has something to do with Mal. Marlene suggests that if they’re both so upset, that means that they still care. Danni then finds the hemp suit that she made for Mal for sale in the shop, and she storms off to confront him. Marlene stops her and says it’ll achieve nothing.
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Cody and Stonie are sitting outside the pub and he asks what they’re doing tonight. He realises she’s not listening to him and asks what’s wrong. She explains that she had a fight with Jen, but it’s nothing to worry about. Jen then sees them and comes over to apologise, and invites them both to the exhibition. Stonie says he’ll give it a miss, as he doesn’t really appreciate post modern sculpture. Jen is shocked by his knowledge on the subject.
At number 24, Cody is telling Stonie how there’s a lot of stuff going on in his head that she doesn’t know about. Meanwhile, Annalise is finishing the song for her dad, and Stonie starts doing Tom Jones impressions. Annalise says that her dad is a serious entertainer and doesn’t impersonate anyone.
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Jen and Philip are getting ready to go out, and she’s telling him about Stonie’s views on art. She thanks Phil for convincing her to talk to Cody. Helen then comes in and says she’s very lucky to have spent the afternoon with the man she loves.
Brett and Billy are searching for lost golf balls at the golf course, when Billy sees one. They realise that it’s not Brett’s, but they decide to keep it anyway, to sell it on. He says that he’s saving up to buy a leather bomber jacket.
Reuben and Garnet are finishing watching the old family movies, and Garnet says it was great to see his mum again. Reuben says that he wishes he’d had the camera when Garnet was born, as it was the greatest moment of his life. Reuben then gives the films to his son, who wants to know why his dad isn’t keeping them. He explains that they need to make the most of each other, and Garnet wants to know how long his dad has got. Reuben says he’s just taking it one day at a time, and Garnet thanks him for telling him the truth.
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The next morning, Mal is out in the street washing his car, when Marlene walks up and says that he obviously doesn’t give two hoots about how Danni is feeling right now. She tells him that he shouldn’t treat women that way, and Mal is unable to get a word in. She walks off, warning him that he’s doing a sloppy job on the car.
Jen and Cody are getting ready for uni, and Jen is thrilled that one of her sculptures sold. She thanks Cody for coming to the exhibition, and says that it could have done with Stonie to liven things up. Helen is moving the last of her things out of the house, and Cody says that she can’t imagine the street without Helen in it. Phil leaves to give Jen and Cody a lift to uni, just as Reuben arrives. Helen tells him that she’s looking forward to a little peace and quiet now. They decide to have lunch out in the garden.
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Danni sees Mal in the street and throws the suit at him, telling him how ungrateful he is. Mal tells Danni about how Marlene balled him out in the street. Stonie then sees them together and closes and locks them in the garage together.
Helen and Reuben are preparing lunch in the kitchen, and he is relieved that he managed to tell Garnet about his true feelings last night. He says that all their differences were suddenly forgotten, and thanks Helen for forcing them to talk to each other. Reuben realises that Helen actually told Garnet about Reuben’s medical condition. She then takes some home-made chutney from the fridge and he tells her that everything she does seems to be perfect.
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Cody is singing her version of Annalise’s song for her father. Annalise doesn’t seem too convinced and tells her to think about how dynamic the words are. Cody mentions the ‘Marlene song’ that she and Stonie thought up, and Annalise suddenly remembers that she was meant to let Danni and Mal out of the garage two hours ago.
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Annalise and Cody rush over to the garage, where they open it up and find Mal and Danni kissing. They close the door and realise that they’ll never quite be able to work Stonie out.
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Helen is doing some gardening, and picks a rose for Reuben. She goes over to give it to him, but he doesn’t wake up. She checks and realises he has no pulse. Helen starts to cry, and lays the rose down across his chest.
by Steve