. . .
. . . 
Michelle is still feeling ill and Lyn asks Joe to find
her a hot water bottle. Lyn starts looking for one,
claiming the house is a mess and smells of dog, then
she notices Susan standing behind her and introduces
herself and Joe. Susan explains that they weren’t expected
for another few days and that the cleaners were coming
and Lyn is embarrassed, and keeps calling Susan ‘Sue’,
so she corrects her. Lyn apologises for everything and
claims that Susan always seems a bit old-fashioned.
Susan leaves and Joe finds the hot water bottle. He
tells Michelle to take it easy and as soon as everyone’s
gone, she grabs her stuff and runs to the bedrooms.
. . . 
and Lance are watching the Scullys from number 30, when
Lance sees Bill coming over. Anne tries to leave, but
Toadie opens the door before she has a chance to and
there’s an awkward few moments as he apologises for
missing Ruth and Phil leaving. Toadie asks Bill what
the new girls are like.
the Coffee Shop, Libby is trying to explain to Drew
why she feels so strongly about going overseas. She
explains that she’s going to go, even if he won’t. He
says she should go, as he won’t be able to stop her.
She seems taken aback by his reply and she wonders what’ll
happen if she decides to stay there. He says they’ll
cross that bridge when they come to it.
. . . 
at number 28, Libby’s telling her parents that she’s
annoyed that Drew’s just letting her go. Susan blames
Karl for spoiling her. They all then go back to watching
the new neighbours and Susan thinks Lyn seems nice.
She says Karl should go and offer a hand with the furniture.
. . . 
the Scully house, the girls are arguing over which bedroom
they get. Steph says that she should get her own room
as she’s the eldest. They all start shouting and Joe
tells them all to be quiet and says that they’ve got
a nice new house and if they don’t stop arguing, he’ll
have to start smoking again. They all tell him not to
and get back to work. Flick suddenly has an idea for
getting the work done…
arrives at number 30 and introduces herself, asking
the boys if they’ll help lift the furniture. Lance and
Toadie offer to help and then Billy appears from the
kitchen and Flick seems very taken with him.
. . . 
boys are helping unload and Lyn keeps calling Toadie
‘Bullfrog’, much to Lance’s amusment. Flick is busy
watching Bill and Joe tells her to do something.
number 26, Susan is cleaning the windows, while watching
the Scullys. Libby claims that she could leave for 6
months and Drew would barely notice. Susan tries to
get Karl to go over and help, while Libby continues
complaining, before noticing that her parents have gone.
. . . 
and Bill come in with the sofa and Lyn can’t work out
where to put it, claiming it doesn’t go with the terrible
décor. Lance says his mum quite liked it. Lyn sends
Steph to the Coffee Shop to get some food for the workers.
Karl and Susan walk in and Lyn asks if they want any
food, but Karl’s already eating a banana.
. . . 
and Drew are discussing their love lives at the Coffee
Shop. He tells her she should be sure that Fanto is
the one for her and she’s not just trying to avoid Bill.
Just then Steph comes in and introduces herself. She
asks what he does and he explains he’s a mechanic. She
says she is too and that they’ll get on really well.
introduces Joe to Karl and Joe says that all the heavy
lifting’s been done now, which is just as well, as Karl
wouldn’t want to hurt his surgeon’s hands. Lyn asks
Susan what she does and Flick and Michelle aren’t impressed
to hear that she’s the local principal. Lyn says she’s
a hairdresser and compliments Susan on her hair, saying
she can help with the split ends. The boys arrive with
the last of the stuff and Joe says he’ll have them all
over for a barbeque at some point. Everyone leaves,
and Joe thinks Karl’s a bit stuck up, but Lyn thinks
he seemed really nice.
Bill says he’s off to Pinhead’s, so Lance offers him
a lift. Susan and Karl walk by and she says she’s worried
she won’t get on with Lyn, before trying to find some
split ends.
. . .
. . . 
the Coffee Shop, Steph is telling Drew that she can’t
trust her bike to anyone, so she might need him to lend
a hand from time to time. Libby comes in and Drew introduces
them to each other. Steph leaves and Libby jokingly
claims that that’s the reason why he wants her to leave
the country. Libby says she knows he’s using reverse
psychology on her.
Scullys are eating the food from the Coffee Shop and
gossiping about the neighbours. Steph tells Flick there
are some nice guys, but Joe says Flick wouldn’t be interested.
. . . 
is driving Bill when he says they’re going in the wrong
direction. Lance says he’s taking some stuff to Anne,
but Bill insists he stop the car. As he’s getting out
he accidentally knocks the box of letters onto the road.
When he realises what they are, he says he’s taking
them back and storms off, with Lance calling after him…
. . . 
by Steve