Magic Moments > 1996 > Cody's Shooting Episode 2571
Written by Ian Coughlan, Directed by Helen Gaynor
Sam tells Marlene that the editor of Teen Girl wants him to work for them. Kimberly Stevens demands to know why Mal and Stonie's car was being used as a stop off for drugs but they deny any involvement. Kimberly asks Luke and Cody if she can use number 30 to stakeout the Kennedy house...
Kimberly is in the living room of number 30 watching the street through binoculars when Cody offers to go and get coffee. The phone rings and Kimberly receives information that she passes on to the undercover officers in Ramsay Street -- the suspects have been located back to the Hammond surf shop and they need to keep their eyes open. Cody tries to find out what's going on but Kimberly sends her off to
get the coffee. Luke asks why drugs were being left in the wreck of a car and figures
that the suspects aren't exactly criminal masterminds.
. . . 
At number 24, Marlene heckles Sam about the modelling job, joking about an agent's commission. He tells her that he's not going through with it and he's simply having lunch with the editor. Jo arrives fresh from a workout and Marlene asks her to talk sense into Sam. She simply warns Sam to be careful because there are a lot of modelling horror stories.
Karl comes out for breakfast at number 28 as Mal, Stonie and Sonny spring news of the stakeout on him, telling him it's not their fault. Mal gives him details of the police woman who came over and Karl demands that the car be removed from his driveway. He calls Kimberly Stevens and decides to go next door to talk to her leaving the boys laughing.
. . . 
Karl walks across Ramsay Street being keenly watched by the cop positioned outside.
Having arrived at number 30, Karl listens to Kimberly who states that it is the car they're interested in, not his house -- and the car is owned by Malcolm who is legally an adult. She's surprised that Mal hasn't explained but Karl replies that his idea of an explanation is to yell "It's not my fault!" over and over. Kimberly assures Karl that his son isn't in any trouble but Karl states dryly that he is.
. . . 
Jo is feeding Sam her modelling horror stories at the coffee shop but he tries to play down the situation. Jo reminds him of Lucy Robinson who had any number of problems with drugs when she was modelling. Sighing, Sam tells her her has to go receiving a last word of warning froom Jo. Luke comes in and sits with Jo asking for advice about putting together an exercise programme for his police fitness test. Jo offers to consult her boss as Luke decides to run out because of big dramas at home.
Sam is meeting with Romy Barbuto, the editor of Teen Girl in her office as she tries to sell him the idea of taking a modelling job regaling him with stories of tickets to the hottest parties and a permanent membership on the champagne circuit. All for modelling for such articles as 'Get him out of your dreams and into your life.' Sam argues that he's not a party kind of guy and that it doesn't suit him. As Romy tries to cut in, a man named Peter Lenten arrives and after being introduced to Sam he agrees
that he's not suited to Teen Girl. He'd be perfect for Stefano Gold and Peter offers him a job.
Romy rails at Peter for barging in and poaching her models but he ignores her and sells the idea of a Stefano Gold ad campaign to Sam, not least that he'll be earning $40, 000 a year for it. There'll be no contract for exclusivity apart from on toiletries. Sam jumps up panicked and tells them that he's just a handyman but Peter argues that's why he's so perfect. Romy butts in offering to match the Stefano Gold figure but Peter can't believe she tried to win him over with all the champagne and gladrag crap. Teen Girl and Sam just aren't meant for each other. Sam admits that the 40
grand offer sounds rather good leaving the editor fuming.
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The cop watches Ramsay Street from his van as Stonie bangs on the window to say hello. The cop shooes him away hurriedly.
Luke wanders around the living room of number 30, bored with the fact that there is so little action but Kimberly goes on to explain that amateurs like they're waiting for are unpredictable. Cody goes to make something to eat as Kimberly radios the cop outside and asks if he's hungry. She's asked to make sure to control the 'clown' that was banging on his window and Cody identifies him excitedly as Stonie.
. . . 
Sam and Marlene drink celebratory champagne at Chez Chez and discuss what is needed for Stefano Gold which Marlene thinks is pretty classy. Jo walks in, alarmed that Sam has signed a contract but he assures her he won't become starry eyed before joking about the babes involved.
Karl watches Ramsay Street through the window of the Kennedy house and complains about having to get an emergency locum in for the surgery. Mal tells him he should just go but he refuses to leave his house in the hands of a couple of drug lords. Karl tries to call the school to warn Susan and Libby not to come home before yelling at Stonie to turn the TV off and do something useful. Sonny offers to go and
find Libby to keep her away until the stakeout is over.
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The undercover cop comes out of the coffee shop with food when he spots the suspects drinking outside Chez Chez.
. . . 
Back at number 30, Kimberly wants to know what's taking her partner so long with the food and Cody offers some her some of hers. Luke produces a postcard that's arrived from Gaby and asks Cody if she ever regretted staying in Erinsborough but she says no. Suddenly, Kimberly receives a call on the radio that the suspects have been spotted and Luke and Cody are clearly excited that there's a little action.
. . . 
As the cop watches the drug dealers outside Chea Chez they argue whether to go to Ramsay Street. One argues that the cops are a risk but the other is worried about having bills to pay. Finally they decide to go and the cop reports it on his radio.
. . . 
Karl is annoyed with Mal and Stonie and decides to turn off the computer to shut them up. The phone rings and he answers to be told by Kimberly that the suspects were sighted at Lassiter's and they're on their way. They all gather at the window to watch as a car pulls up in Ramsay Street.
The undercover cop watches from the bushes and confirms with Kimberly that she's got ths suspects in sight. Suddenly he panics when he sees Libby walking up the street but Kimberly tolds him to stay undercover as she probably lives nearby.
The men at the Kennedy house are horrified to spot Libby walking up the street and over at number 30, Kimberly warns the undercover cops to stand by.
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On the street, the drug dealers are heading to the Kennedy house when Libby approaches and asks if they need any help. Without warning, Sonny runs up the street shouting at them to stay away from a bemused Libby. One of them begins to struggle with Sonny, knocking Libby to the ground and the other produces a gun which he points at Sonny causing Libby to scream.
. . . 
Kimberly yells down the radio for the cops to go as Luke and Cody race to see what's happening.
At the Kennedy house, Mal points out the gun to Karl.
The police surround the dealer warning him to drop the gun as he's tackled to the ground by his accomplice and the gun goes off, sending a bullet through the window of number 30. Luke ducks for cover as glass shatters.
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Kimberly runs over to help cuff the dealers as Sonny and Libby assure her that nobody's hurt.
In number 30, Luke looks up breathless and tells Cody she can get up now that it's over. But Cody doesn't move. Tentatively Luke crawls over to find that she's been shot. Blood covers his hands as he races away for help.
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Notes: The scene in which the gun goes off was cut before airing in Australia. In the full scene which has been shown on Tarrant on TV, Cody is clearly seen being shot by a bullet before another gunshot rings out. Obviously this was deemed too graphic for airing and was censored. It explains the continuity error of why Cody is already lying on the floor when Luke ducks from the shot left in the episode. Additionally the BBC made minor cuts to the story involving Sam Kratz.
Comment: The episode marks a very unusual story for Neighbours to tackle, not only by allowing the drugs world to enter cosy Erinsborough suburbia but also the resulting shootout. The results are mixed with hammy acting from the stereotypical bad guys but genuine shock in Cody ending up as a gunshot victim.
Summary and captures by Jay