Magic Moments > 1996 > Cheryl's Death: Part 2 Episode 2711
Written by Scott Taylor, Directed by Nicholas Bufalo
Darren asks Cheryl if he can move back home, and she’s thrilled. He warns her that his relationship with Libby is his business. Phil is told that Helen will be returning home. Cheryl is walking home with Lolly, when Karl pulls up and they discuss the good news that Libby and Darren are moving home. Meanwhile, Lolly wanders into the road and Cheryl runs out to stop her, but gets run down in the process…
Karl runs over to help Cheryl, warning her not to try to move. The motorist goes to phone for an ambulance while Karl asks the people standing around to look after Lolly and get him a blanket.
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Darren is at number 26, installing some handrails for Helen’s homecoming. He’s thinking about getting a present for his mum, and shows Hannah some earrings he’s got. Hannah is very impressed and suggests that Darren gives gifts to everyone. He tells her that he’s just happy that things are finally going right.
Cheryl is being helped by Karl when Danni comes across the accident and runs over, begging with Karl to do something, so Cheryl isn’t in pain anymore. He tells her that he can’t help her as she’s on anti-depressants. Danni is desperate, so Karl gives her a small dose of pain relief that won’t clash with her medication. He feels her pulse and starts to worry, and Danni is very concerned. Karl starts performing CPR on Cheryl…
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Helen arrives home and Phil explains that Darren has been making a few adjustments around the house. Phil then presents Helen with a cake that he’s made for her homecoming. Everybody is forced to pretend that it looks wonderful, and Helen is thrilled to be home.
Danni is in tears, while Karl talks to the police about the incident. He explains what he did to help Cheryl and offers to look after Lolly for the rest of the day, while the police go to question the driver.
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At number 28, Susan is impressed with Libby coming home, but they’re still not sure if Karl will come round so easily. Just then, Karl gets home with Lolly and Susan and Libby wonder what’s going on. Karl explains that there’s been an accident and Cheryl was run down and died before the ambulance could get there. Libby and Susan are stunned, and Libby runs off to tell Darren before the police do.
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Darren is leaving number 26 when Libby walks up to him in the street. She tells him she has some really bad news and that there’s been an accident involving Cheryl. Libby goes very quiet and Darren realises that his mum is dead. He is shocked and walks off.
Danni arrives at the pub and Marlene breaks the good news about Darren and Libby going home. Danni asks to speak to Marlene in the office and they go in there. Danni then explains about the accident and Marlene can’t believe it, saying that she was only speaking to Cheryl a short time ago. Marlene sits down, in a state of shock. Danni explains that Karl is looking after Lolly, and Marlene runs off, saying that she has to lock up the pub.
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Karl has to go and give a statement, while Susan tells him that she knows what he’s going through and will be there for him when he gets home.
Helen is at home, on the phone to Debbie, while Phil and Hannah make dinner. Phil has to rush out to deliver some papers to his publisher and gives Hannah instructions on what to do. Hannah goes to speak to Helen and asks if she needs anything. Phil then asks her the same question as he’s leaving, and Helen assures him that she’s fine and he has to stop fussing.
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Darren is at the morgue, in tears, when Marlene arrives. They hug and Darren explains that he’s just been in to see her, and she looks peaceful. He gets angry and punches the wall. He says that he can’t imagine her not being around to go home to. He starts to think about all the things he should have said, and says that she was always there for him, no matter what mess he got himself into.
Marlene is at number. Karl arrives home and tells Marlene how sorry he is. She asks Susan and Karl if they’ll look after Lolly overnight and they agree. Marlene says that it’s going to be a nightmare trying to track down Lou and Brett. Marlene leaves and Susan comments on how dreadful it all is. Karl says that things at the station were just routine, and he goes off to take a shower.
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At the pub, Danni is helping out and Darren offers to give her a break. Phil then comes in and starts making jokes about Danni and Darren being behind the bar. Danni explains that Cheryl was in an accident, and Phil says that he hopes it wasn’t anything serious. Darren tells him that Cheryl died, and Phil tells them how sorry he is, and suggests that they get someone else in to look after the pub for a while. They insist that they’ll be fine.
At number 28, Lolly is crying and Karl suggests singing to her. Susan tells him to look through Lolly’s stroller to see if he can find a toy. However, Karl instead finds a bottle of pills…
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Phil arrives home and takes Hannah into the kitchen with him. He breaks the news about Cheryl to Hannah, but says that they’re going to have to be brave and not tell Helen, as she wouldn’t be able to cope with it right now. They say that tomorrow they can think about Cheryl, but tonight they need to think about Helen.
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Susan finds Karl awake in the middle of the night looking at medical journals. She tells him that he did everything he could, but he explains that he gave Cheryl an injection to ease the pain, but now he thinks that might be what killed her.
by Steve