Magic Moments > 1997 > Harold and Madge Renew Their Vows Episode 2798
Written by Luke Devenish, Directed by Chris Adshead
Anne assures Billy that her new boyfriend has no problem with them because they are ‘just friends’. Catherine admits to Sarah that she told Mal about Darren. Sarah brands Cath a fool, and tells her she just told Mal to clear her conscience. Catherine insists she though Mal would appreciate her honesty, but Sarah says there is no honesty in kissing Darren...
Madge’s hen party is in full swing at the Kennedy house. Billy is sampling the food, and Susan tells him off for putting some of it back on the trays after licking it. Madge arrives, and Susan declares “Its the Blushing Bride”. Madge apologise to everyone for being late, but reveals she has just seen a belly dancer hired by Lou going into the Robinson house. Billy asks if she’s still outside, and Susan warns him to forget about it. Marlene says she’ll throttle Lou when she sees him, while Helen acts appalled by a belly dancer being in her home. Madge insists that Harold will make sure things don’t get out of hand, and Susan goes to get more drink. When she asks whose glass is empty, Helen quickly replies “Mine!”
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Over at No.26, the men are standing around anticipating the arrival of the “talented Kandii”. Everyone is eager to see what entertainment will be on offer, and Harold knowingly looks on.
At No.30, Cath is looking out the window at the activity across the street. Sarah joins her. Cath starts to lament about what happened with Mal, and asks Sarah why this happened and what she should do. Sarah asks if Cath has tried to talk to Mal again, but Catherine says he may never speak to her again. Sarah urges her to try again. Catherine starts to cry and says she feels ashamed.
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Madge, Marlene, Helen and the other women are peeking out the curtains in the Kennedy house looking for signs of the belly dancer at No.26. When things look like they’re getting rowdy and chants of “Harold! Harold!” begin, Marlene announces she is not having the tone of the street lowered and is going over. Madge and Susan go with her.
Kandii puts Harold behind a curtain just as Madge, Susan and Marlene arrive over. Madge demands that she’s had enough, but realises that Kandii is a magician after Harold waves from behind the curtain and the trick starts before Harold disappears.. Kandii introduces herself to Madge. Lou asks why the ladies have come over, and they say they were having such a wonderful time they had come over to see if the men wanted to join them. Harold returns through the front door, and asks Madge and the others if they are going to join them. They agree, Susan goes back to get the others and everyone else settles down to watch the rest of the show.
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Over at the Kennedys, Mal and Billy are huddled in the corner, and Mal says they are like strangers in their own home. Mal then starts offering food around to everyone, and asks Helen where Susan is gone. When Helen tells him Susan, Madge and Marlene have gone to stop the belly dancer, Mal suggests he and Billy go over, but Helen points out its probably too late now the three women have gone to put a halt to proceedings. Susan come back in and tells everyone the belly dancer was actually a magician and that everyone is to go over to join in the party at No.26. After the women are gone, Mal is relieved and says the last thing he wanted right now was a house full of women. Billy says he feels the same way, but Mal points out that at least Anne didn’t cheat on him. Mal suggests they’re both better off without women anyway. Susan comes back in and invites the boys over to watch Kandii. Billy agrees to go see her and leaves. Susan asks a depressed looking Mal if he had a chance to patch things up with Catherine yet. Mal says she doesn’t deserve to even talk to him again. Susan encourages Mal to talk to her since she was honest with him, but Mal says just because she was honest doesn’t mean he has to forgive her, before insisting its over.
As Susan arrives back at the bucks party, Kandii is turning a flower from Marlene’s garden into a dove. Susan tells Karl that she was trying to coax Mal into coming over. Karl says he can’t blame Mal for feeling the way he does, and Susan says she just wishes he would talk to Catherine. Harold tells Lou he should never have doubted that he would ever throw an evening that was anything but respectful, to which Lou angelically replies “As if.”
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Mal is sitting in the quiet of the Kennedy house when there is a knock on the door. He answers to find Cath on the doorstep. He says he doesn’t want to see her, and tries to close the door in her face. Catherine stops him, and says she realises what she did was wrong, but doesn’t want to be shut out. Mal closes the door in her face, and Catherine calls through that she loves him. Mal re-opens the door.
Billy and Anne bump into each other outside the Coffee Shop. Billy tells Anne about the “pumping” bucks party he has just left, and then feels funny when Anne tells him she had been out with Justin. Billy gets annoyed and tells Anne he wants the money Justin owes him back, accusing him of being a con artist.
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Catherine begs Mal to forgive her. He agrees to forgive her, and says if she has said everything she wanted to say, to leave. Catherine is devastated and leaves, just as Billy arrives home. Billy starts to complain to Mal about Anne and Justin, and says Anne can “forget it.” After Billy goes to his room, Mal says to himself “So can you, Cath.”
The next morning, the Salvation Army Band are playing at Lassiter’s Lake as the guests start to arrive for the wedding. Marlene says she is probably going to cry, Susan says she feels the same way, and when Karl asks if Helen will be joining the teary display, she concedes that there is every chance she will. Karl jokes with a hungover Lou and Philip, before Madge and Harold arrive. Helen notices that Madge is wearing the same dress she wore the first time she and Harold married. The Salvation Army officer asks Madge and Harold if they are ready to begin the service, but Harold asks if he and Madge can have a few moments alone. A worried Madge asks what’s wrong, and Harold says he is anxious because he can’t remember the first time they married. Madge assures him that she is there for him.
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A round of applause starts when Madge and Harold take their places as the ceremony begins. The officer thanks everyone for joining Madge and Harold in such a special day. The service begins, and Lou looks forlornly on.
At No.30, Cath gets up, and Sarah tells her she looks terrible. Catherine tells Sarah what happened with Mal the night before. Sarah tells her she did the right thing and she is proud of her. But Catherine says it’s not enough and she feels like she has thrown the whole thing away.
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Harold and Madge exchange vows. The officer declares their vows re-affirmed and asks Harold to kiss his wife. As Harold and Madge kiss, the band start playing ’Amazing Grace’. Lou congratulates Harold and tells Madge she looks beautiful and to be happy. Madge thanks Lou, and he watches her with a certain sadness as she and Harold receive further congratulations from the other guests.
Karl sees Billy leaving and asks him why he’s going. Billy tells Karl Madge and Harold have their own friends there, and when Karl asks him if he isn’t happy for them, Billy says he’s just not too happy himself.
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Sarah spots Anne drinking a milkshake at the Coffee Shop and jokes that at last she has found someone who isn’t going to the ball. Anne is unresponsive until Sarah goes to leave and she asks her for advice on guys. Anne tells her the date she went on with Justin was really nice until he forgot his wallet and they borrowed money from Billy. Sarah says that was nice of Billy, and Anne says she agreed with that view until Billy accused Justin of being a con artist last night. Sarah tells Anne that it looks like Billy likes her, and is finding it difficult to tell her so.
Harold gives a touching speech back at the Robinson house, where he thanks Madge - “his beautiful wife” and “most precious love” to which Madge replies that she loves him. A round of applause starts.
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Out on Ramsay Street, Lou, Philip, Karl, Susan and Marlene say goodbye to Madge and Harold. Madge thanks Marlene for everything, and says if things don’t work out for them in Brisbane they may be back looking for their house again. Lou and Madge hugs, and Harold shakes Lou’s hand, before Lou calls Harold ‘Jelly Belly’ one final time. Everyone starts laughing before Harold realises time is running out and he hurries Madge into the taxi to the airport. As the car pulls off, some old beer cans tied to the back start to rattle and Lou starts to laugh while everyone waves the happy couple off.
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Mal tells Karl and Susan he’s feeling much better now, and has made a decision. Now that there’s nothing or nobody holding him back anymore, he’s going to get out of Erinsborough and head off overseas.
Summary by Moe