Magic Moments > 2000 > Dione's Arrival Episode 3459
Written by Jeff Truman, Directed by Gary Conway
Libby tells Geri that she only took for photo for their exclusive scoop, but Geri says that if she doesn’t get her credit where it’s due, there’ll be hell to pay...
Joel and Toadie are all dressed up in suits, getting ready to go out on the town and pick up some women. Toadie reminds Joel of what Anne said about impressing females, and says that they’ll just have to make up some new personalities for themselves, and they can’t fail.
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Joe and Lyn are checking out the new car outside number 30 and they realise that the boys have hired it to help them pick up women. Joe reminds them about the cricket match tomorrow, and not to stay out too late.
At the pub, Libby and Geri are arguing over who gets the main credit for their story. Geri storms off and Libby follows, meanwhile, Lyn, Joe and Bill come into the pub. Libby says that Geri’s problem isn’t with the story, it’s with Drew. Geri denies this, before leaving. The cricket meeting begins, and Steph is worried that her dad is putting too much faith in her. Libby joins them and starts bagging Geri, and Lyn tells Joe to stop bullying his team. Joe tells them about Toadie and Joel going out, and they explain to him that he’s got no chance of seeing them turn up to the game tomorrow.
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Toadie and Joel are chatting up a girl at Foxy’s, telling her that they’re in IT and have just returned from the States. They ask her how they should spend all their money, and she suggests they buy some new clothes. They start arguing, and then decide to go and mingle.
The cricket meeting continues, and Lou suggests that Steph is their secret weapon. Everyone gets ready to leave, while Drew and Libby stay behind. Libby apologises for leaving the meeting, explaining that Joe’s a bit full-on. Drew is worried about the pressure being put on Steph, while Libby is worried about Geri’s threats. Drew tells her to just ignore Geri, but Libby explains that she has to put up with her at work everyday.
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Joel and Toadie spot two girls at the club, and they start edging closer to them. They walk up to them and ask if they’re alone. They say that they are, so Toadie introduces Joel as a famous Argentinian soccer player, and the girls seem impressed. Joel does some kind of bizarre accent, and the girls offer to buy them some drinks.
The evening continues, and Toadie explains that he’s just joined his brother’s legal practice. Vanessa asks how they met, and Toadie explains that he was in Argentina where his family have interests in livestock. Joel then looks confused and says ‘si’ and Toadie says that Joel doesn’t speak much English and is very shy around the ladies. The girls explain that they’re sisters, Dione’s a model and Vanessa’s a fashion designer. Joel slips up and Toadie covers for him, while the girls explain that they’ve just inherited some money from their grandmother. The boys think they’ve scored very well.
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Joel, Toadie and the girls arrive back at number 30 and the girls say it’s not quite the house they were expecting. Toadie explains that he just bought the house, but his architect is coming in next week to sort things out. The girls go to powder their noses, while Joel starts getting angry with Toadie, explaining that although they’ve got two gorgeous women in the house, he can’t communicate with them.
Steph gets up in the night to find Joe watching TV, unable to sleep. He’s watching the soccer, and Steph wonders if Jack’s there. Joe says how lucky he is with a footballer for a son and a champion cricketer for a daughter. Steph is about to say something, when Lyn comes in and has a go at them for being up so late. Joe leaves, telling Steph not to worry about the game tomorrow.
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The boys at number 30 party the night away.
The following morning at the cricket pavillion, the game’s going well for Erinsborough. Joe gathers everyone together and tells them they’re playing like old women, he then has a go at Joel and Toadie, saying they should either pick up their game or go home. Joe says that Steph is their main hope to catch up the 150 runs, or they can kiss the final goodbye. Steph looks worried.
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Libby is working at the pub, when Geri comes in. Geri mocks Libby for working behind the bar, and Libby tells her that this one story isn’t going to make her into an A-grade journalist. Geri says that Simon, the editor, was very impressed with her story, but he insisted that they share the front page byline. Libby says she’s past caring. Dione and Vanessa come in and order cocktails, so Libby goes to check the book. The girls talk about what a great night they had last night, and they wonder if the boys really believed that they were twins. Geri overhears them mention a famous soccer player and asks if she could have a chat with them about their story…
The cricket match continues, with Drew and Billy batting. Jeff goes up and plays fairly badly, before getting caught out. It’s then Steph’s turn to bat and Joe puts more pressure on her to win them the game. She begins her game and is playing very well, until Toadie gets caught out and Joel goes up. He knocks the wickets over straightaway.
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Dione and Vanessa tell Geri about the guy they met last night and when they mention that he was staying in a house on Ramsay Street, and that it was number 30, Geri realises what’s going on. They describe the boys and Geri says that she’s got some news for them…
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The cricket match continues and Erinsborough have 148, only needing two more runs. They’re all praising Steph, and Jeff thinks they’re going to win, but then Steph misses the ball and the wickets are knocked over. Everyone is stunned and Steph looks devastated.
by Steve