At the church, Trent, the best man, is trying to reassure Peter that everything will be fine. The reverend arrives late and explains that he’s just come to a funeral and after the wedding, he’s going to a baptism, so everything’s backwards. The reverend asks where the bride is, and nobody seems to know. Just then, Lou comes in and asks if the organist came with Reverend Cross. He explains that Lou didn’t book the organist, so there isn’t one. He suggests that one of the wedding party might be able to play. Joel comes in and says that Sarah hasn’t arrived yet. Reverend Cross jokes that she might have changed her mind.
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Karl and Sarah are rushing to the wedding and Sarah is convinced that everyone will have gone home by the time she gets there. Karl tries to reassure her that they’ll all be there waiting.
Lou has convinced Billy to play the keyboards, but he’s not very good. Harold comes over and offers to take over. Libby arrives at the church and exchanges a glance with Drew, while Joel videotapes them. Susan and Libby wonder if Sarah has changed her mind. Harold starts playing the organ very badly and Lou asks Susan if she can play. The Reverend explains to Peter that he’s due at the baptism in an hour and Peter is convinced that something has happened. Reverend Cross asks Peter if there’s any possibility at all that the bride may have changed her mind for any reason…
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In the car, Karl is trying to cheer Sarah up with tale of wedding disasters and assures her that in a few years’ time, they’ll be laughing about this. Suddenly, the car starts making strange noises and Sarah is horrified to realise that they’ve broken down.
Peter and Trent sit at the front of the church, looking very worried. Phil and Ruth arrive and Amy asks them if they’ve seen Sarah. Lance asks Amy what she did to scare Sarah out of coming to her own wedding. Lou is thrilled when Ruth offers to play the organ. Libby and Drew keep on looking at each other across the church. Amy starts videotaping Peter and Trent, and they admit that they haven’t heard a word from Sarah…
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The police arrive at the scene of the car breakdown and Karl explains the situation. Sarah tells the cop where they’re going and he says that they were heading in the wrong direction. The cop first mistakes Karl for Sarah’s father, then for the bridegroom, which finally causes Sarah to smile, then he takes them to the church in his police car, with the sirens on.
At the church, Ruth is doing a half-decent job of playing the organ. Peter is ready to give up on Sarah, but Amy tells him to hang on in there. The Reverend says it looks like there isn’t going to be a wedding and Peter agrees and gets them to stop the music. He stands up to tell everyone, when they suddenly hear the sirens outside the church.
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Everyone rushes outside and is very surprised to see the police car. Libby and Susan are very unimpressed to see Karl get out of the car. Amy asks Sarah where she’s been, and she says she’ll explain later…
Sarah walks up the aisle on Lou’s arm and lifts her veil as she stands next to Peter. While they’re saying their vows, Karl looks at Susan, who turns away from him.
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The church bells ring as Peter and Sarah emerge as husband and wife, and he wipes a tear from her cheek. Madge and Harold congratulate them, as do Lance and Joel. Susan congratulates her quickly and moves on, while Karl admits he’s impressed that they even made it to the church. The photographer is gathering everyone together for the group photos, but Sarah goes off to freshen up. Lou tells Peter that he’ll have to get used to being kept waiting by Sarah.
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Karl runs into Sarah out the back of the church and she thanks him for everything he did for her today. He apologises for the breakdown and she says it all worked out fine in the end. She asks if he’s happy and he says he is, and that she obviously is too. He tells her how radiant she looks and leans in to kiss her on the cheek, but they can’t resist each other and start to kiss, passionately. They suddenly stop when they hear Peter calling for his new wife…
The wedding party are gathered for the photos and Sarah thanks Lolly for being her flower girl. Peter thanks his best man and he says he should wait until after the speeches. Sarah tells Tad that she’ll never forget living with him and then Amy suddenly announces that Sarah should throw the bouquet, which Lance catches, much to everyone’s amusement. Lou stops Peter and Sarah and shouts something, at which point a horse-drawn carriage appears to take them to their reception. Lou tells Sarah that he hopes she’ll be happy and the couple get in the carriage and start throwing confetti over everyone. Everyone cheers and waves as they leave.
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At number 28, Ruth and Susan are having drinks and Susan admits that she was slightly worried when Karl arrived with Sarah. Ruth says that she hopes Sarah will be very happy now… at her new home in Amsterdam. Susan says she’ll drink to that, and Libby appears, asking what’s so funny. Susan says they’re just drinking to happy endings, and Libby says she’s glad she went. Ruth says that Drew was looking good and Libby pretends that she didn’t notice. Ruth leaves and Susan tells Libby that she’s glad to have closed that chapter. Libby realises she’s late for her shift at the pub and leaves, saying how convenient it is, since her mum obviously doesn’t want to talk.
Amy arrives at the pub and Libby tells her how stunning she looked today. Amy says that Lance would never admit it and Libby points out that her and Lance seem to give each other as good as they get. Geri comes in and says she’s meeting a friend and Amy asks why she bothers with their little local, and Geri says it’s not a bad pub, but the staff could be friendlier.
. . . 
Karl arrives home and sits down. Susan says it was lucky he was around that afternoon to help Sarah. Karl says that despite everything, Sarah still managed to look stunning and Susan agrees. Karl then looks awkward and gets up, leaving Susan glaring.
At the pub, Drew comes in and Amy says he looks great today. Amy and Libby are both shocked when Drew goes over and sits with Geri.
. . . 
Karl and Susan are in bed and he looks over at her and asks if she’s asleep. She doesn’t respond, so he turns over. She then opens her eyes…
Notes: The song 'Flowers', which is heard over the montage where Peter and Sarah take their vows, is sung by Janine Maunder, who provided the Neighbours theme tune vocals between 2002 and 2007.