Magic Moments > 1998 > Joel's Arrival Episode 3078
Written by Louise Le Nay, Directed by David Myles
Karl is annoyed with Sarah for having a long lunch with Kim, but she suspects that he’s actually jealous. Lily tells Anne that a construction company are planning to knock her house down, and Anne asks Libby to investigate the company for her.
At the pool, Caitlin is late for training again and Billy asks her why she’s been so unreliable lately. He tells her that maybe she’s taking on too much at the moment, but she tells him to mind his own business so she can get on with warming up.
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At the surgery, Kim is telling Sarah a story from the paper about a woman whose husband staged a pretend kidnapping, but the woman managed to lock the kidnappers in a barn and escape. Karl is not amused when he comes out of his room to find Sarah chatting to Kim and he asks to see her in private. Karl tells Sarah that he doesn’t want to see Kim socialising with her at work again, and explains that he is simply trying to run a professional business. She blurts out that he isn’t, before apologising and saying that it won’t happen again. Karl says that her relationship with Kim is none of his business, but they should keep it to after hours. She calls him ‘doctor’ and he asks why she’s doing that, when she doesn’t usually. She tells him that she’s just trying to keep things on a professional level.
Libby is doing some research into her story about the corrupt council officials and explaining to Susan about it. Susan suggests that they have a barbeque and goes to call Karl to see what he thinks. Billy arrives home from swimming.
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Sarah knocks on Karl’s door to tell him that a patient will be late. He apologises to her for being so rude earlier and she says that things are becoming quite awkward lately and she wants to resign. They are interrupted by Susan phoning. Sarah answers and hands the phone to Karl, before walking out.
A man knocks at number 28 and Susan is heard calling for Billy to answer it. When Billy doesn’t appear, Susan answers the door herself and the man introduces himself as Joel. Susan thinks he’s a friend of Billy’s, but he says he’s Mal’s friend from England. Susan is confused and Joel realises that Mal’s letter hasn’t arrived yet. He says that Mal said it would be ok for him to stay at number 28 and Susan is quite taken aback by all this.
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At number 30, Nick asks Caitlin if she managed to get her research done for her history assignment while she was out. She tells him that she did and reels off all the other things she also had to do. He tells her that there’s no need to be like that and then asks what she wants for dinner. She says that she doesn’t mind and he tells her that she’s running herself ragged at the moment. She tells him that she’s not going to give up on the swimming. He says that she has to try and take it easy from time to time, and that Joel phoned.
Joel tells Susan that he’s from Launceston, and that he was in England competing in a triathlon. He says he met Mal through some mates they were both staying with and apologises for Mal not writing ahead. He says he’ll find somewhere else to stay as he knows Simon from the pool. Susan realises that Simon is the same guy who trains Billy, and Joel says that he’s a good guy. Susan tells him that he can stay at number 28 and that she hopes that someone would do the same for Mal if it came to it.
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Sarah and Karl are finishing up and he offers her a lift home. She says she’s having a drink with Kim. Karl tells her to think about things before she resigns, explaining how convenient the surgery is for home and for uni. She says she’ll think about it and he asks if they can just go back to the way things were. She says that can never happen, and explains that she was attracted to him because of his maturity, but now she can see that he’s nothing but a little boy. He asks if she and Kim would like to come to the barbeque tonight and that they can try to be friends. She says she’ll ask Kim.
At number 30, Nick offers Caitlin some fruit and says she’s more cheerful since she spoke to Josh. She says she’s pushing on with her application for the institute of sport for next year. He asks if she’s spoken to mum, but she says it’s her decision what she does with her life. Just then, Sarah and Kim arrive home. Sarah goes to get ready for the barbeque and Caitlin asks Kim how he’d feel if one of his pupils got into the institute for sport. He says that, as a PE teacher, he’d be ecstatic. She says she’s like to go there, before glaring at Nick.
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At the Coffee Shop, Caitlin tells Billy that she’d have to work hard to make the grade, but it’d be worth it just to get away from Nick. He asks her how she’d feel to leave all her mates behind and she comments that she hasn’t really got any, apart from him and Anne. He asks her if she sees him as just a mate, and she says she does. He announces that he’ll be a girl-free zone this year, so he can concentrate on studying and she says she’d like to see that happen. He says it won’t be a problem, before asking Caitlin to the barbeque, then running off.
At number 28, Susan is looking for the sauce while Karl says that he has his reservations about Joel coming to stay, as they hardly know him. Susan says that Joel could hardly have made the story up and it won’t be for long anyway. Sarah comes inside looking for napkins, while Susan goes outside to help. Karl asks Sarah if she’s had any more thoughts about staying, but they get interrupted by everyone suddenly coming inside. Libby says she’s showing Karl’s daggy music collection to Joel. Joel and Libby are left alone, when the phone rings and it’s Mal. Joel goes to get Susan, while Libby explains to Mal what’s going on. Susan comes running in and grabs the phone from Libby and tells Mal about the barbeque. Libby comes inside with Karl and Billy, explaining that Mal’s letter went through the wash. Karl takes the phone and starts teasing Mal about his weight.
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Nick is watching tv when Caitlin appears in the doorway in her swimming gear. He looks confused and goes after her, as she heads out into the backyard.
Everyone is inside number 28, as their barbie was ruined by all the mosquitoes. Libby suggests that they get a mossie-proof gazebo, which Karl scoffs at. Kim says it was great and Susan calls him a gracious guest. Karl, Susan, Sarah and Kim head outside with their coffee and Susan explains that Karl thinks he’s got blue blood and that the mossies attack him first. Billy is asking Joel about his training and mentions Caitlin trying to get into the institute of sport. Joel says she’ll end up with no social life.
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Caitlin comes inside and Nick asks her what she’s doing, eating no dinner and standing there shaking. She says she can look after herself, then there’s a knock at the door. It’s Billy, asking Caitlin why she didn’t come over. He calls her a freak for swimming late at night and then mentions Joel being next-door. Nick asks Billy not to give Caitlin any more excuses to be obsessed and Caitlin walks off, ignoring Nick’s concerns.
At the pool the next morning, Billy introduces Joel to Caitlin. She tells him about the institute of sport and he says he and Simon are planning some cross-training.
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Karl is making a shopping list, while Susan is on the computer. Libby gets up after a lie-in and asks her father to add deodorant to the list. Libby says that she needs to get onto the computer when Susan’s finished, as she wants to do some more research for her article. Susan says she wants the kids at school to be able to get that sort of access on their computers.
Joel comes out of his meeting with Simon and meets up with Billy and Caitlin outside the pool. He says that Simon gave him a list of people to look at for his cross-training sessions. Caitlin asks if she’s on the list and Joel says that she isn’t. Joel explains that Simon said that she hadn’t been well lately and she says that she’s already back on form. Caitlin realises that Simon thinks she’s not even good enough and that he hasn’t got the guts to tell her.
by Steve