Magic Moments > 1998 > Susan Slaps Karl Episode 3110
Written by John Hanlon, Directed by Chris Adshead
Karl and Sarah are forced to spend the night in a motel, then the car breaks down on the way to the reception. Bill tells Susan that he thinks Karl and Sarah are having an affair. Karl arrives late to the wedding and Susan glares at him, while Phil and Ruth are pronounced man and wife...
At number 26, Hannah, Michael, Anne and Lou are preparing the house for the reception. Hannah gets annoyed with Anne when she tries to use some plates that used to belong to Julie. Anne takes Michael to one side and asks if Hannah is ok, he explains that she’s only just starting to realise how much change is going to be involved in all of this. He explains that she’s been through so much in the last few years, what with both Helen and Julie dying, and now a whole new family will be moving in. Lou hurries them both along, and Anne thanks Michael for being honest with her. The wedding party arrives and they all go out to greet them.
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Amy photographs Phil and Ruth as they’re coming up the steps to the house. Harold says it was a nice ceremony, and Madge says she shed a few tears at one point. Harold says he noticed that Susan was crying too. Karl catches up to Susan and asks her why she came home with the Bishops, and she tells him that now isn’t the time, as it’s the wedding of two of her closest friends. She says she’d rather attend the reception without him.
Hannah, Anne and Michael are in the kitchen, preparing drinks for everyone. Meanwhile, in the lounge room, Ruth sends her aunt off to get a drink and then chats to Susan. Susan remarks that Ruth and Phil are made for each other, and Ruth says that it takes one happy couple to know another. Ben comments that Lance and Amy seem to be back on track. Lou then quietens everyone down, and proposes a toast to the bride and groom. Ruth and Phil try to stop him before his speech, but he carries on, though everyone runs out the front door before he can begin.
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Out the back, Michael and Lance realise that they can skip all the speeches by staying by the barbie. Michael tells Hannah she’s coping really well, and that she’s doing better than he did with Julie. Madge comes outside and asks Harold to join her, he says that the smell of meat is everywhere. Amy then takes their photo, with Lance waving in the background.
Toadie arrives home to find Sarah there. She asks him if he had a nice time at the wedding, and he says that he didn’t, because Susan knows everything. Sarah is horrified, and asks how she found out. Toadie says it doesn’t matter, because the family will be torn apart. Sarah says that this isn’t what she wanted, but Toadie says that that’s the way it is.
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At number 28, Bill arrives home to find Karl doing some work. Bill says he wants to talk, he wants to know why Susan is upset. Karl says he doesn’t know, but then Bill asks what’s going on with Sarah. Karl says that Bill shouldn’t be listening to gossip, and Bill tells him to stop treating him like a child and tell him the truth. Karl tells his son to stop shouting, but Bill says he’ll shout all he wants, and he wants to know the truth, now.
Back at the reception, Lou is continuing with his speech, but everyone is starting to fall asleep. Susan, Ruth and Madge wonder how much longer he can go on. Hannah and Anne are getting food ready in the kitchen. Suddenly, the phone rings and Ruth answers. Lou ends his speech with another toast, and Phil rushes off to see Ruth, who says that her biopsy was all clear. Everyone is relieved.
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Bill asks Karl about his golfing trip and Karl admits that he went to find Sarah. Bill asks why he had to lie and Karl denies having an affair, but says he was trying to help Sarah with some personal problems. Bill accuses him of lying and says he stuck up for him when Toadie told him what was going on, but he should have realised that Toadie wouldn’t lie, unlike Karl. He storms out, leaving Karl devastated.
Back at the reception, Anne is telling Susan everything that they have in the buffet. Ruth tells them both about her results, and Anne hugs her mother. Ruth asks where Karl is, as she wants to tell him, and Susan says that he popped home. She then says she might not eat anything, as she’s lost her appetite.
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At number 30, Toadie says he’s going to move out, as he can’t handle what’s happening. Sarah says she’s not a slut, she just fell for the wrong guy and she’s sick of everyone trying to make her feel guilty. Toadie says that the Kennedys are like a second family to him and Sarah says that they’re good and she’s bad. Toadie says that Sarah isn’t bad, but he can’t support everyone at once.
Everyone is posing for Amy’s photos, then Ruth takes Hannah aside. She thanks her for lending her the ring during the wedding and Hannah says she glad that the test results were all clear. Bill arrives and asks Anne if they can talk.
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At number 32, Anne wonders if Toadie hasn’t got the wrong end of the story, maybe Sarah just has a crush on her boss? Anne isn’t convinced that Karl would cheat, and suggests that Bill stays away from his house for a while, and give his parents some space.
Michael congratulates his dad, while Ruth tells Ben how glad she is that he came. She tells Lance and Anne to behave themselves. Phil hugs Hannah, and then thanks Lou for everything he did for the wedding, but probably not the speech. They get in the car and everyone waves them off, while the car drives away leaving the cans behind. Lou is surprised, until Harold reveals a pair of scissors. Bill hugs Susan, as she heads home…
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Inside number 28, Susan is in tears, telling Karl how her own son had to tell her that her husband was cheating on her. He tries to make excuses, but she screams at him, saying how she trusted him. He tries to comfort her, but she screams again and slaps him, telling him not to touch her.
At the Coffee Shop, Toadie comes in, so Anne heads off, leaving him with Bill. Toadie apologises for what he said earlier, saying he didn’t mean to hurt anyone. He says it’s been so tough lately, and Bill asks him what he thinks is going on. Toadie says there are some intense feelings, but he can’t be sure. Bill apologises for what happened earlier that day and Toadie says he’s thinking about moving out. Bill says he’s worried about what’s going to happen, and Toadie starts to defend Sarah, until Bill stops him. Toadie says he’s not on anyone’s side, then he stops and says he’s actually on Susan’s side.
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Hannah, Anne, Ben and Michael are clearing up the leftovers when Lance comes in and says Bonnie will think she’s died and gone to heaven. Ben tries to work out how they’re all related now, and Hannah seems a bit distracted by it all, and tells Anne how weird it’s all suddenly become. Anne says she’s never had a sister before.
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Susan tells Karl how blind she’s been, and how humiliated she feels. She says she wants it all out in the open now. He says he loves her, but she says that’s just cheap and meaningless now. He tells her there was one kiss and she wants to know when it happened. He says it was six months ago and Susan is horrified that this has been going on for six months. She says that she’s been kept out of all the decisions about her future for six months and she’s not surprised that Sarah’s been avoiding her lately. He tries to get her to see reason, but Susan says she doesn’t want him in their house any longer, he can go and rot in hell.
by Steve