At number 28, Karl is telling Bill that his ideas for a workshop are good, but he needs to think it through. Susan says she agrees with them both, and Bill says he has six orders for cd racks from the Erinsborough fair. Karl says that anybody can make a cd rack, but Susan think that’s probably not true. Their argument is interrupted by Drew, who arrives to collect the keys for the Thunderbird, as the owner is waiting to pick it up. Susan asks Karl if he’s told the new owners that the car is reliable, and he tells her to stop sticking the knife in. Drew says it doesn’t matter anyway, as the new owner loves it. Karl goes out to see it off and Bill says that Karl didn’t even make this much fuss when Mal left home. Bill and Susan go outside to watch…
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Outside, Anne walks up to find Karl staring at his car. Bill explains to her what’s going on and asks if she wants to say goodbye too. She tells him that it’s a car and to get real. Susan asks Karl if he’d like some time alone and he asks her to stop mocking him. Libby then walks up and says good riddance to the car. Karl says that nobody understands what he’s going through. Drew then says he has to go and starts up the car. Susan is impressed that it even starts. Karl is annoyed that none of the family are showing any emotion as they go back inside and he’s left standing alone.
Inside the house, Libby tells Susan how different Mike is to Darren. Just then, Karl and Bill come inside and Karl mentions replacing the Thunderbird with a motorbike. Libby is shocked at her father’s hypocrisy after the way he reacted to Darren buying her a scooter. Everyone starts arguing until Bill screams out that his entire future is in the balance. Susan says she’s sorry, and that they’re very supportive of his plans, but they need more time to think.
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Amy meets Anne in the Coffee Shop and shows her and Harold her outfit for the pub that night. Harold tries to avoid the subject of the Full Monty and walks off. Amy tells Anne about her counselling to get over her fear of injections and gets Anne to grab her arm. She explains that she’s completely desensitized to it now, as that’s where they grab you before they put the needle in. Anne’s phone rings and she talks to someone before explaining that Phil’s been sequested and won’t be allowed home until the jury reaches a verdict. Harold brings drinks to Amy and Anne and he says he’s nervous about the Full Monty. He asks for a word with Amy and she says they can talk tonight. Anne tells Harold that Phil’s been sequested and Harold says it must be very stressful for him. Anne asks Amy to continue feeding the pets at number 26 until Phil returns. Amy then leaves as Bill walks in. Harold asks Bill if he’s thinking of ducking out of tonight’s performance and Bill says Amy would kill them if they did.
At the pub, Lou tells Amy how he’s sold heaps of tickets. Amy tells Lou that Drew’s the only one who’s mastered the dance routine, so everyone else will just copy him. Drew walks in, as Amy leaves to get the costumes. Mike then walks in and asks Drew if he’s nervous. Drew admits it’s getting worse. Lou asks Mike if he and Libby have had a tiff and he wonders if anything is private between the residents of Ramsay Street. Lou says it’s a shame Mike won’t be able to take part tonight and then says that it won’t be too bad for Drew and the boys, if everything goes according to plan…
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Karl and Susan arrive home from shopping to find Bill and Anne waiting for them with tea and biscuits. They explain that they need to talk as Bill’s been thinking about his future and looking at rental properties. Bill explains that he’s deferring uni and enrolling in tafe. He says he’s going to work it all out so he needs the bare minimum outlay for his business and if it all goes wrong, he’ll fold it and go to uni next year. Karl is impressed with his thinking and says he’ll help him out. Bill is thrilled and starts jumping around the room and promises to stand between Karl and the audience at the Full Monty.
At number 22, Libby brings Drew some flowers to wish him luck. He says he feels like throwing up and she says that Bill isn’t too nervous, as he’s so vain. Libby says she’ll be in the front row and Drew tries to talk her out of coming. She tells him to break a leg and he says that’s not a bad idea. Libby says that Amy’s told everyone how good Drew is and hugs him.
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At the pub, Lou and Amy are worried that none of the boys have turned up yet. Lou says they’ll be lynched soon and Amy decides to go and look for them, while Lou panicks. Harold turns up and says he’s examined his conscience and can’t do it, but Lou isn’t listening and sends him into the dressing room. Harold realises he’s the only one who’s turned up and Lou tells him he may have to strip alone.
Back at number 28, Karl, Bill, Joel and Toadie are drinking and wondering whether to pull out. Karl worries about his reputation as a doctor and Joel says that if Drew and Harold are doing it, then so are the rest of them. Karl realises he can’t do it, but then Amy bursts in and tells them that Harold is ready and raring to go. She refuses to listen to any excuses and says that if they won’t do it, then they need to get up on the stage and tell the audience themselves. They all wonder where Drew is, and Amy says she’ll go find him, while the rest of them get ready. The boys are convinced that it’s all going to go horribly wrong.
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Libby, Susan and Mike arrive at the pub and Mike says he feels outnumbered with all the women there, but Lou says there’s a whole footie team in the audience. Susan thinks Lou seemed a bit odd, but Mike says that Lou always seems that way to him.
Amy is banging on the door of number 22, trying to talk Drew into taking part. She starts begging him…
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At the pub, Harold is ready and is seriously panicking in the dressing room. Lou says the others aren’t here, so he’ll go and introduce Harold and get on with it. Just then, the others arrive and she tries to reassure them all and tells them not to forget their steps. Karl tries to talk to Harold, but he’s slipped into a trance…
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Out in the pub, everyone is waiting. Lou is worried that Drew hasn’t arrived yet. Amy goes up and starts introducing the performance and tells everyone that it’ll be very special. Drew sneaks in and everyone is relieved to see him. The boys leave Harold, who still isn’t moving and they go out onto the stage.
Everyone cheers them on all the way through the performance.
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Lou prepares to turn the lights off at the end of the show, but a man comes up to him and starts to complain about the show. As the boys get to the end and use their hats to cover themselves up, they wait for Lou to turn off the lights…