Magic Moments > 1996 > The 1996 Season Premiere Episode 2530
Written by Ian Coughlan, Directed by Richard Jasek
At the beach Sonny tells Libby that she only needs to say no if she doesn't want to have sex and she kisses him. Libby returns home flustered, needing money for a taxi. Linda and Lou tell a shocked Cheryl that they will inherit money if they remarry. Mal splits up Danni and Michael accusing Danni of wanting to be with her ex. Susan is cagey when Karl wants to hear stories about Africa. Sonny appears from the shadows wanting an explanation from Libby. Sam and Angie find Stonie undressed with Annalise at number 32...
Annalise tries to tell Sam that it isn't how it looks but he runs out of the house and Stonie encourages her to let him go. Annalise goes to the bedroom in tears as Angie demands that Stonie come to the living room. He yells at her to stay out of it but she responds that she won't. It is her house too, he is her son and she is thoroughly ashamed of him. He dumps the champagne in her hands and clamours on the bedroom door for Annalise to open up.
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Sonny is parked in Ramsay Street with Libby in the passenger seat. He promises he won't hurt her but won't let her out of the van because he wants to talk. Billy comes outside and runs over to the van where he sees them screaming at each other and bangs on the window. Panicking, Sonny speeds off and Billy runs home calling out for his parents.
At number 22 Linda assures Cheryl that they can get the marriage annulled. Cheryl demands to know how long they've been planning it but Lou tries to downplay the situation as businesslike and clinical. Cheryl tells him to stop raving and Linda interjects that it's just a pretend marriage. Lou assures her it would just be for a year or two and Cheryl sarcastically asks who could object to that. Linda reminds Cheryl that the money would come in handy and highlights the sum on offer - $200, 000. Unmoved, Cheryl asks Linda to leave so she can discuss it with Lou in private.
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Marlene and Jo enter number 24 discussing how Sam and Annalise need some time together. As Jo goes to check the bedroom, Sam bursts out and smashes a photo of him and Annalise on the ground. Marlene wants to know what's wrong and begs him to calm down but he decides to leave before he does some real damage.
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As Billy and Karl panic, Susan enters with Libby's address book but doesn't understand why this is happening. Billy explains that Sonny expected her to sleep with him and when she wouldn't, he got angry. Karl furiously decides to go and find her.
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Angie berates a now dressed Stonie telling him that Annalise is practically a married woman but he points out that all she and Sam do is fight and it's probably best that things are out in the open. She tells him that Kerry is lucky to have broken off with him but Stonie confesses that she didn't exist and Annalise is the woman he's been with. Angie is furious that he lied to her -- she always thought that whatever happened, they could be honest with one another. Beginning to cry, she tells him she was so proud of him but he's as bad as his brothers. As Angie goes to her room, Annalise enters and demands that Stonie not touch her. This should never have happened and she wants nothing to do with him.
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Cheryl tells Lou that the marriage is not a stupid idea but she would have appreciated being involved in the discussion. She points out that whoever else stood to inherit from Linda's aunt will have lawyers and be sure to scrutinise the marriage -- he won't be able to keep on living at number 22. Cheryl suggests that they find out exactly what's involved. Mal walks in unexpectedly, looking for Danni but she's not there. As he broaches the subject of Michael Martin, Danni walks in, raving about Michael's place in Marree. Mal is sick of hearing about Michael but Danni asks him to stay the night and they go upstairs.
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Marlene and Jo speculate as they listen to rumblings from a bedroom at number 24 and Sam comes out, dumping Annalise's stuff on the floor. Jo can't believe he's throwing her sister out and Marlene wants to know what is happening. He replies that if Annalise is so hot for Rebecchi, then she can go and live there leaving Marlene and Jo stunned.
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Susan tells Billy that if Libby doesn't come home soon she's going to call the police. She still doesn't understand how Sonny's personality could just change overnight with no warning signs. Billy mentions that Sonny got his back up over the dyslexia thing but everyone thought he was Mr Wonderful, especially Mal. Susan sighs that this is a great thing to come home too and Billy puts his head on her shoulder telling her he missed her. Everything seems to fall apart when she's not around. Wistfully, Susan replies that she wishes for once it wouldn't.
Annalise returns to number 24 to find Jo in tears but doesn't deny what has happened. Marlene follows Sam out of the bedroom and Annalise tries to talk to him, apologising. She tells him that she loves him and they can get past this but he replies that to hell they can so she can just take her stuff and get out. Marlene asks her if it's true but Annalise brushes her off asking to be let through to see Sam. Marlene refuses telling her that he'll find her if he wants to talk. Jo thinks she and Annalise should let things calm down as Marlene asserts that she doesn't live there anymore.
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Sonny and Libby are in the van outside his place but she refuses to go in with him. He impatiently yells that he just wants to talk stating that if he wanted to do anything to her, he could just as easily do it in the van. Libby warns him she'll scream if he tries it. Sonny accuses her of not being grown up enough to know what she wants and she sarcastically apologises for being such a disappointment. He understands it's her first time but he wonders if he's not the right guy and Libby agrees. Candidly, he asks if she wants things to get physical or not. Libby replies that she does but she wants more than sex and she doesn't think he does. He offers to put it on hold but she tells him it's too late. Suddenly, Karl pulls up and drags Sonny out of the van.
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Jo and Annalise have booked themselves into a motel room as Jo laments that room service is closed. Annalise ignores her asking if maybe she did it to get back at Sam or that she unconsciously wanted to break up with him. Jo tries to calm her down but she sobs that she just wants Sam. Pulling her in for a hug, Jo promises her it will be alright.
. . . 
Karl pins Sonny up against the van but Libby pulls him off assuring her that they were just talking. Karl puts forward Billy's story that Sonny attacked her on the beach and then kidnapped her from the house. Sonny shouts that he's got it all wrong and Libby confirms that nothing happened. Karl forcefully pulls Libby to the car as Sonny continues to yell that nothing happened. Karl demands that Libby get in the car before warning Sonny that things between him and Libby are finished.
Libby storms into number 28 followed by Karl and states that nothing happened much to Susan's disbelief. Libby continues that it's none of Billy's business and he angrily retorts that next time someone kidnaps her, he'll just shut up about it. Frustrated, Libby denies she was kidnapped as Sonny just got worked up and knows she didn't appreciate it -- end of story. Karl demands an explanation and Libby mockingly supposes he wants to hold a family meeting about it. Susan tries to comfort her but she walks away.
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Cheryl and Lou continue to discuss the marriage at the breakfast table of number 22 as Brett looks after Louise. Mal and Danni come downstairs and Mal tells her she's being crazy. She asks Brett what the rowing is about and he reveals that Lou wants to get married to his ex-wife. She is shocked but interrupts with an important announcement. She's not going to repeat Year 12. Cheryl is horrified but Mal chips in that he tried talking her out of it. She warns Lou to butt out and accuses Danni of throwing her life away. They begin to bicker as Mal leaves and Brett tells Louise that he wishes he was back in Africa. Cheryl agrees to support any idea that is halfway worth supporting but Danni leaves saying she doesn't know why she's bothering to talk to her.
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The Kennedys are eating breakfast in silence until Billy makes a comment about Sonny and Libby tells him to shut up because he doesn't know anything about it. Karl points out none of them do as Mal arrives home and senses the atmosphere. He is upset that Libby has fallen out with Sonny because he needs his job. Mal cockily decides to go to the surf shop and find out what happened straight from the horse's mouth causing Libby to get up and leave. Billy and Susan are aghast at his tactlessness.
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Libby is petting Cassie in the backyard as Brett creeps up behind her. She jumps up and starts to attack him much to his surprise but when she realises it's Brett she runs in for a hug.
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Notes: The new season saw a brand new set of opening and closing credits featuring aerial shots of Erinsborough and pink and green sidebars. Notably, Debbie Martin appears in the final pool shot of the opening titles despite not returning to the show for months. Brett, Annalise and Jen have all been moved in preparation for their imminent departures. Although Helen is still a regular character, she does not appear in the titles as Anne Haddy was ill when filming took place. Additionally, there is a new recap tune which was used on the show until mid 1997.
Comment: There are some great lines of dialogue but the episode as a whole seems incredibly repetitive with almost every scene ending with someone storming out of the room. Some scenes are almost pantomime particularly when Annalise returns to number 24 and engages in much high pitched wailing with Jo as Sam throws things around and Marlene clucks in the background. What could have been a dramatic season premiere is marred by the dragging out of the Stonie/Annalise story.
Summary and captures by Jay