Jo arrives at number 30 to speak to Danni. She explains that had no right to say what she did and she didn’t mean to upset her, she was just tense from all the wedding plans. Danni explains that she put a lot of effort into the dress and they agree to put it behind them, with Luke pointing it that it’s a dress and not a cure for cancer. Jo invites Danni to the hen’s night and Danni explains that she can’t come as she’s minding Lolly, so Jo tells her to bring Lolly along anyway.
. . . 
Hannah is in her room, telling Helen about the woman who phoned. Hannah wonders how the woman on the phone could know the owner and Helen thinks it must be a descendent of Charlotte Sparrow. Hannah wishes she hadn’t done the newspaper interview and says that she’s the rightful owner because she found it. Helen tells her she must phone this lady to find out who she is.
Danni and Lolly arrive at the party. Libby compliments Marlene on the food and Marlene admits that most of it came from Susan and the pub. Jo tells everyone that there’ll be games later. Libby asks Danni if there’s any news about Cheryl and Brett and Danni says that they’re still waiting but probably won’t hear anything for a few days yet. She says that it’s the not knowing that’s difficult.
. . . 
Rob and Tony meet up at the pub and Rob admits that he probably doesn’t fit the picture of Rob’s ideal son-in-law. Tony says he has a few misgivings, particularly the lifestyle and big house. Rob assures Tony that he won’t let Jo get carried away with things and so Tarquin moves onto his next question – when is he going to get some grandkids. Rob is surprised by this, and admits that there aren’t going to be any.
Hannah arrives at the party and tells Libby how annoyed she is with her for printing that story in the newspaper. Libby is confused, and Hannah explains that Charlotte’s granddaughter phoned and is coming over tomorrow to pick up the doll that rightfully belongs to her.
. . . 
At Rob’s house, he and Tony are discussing the fact that he can’t have his vasectomy reversed. He says he’s consulted the best surgeons in the country and Tony says that he appreciates the honesty. Rob’s best man and business partner, Enzo arrives, and is somewhat over the top. Tony says it’s fine, as he’s known himself for going over the top from time to time.
Marlene is arranging a game where everyone has a famous person’s name stuck on their head. Meanwhile, Libby is suspicious of Bobby Etheridge, the doll’s owner and tells Hannah to make sure she’s the real thing. Jo then announces to everyone that although she wasn’t going to have a bridesmaid, she’s asked Danni to do the honours, wearing the original bridal gown.
. . . 
At the buck’s night, Sam quietens everyone down and announces the arrival of Tarquin, dressed as Tina Turner.
The following morning, at number 24, Libby is helping Marlene to clean up the final few bits and pieces from the party. They find a piece of paper with John Travolta written on it and remember Helen’s impression of him. They both wonder what’s keeping Joanna and Marlene says it’s chaos in the bedroom. Danni then appears in her dress, while Jo follows in her dressing gown, saying she doesn’t want to spill anything on the dress. Jo wonders where her dad is, saying that if he’s slept in after the party, he’ll be in big trouble.
. . . 
A woman arrives at the house, telling Hannah to call her Bobby, as everyone does. She invites herself in and asks to see the doll. Hannah says she has some questions, and Bobby says she’ll do her best to answer them.
Jo is convinced that her dad was up all night doing impersonations and won’t make it to the street in time, while Marlene is looking out the window. She tells Jo that she’d better put the dress on and Jo rushes up to the window to have a look. They see a horse and carriage in the street and Jo rushes out.
. . . 
. . . 
Jo thanks her father for the amazing surprise and he asks if she’s planning to marry Rob in her dressing down. She appears in her dress with Danni and Marlene following. Tony tells her how beautiful she looks and promises not to cry just yet.
Bobby tells Hannah how beautiful the doll is and how being buried must have somehow kept the hand-painted colours alive. She then looks at the diary. Hannah asks how come Bobby didn’t know about these things if Charlotte was her grandmother. Bobby explains that Charlotte died when she was only very young, and that Sparrow was her maiden name, before she married her grandfather, Ben Etheridge. Bobby then offers Hannah a photo she has of Charlotte, to dispel any final doubts. Hannah says that it could be anyone, until she sees it, and notices that the doll is in the picture. Bobby says that Charlotte would have been about Hannah’s age in the photo and Hannah tells her about Charlotte’s friend, Millie, in the diary. Hannah admits that the doll and diary must be hers and Bobby thanks her for finding them. Helen then knocks on the door and says they must get going or they’ll be late for the wedding.
. . . 
The grounds of Rob’s house are all ready for the wedding, while Sam is very impressed with the rotunda. Rob is convinced that Jo isn’t coming, but Enzo says that his second wife was three hours late and tells the vicar that Jo will be here soon. Sam tells Luke that Annalise is meeting him at the airport and just then, Jo arrives in the horse and carriage.
Back at number 26, Bobby is thanking Hannah for finding this link with her grandmother, before leaving. Hannah is upset, but Helen says that she’s done a wonderful thing for that lady. They then realise that they should get going, or they’ll miss the wedding.
. . . 
. . . 
The wedding march plays as Jo arrives in the carriage and Marlene begins to cry. Jo steps down from the carriage and walks down the aisle. The couple give their vows and put the rings on each other’s fingers. The reverend then pronounces them husband and wife and they kiss. Everyone stands up and claps.
Libby and Hannah congratulate Jo, while Marlene says she used up all her tissues. Sam appears and says he has to leave now. He tells Jo how beautiful she looks and she says to give her love to Annalise. Luke comes over and tells Sam to have a great trip and they hug. He hugs Hannah and then Marlene. She tells him that he and Annalise will always have a home with her. He tells her he loves her, before leaving, waving as he goes.
. . . 
. . . 
The wedding party are snapped by the photographer and everyone carries on chatting and drinking while Jo and Rob happily look at each other in the midst of it all.