Magic Moments > 1996 > Cheryl's Death: Part 1 Episode 2710
Written by Sally Webb, Directed by Robert Meillon
Darren shows Libby the squat he's rented for her; she says it is fine. Marlene and Cheryl are at the dining table discussing Lou, and Cheryl is worried that he will get custody of Louise. Catherine tells Stonie that she doesn't want to be with him any more...
Stonie is left speechless, and when Catherine says that she is sorry, Stonie sarcastically asks why she should be, as it is her who has called it quits. Stonie tells Catherine to leave. As she goes, he blames her decision on her sister Sarah, saying that after spending an hour with her chatting, she comes in and breaks up with him. Stonie says that he used to admire the fact that she made her own decisions, but that he guesses he was wrong. Catherine leaves the kitchen and heads into the main dining area of the Coffee Shop. Sarah asks her how it went, and the two girls walk out.
. . . 
Libby is in the flat trying to study, but finds it hard concentrating with a baby crying next door. Darren brings in a table for them to have dinner on, and fish and chips for them to eat. Libby thanks Darren for everything he's done for her, and says that things could be worse.
Sarah and Catherine are at Number 30. Sarah tells Catherine not to give herself such a hard time. Catherine says that she should have called it quits ages ago, and Sarah says that she had to do it. Catherine then says she has nowhere to sleep, and Sarah offers her a room at Number 30, as Luke is away. Sarah says she's sure Luke won't mind.
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Angie comforts Stonie in the Coffee Shop, and Stonie says he should have seen it coming. He says he knew she was distant, but that he thought she would come around. Stonie says there's no point in him hanging around Erinsborough, and that he should leave with Angie and Toadie instead. When he leaves, Angie grins to herself with delight that he has decided to go away with the family.
Karl enters Number 28 with the paper and speaks to Mal about Libby. He asks where Libby is, but Mal won't tell him. Mal says that she doesn't want Karl to know. Susan comes out and tries to keep the peace, and after Mal leaves she tells Karl to be patient, and that it is a good thing that Mal knows where she is. Karl says that Libby should have told him, and not her brother, where she's staying.
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Back at the flat, Mal visits to pick up Darren, and Libby tells him that they haven't had a chance to do the place up yet. Darren says he's going to decorate and that it will look fine in a couple of weeks.
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At the Coffee Shop, Mal and Darren are having breakfast when Angie approaches and asks Mal to support Stonie. When Mal asks what's happened, Angie says it would be best if he asked Stonie himself. After Angie leaves, Darren confides in Mal saying that he thought that anything would be good, after spending so long in jail, and he thinks that he's 'stuffed everything up' for everyone.
Catherine brings her suitcase into Number 30, and says that she's worried about Luke. Sarah says not to worry, and that Luke would be glad of someone to share the rent. Catherine says she's glad that no one was at the Rebecchi house when she went to pick it up. Just then there's a knock at the door. Angie enters and asks for her keys back. She accuses Catherine of sneaking away, and tells her off for stringing Stonie along for so long. Sarah jumps to her sister's defence and says that feelings change, and Angie glares at her. She sits back down. Angie says that in her day they did everything they could to fix things up before they broke up. She storms out.
. . . 
At the pub, Marlene approaches Cheryl, showing her a postcard Jo has sent them. Cheryl says that she thinks she's close to losing her family at the rate things are going. She says she hopes Darren sorts himself out, and Marlene says it will take a while, as he's stubborn like his mother. Cheryl then says that she's going to write to Lou about the custody battle over Louise, and extend an olive branch. She says she wants to try and sort everything out without putting Louise through hell, and says that she has to make the first move.
At the Coffee Shop, Sarah asks Catherine why she's returned. Catherine says she can't walk out on her responsibilities and leave Stonie and Angie in the lurch. Sarah says that they won't be expecting her to work. Catherine ignores her sister and goes to the kitchen to see Stonie. He tells her that she hasn't got a job anymore, and that she isn't welcome.
. . . 
Libby tries to brighten up her flat with some pot plants, but it doesn't cheer the place up. Mal and Darren enter, and say it looks great. Darren then surprises Libby by telling her to pack her things, saying she can't stay in a place like this, as she's come to the most important part of her schooling career, and needs to be at home.
. . . 
At Number 28, Susan returns from work and sees Karl rooting through Mal's account book trying to find out where Libby lives. They begin arguing over Libby and Susan says he'll make things worse if he doesn't let her go. She says they have no other choice.
Libby is furious at Darren, saying they should discuss this and decide together. Darren tells her the place is a dump and that she shouldn't be so proud. Libby says she doesn't want to give in to her dad, but Darren tells her she isn't giving in.
. . . 
Back at 28, Karl gets a call from a patient asking for him to housecall. He says it isn't an inconvenience and is about to head off when Libby returns with her bags. Karl and Susan are both overjoyed that she has returned. Karl says he has to go on a house call, but will speak to her later. Libby corrects him by saying that she'll do the talking, and that she wants to lay down some ground rules.
At Chez Chez, Cheryl is pleasantly surprised when she sees Darren. She says that she wanted to see him today, and he asks if he can move back in. She says that he can. She says that she missed him and was worried about him. He says it didn't work out like he thought it would, and Cheryl leaves to pick up Louise.
. . . 
Mal and Stonie are in the Coffee Shop. Mal tries to cheer Stonie up. Sarah struts in with Catherine's time sheet and claims that her sister is owed money. When she leaves, Mal is left awestruck at her beauty, and Stonie warns him to steer well clear of her, as he sees her as trouble.
. . . 
Cheryl is walking down a street with Louise in the pushchair. She tells her daughter about how she's had a great day today. Karl pulls up on the curb, returning from his housecall. He gets out the car and talks to Cheryl about Libby and Darren moving back into their respective homes, and how pleased he is. She says she feels the same, and that in hindsight, maybe they were too hard on them.
. . . 
Whilst they speak, Louise sees a dog across the road and climbs out of her pushchair to see it. Cheryl notices she has gone and sees the toddler running across the road...
. . . 
She rushes out after her without looking, and is hit by a car. A passer-by grabs Louise, and Karl lets out a shocked cry when he sees Cheryl tumble to the ground.
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Notes: The cameo role of the passer-by is played by Vanda Tolli, mother of Jiordan Anna Tolli (Louise). This episode originally showed Cheryl getting hit by the car. However, the original edit was cut, as the scene was perceived to be far too gruesome. In the end, Cheryl was seen running across the road, before falling to the ground, making it look as though she had simply fainted in the road! The uncut version was once shown on Tarrant on TV on ITV around the time it aired in the UK, but no channel has ever shown the episode in its original format.
Summary by Billy. Captures by Karl